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Everything posted by Bpremji

  1. Hi mate, Have a look at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqEBgay7xfFvdEpQS2NMbTItV1o5bTctcE4wa1pVWHc&hl=en_GB#gid=1 This is a spreadsheet of the people on this thread, feel to add you details to the thread and I will add you to the spreadsheet. Regarding the DIAC updates, the date they give is the date that they have reached but some teams are working faster than others, team 2 seem to be very quick, if your application is batched to them you are one of the lucky ones. As you will see from the spreadsheet nearly all March and April applicants on this thread have a CO , even a early May applicant...
  2. Just had a look at beupdate.co.uk and a couple more May applicants have got a CO...so it looks like DIAC are still progressing....:biggrin:
  3. Guys, As I said in a previous post, I would wait for a May applicant to get a CO, now that we have Ive bitten the bullet and booked our meds for Sat 19th November.....
  4. Tania, Can you add this link to the front page please? http://www.immi.gov.au/living-in-australia/settle-in-australia/beginning-life/_pdf/eng.pdf Got some really good info on there, hopefully will answer a lot of questions....
  5. Does anyone know how strict DIAC are with PCC's and the 10 year rule? My wife has been in the UK for 9 years and 6 months (she is originally form Kenya), I have got our UK PCC's and they have come back with 'No Trace' :biggrin: I know getting a Kenyan PCC with be a real pain in the rear end as she will have to go and have her fingerprints taken and then send the paperwork off to Kenya which could take forever.... Is it possible that DIAC may not ask for the Kenyan one at all or should I really start the long and painful process of getting a Kenya one....
  6. Agree, dont like that blank space in there, I have deleted Siri from the sheet, we can always had him/her back in if they rejoin the thread...
  7. Hi Rahul, The 1st April has already been taken, please choose another....
  8. Congratulations to SHandGH for getting the exact date in last fortnights update.... :notworthy:
  9. Great stuff, May applicants are starting to get allocated... Tania, can you also update vbulsara, he got his visa this morning....another one out of the oldies to get a visa....
  10. Well done bj27...you were makin the spreadsheet look untidy :biggrin: Do you know what team your CO is in?...might give us an indication if that teams running slower than other
  11. Got the wifes's PCC back today...sent off the paperwork by standard service on the 18th October, so it looks like they are being turned around pretty quickly
  12. I dont think it is as ark only has 1 post on PIO against his name.... Ark, if you post your details, we'll add you to the thread and spreadsheet Cheers
  13. Excellent stuff, I have updated the spreadsheet. After a slow start to March we only have 3 left on the spreadsheet......dont think it will be long before the May guys start getting a CO
  14. Hi guys, My agent asked me to fill in form 1276 for the application and a Form 80 for each adult before she lodged our application. When I check the documents that are uploaded the Form 80's are both there. Bharat
  15. Are you sure Sue?......This year wasnt a leap year
  16. Hehe.....Cant have that one either....Im sure the spreadsheet will throw a wobly when I try and do the calculation on it...:biggrin:
  17. Hi bj27, Unfortunately the 28th Feb is already taken....
  18. After a suggestion from tostar I have added a new column to the spreadsheet, column N, showing the time taken from getting a CO to getting a grant...
  19. Hello all, Its that time of the fortnight again (dont they seem to come around quick) for your predictions.... Dont forget you cant have a date that has already been taken... As Feb was a short month Im going for 10th March 2011
  20. Code for I've got a CO...Pink me up :biggrin:
  21. I really wished I had found this forum before I paid £1800 to my agent.....pretty much every question I have thought of has been answered on the forum somewhere
  22. Guys, This is quite an interesting post for anyone due to have meds soon: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/130239-emedicals-tip-worth-knowing.html I have just logged into my application site on DIAC and clicked through to the PDF's.
  23. Hi blech, Its the million dollar question at the moment, it all depends on how quickly you think you'll get a CO. The problem is that your initially entry date is dependant on the earlier date of either your PCC or Meds... If you have to do 3 lots of police checks, depending on how long they take in each country it may be worth starting sooner rather than later. Heres the links for the UK PCC: http://www.acpo.police.uk/NationalPolicing/ACROCriminalRecordsOffice/PoliceCertificates.aspx and heres the link for where you can have your meds: http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/overseas/u/united-kingdom/panel-doctors.htm All the best.
  24. We already have, srr has a CO :biggrin:
  25. Hi blech, I have added your details to the spread sheet Bharat
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