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Everything posted by Bpremji

  1. Hi guys, I have updated the spreadsheet accordingly.
  2. Hi Lidsy and getSunshine, I have added your details to our spreadsheet too..
  3. I think a lot (if not all) of it is done electronically if you lodged your visa application on line....I could be wrong though
  4. Hi mate...I can see where your coming from, for me it all depends on the DIAC updates and see how quickly they are progressing, when it hits May Im going to go for it, not sure where you are based and how long the waiting list is for Meds. I think its only around 2-3 weeks here in the UK.
  5. I have locked it down for now, Im quite happy to make the updates from posts in the threads...
  6. Not sure whose been playing with it, but Ive changed it back....
  7. Great news bogdan....well done mate... As you said DCAL the white spaces in the spreadsheet seem to be disappearing for Jan 2010 applicants...even some Feb applicants are getting a CO... Whats everyones opinions/thoughts on getting Meds and Police checks done prior to getting a CO...in my case I lodged on 21st June 2011 so Im thinking once they start allocating late May 2011 applicants I may book my meds and police checks as it seems if all is in order the CO doesnt even contact you.....
  8. Not sure how this will affect the outstanding Cat 4 applicants who haven't got a CO but it looks like Victoria released their SMP today and it looks like all the IT positions have been made available again... Heres a link: http://www.liveinvictoria.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/225920/SBMP-State-Sponsorship-Occupation-List-for-Victoria-FINAL-September-2011.pdf
  9. To be fair to rahulpatel, if you look at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqEBgay7xfFvdEpQS2NMbTItV1o5bTctcE4wa1pVWHc&hl=en_GB#gid=1 some Feb 2011 applicants have got a CO
  10. Hi littlegreenman..I have added you to the spreadsheet, Im sure Tanya will add you to the thread when shes on next...:biggrin:
  11. Hi Tania, According to the First Post Zeeshu got a CO on the 21st July 2010...
  12. Great news!!!....Congratulations....Looks like they are allocating 2011 applications too...
  13. Hi...Yes its a Google Online Document so you would need to get to it from the link provided...just save it to your favourites in IE/Chrome/Firefox
  14. Added....Just need everyone to populate it...:biggrin:
  15. Cheers....If anyone can think of any columns that may help, just shout and I will try and get them added on.. Oh...if anyone does update their details on there, can you please update the 'Date Updated' column so we know how upto date your record is....Thanks
  16. No Probs... Ive added another column showing how long each applicant has taken to get a CO....wont mean too much at the moment as the figures are very high due to the backlog but hopefully in a few weeks we should be getting a better idea of how long applications are taking to get a CO... As you can probably tell, its a SLOW day at work today...
  17. Hi Jambos...I have added you on to the spreadsheet
  18. Hi DCAL, I went down the list and Im pretty sure I added everyone....I have just been into the sheet and someone had applied a filter to the visa type so it could be that you will need to remove any filters...but apologies if I have missed anyone off... Jambos, your not on there, feel free to post your details and I'll add you on and Im sure Tania will add your details to the front page...strange you cant access this spreadsheet, its just a second sheet on the original one...
  19. Thanks Mandy... It does seem to show that they have allocated CO's to all LR 175 applicants up until then end of 2010...which can only be a good sign... Tania, when you get a chance could you add the link to the first post please?
  20. Hi guys, Hope you all dont mind but I have put the everyones details from the first post in an online spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqEBgay7xfFvdEpQS2NMbTItV1o5bTctcE4wa1pVWHc&hl=en_GB#gid=1 Its basically the same information from the first post in a spreadsheet view. I will try and keep the spreadsheet up to date with information you guys provide in this thread but feel free to update any info yourself. Hope it helps.....
  21. Guys, I'm sure this has been done somewhere else already but I have put the following spreadsheet together: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqEBgay7xfFvdEpQS2NMbTItV1o5bTctcE4wa1pVWHc&hl=en_GB Its shows the movement by DIAC for Cat 4's since they started using the weblink instead of the gsm email. Todays update shows some real promise that they might reached the fabled target of allocating most Cat 4's by the end of the year.....heres hoping anyway.
  22. Trax, I believe you get it from here: http://www.acpo.police.uk/NationalPolicing/ACROCriminalRecordsOffice/PoliceCertificates.aspx
  23. Hi dfrolic, Do you know what team your CO is from? I wonder if its team 2 again as these guys seem to be motoring through the applications..
  24. Priority 3 175, 176,475 - 16 August 2011 Priority 4 175, 176,475 - 9 September 2010 Not great news for us Cat 4ers moved 14 days since the last update which was 14 days ago....:sad:
  25. Congratulations jai... looks like they are picking them out in date order.....yours being the earliest on this thread...
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