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Everything posted by WeegieDave

  1. For a virus with a 99.8% recovery rate we just need to get on with life. The fear mongering by mainstream media has been atrocious! It’s really a mild virus. What about all these hundreds of people who have tested positive in hotel quarantine on return back into Perth? How many have died or been hospitalised??...Zero! The most terrifying thing about this virus is the way Governments are behaving!
  2. I don't think the criteria is unclear and the online application page is still active... https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Citi/pathways-processes/Application-fees-forms-and-appeals/Citizenship-online-applications
  3. I don't see anything happening in the WA economy to suggest the housing market is going to pick up anytime soon. The population is still shrinking and more skilled workers are leaving Perth than there are moving in. The Perth of just now is a sign of the next 5 years in my opinion. The boom created a false economy, banks were throwing out cash and people were blind sighted and getting carried away like the good times were never going to end. I bought a house in the peak but I am quite enjoying the more 'normal' Perth now.
  4. I agree 100%. The boom created a false economy and a culture of greed and narcissism that it's still struggling to shake off! I work in the mining industry but I am quite enjoying the more realistic and grounded WA now.
  5. It's quite a quick process but just depends where you want to live and what type of property you want for your $350 per week. It is a renters market at the moment though. Definitely opportunity for negotiation.
  6. Since the opening of Elizabeth Quay the Lucky Shag prices have went up quite a bit. They are really cashing in on the location. I bought a pint of Asahi (which i think is brewed in Victoria) and was charged $15. Couldn't believe it!! The food menu isn't as varied and as good as it used to be either. I tend to avoid the place now.
  7. Even though I live in WA and get plenty of rays on my skin I still take a Vit-D supplement as when ever I am required on site we are forced to cover up with long sleeved shirt, long trousers, brimmed hat and sunscreen which basically blocks out the sun. I take a 1000 ui vitamin D supplement along with a K-2 which apparently aids the digestion and absorption of the vitamin D supplement. It's amazing how many people are deficient in vitamin D in Australia due to covering up and sunscreen etc. A woman who was a friend of my family's spine basically crumbled away which was later discovered to be living most of her life deficient of Vitamin D. It can have terrible consequences in overall health.
  8. Pretty much agree with all of the above!
  9. The construction industry has definitely not crashed. Still building going on in Perth and a few big projects about to start. What has happened is that the construction infrastructure boom on mine and LNG sites up north has ended which of course will have a knock on effect on employment but I like to think of things levelling out to normality rather than the crazy few years of the past. Might stop cashed up bogans from buying high powered cars and driving through people's houses every week! But if your coming to Perth nowadays looking to walk into a job and earn big dollars then you may be disappointed.
  10. They tried that in Perth and built the monstrosity that is Joondalup. Supposed to be the second City here in WA but its more like a large housing estate with a shopping centre stuck in the middle! I don't think the Aussies quite get what a city should be! Certainly not in WA anyway!
  11. I applied 10th May and test date isn't until 21st September so there seems to be around a 4 month wait in Perth. All good though
  12. Yeah, it certainly cools down at night! Have you seen the dinosaur foot print yet?
  13. You do know its winter?! :wink:
  14. Karratha. A very pleasant 26 degrees at the moment.
  15. Very good photography work there!
  16. <p><p>Alright Mate. Hows it going? Thats me booked up my flight. I leave Glasgow on the 11th April and arrive in Perth on the 12th <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p>

  17. <p><p>Hi Stacey. No I havent and for some reason I dont expect to. Dont feel they will take on alot of people over here</p></p>


    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Hi, I came across your post and was just wondering if having an HND hindered you at all when applying for jobs over there. I'm a civil engineer with 6 years experience working on civil projects and also have an HND as opposed to a degree. I am flying over around April to find work but I am just worried that employers won't recognise it as a qualification and therefore not employ me even though I have good professional experience. Any advice would be great.</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>


    <p> </p>


  19. <p><p>Apologies for the delay. I havent been on here for a good few days. Im currently trying to get a job but no success so far. How about yourself? You setup with a job yet?</p></p>


    <p>Cheers Chris,</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Yeh, I have heard that Perth is booming. Seems to be a lot of Civil work related to mining also. Building roads in for all the mining traffic etc.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>If you have just applied for WA SS you should hear back by the middle of May as my agent advised there is a 6 week processing time then you can get your visa in straight away.</p>

    <p>I'm just waiting to hear back from VETASSESS which should be within the next 4 weeks hopefully then I lodge my WA SS application. Time is tight but if all goes to plan I should be in Oz by next summer.</p>

    <p> </p>


    <p> </p>




    <p>Alright Chris,</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I hope your right about the IELTS but I'm seriously considering driving to London for the IELTS exams being held on the 16th April as if worst case scenario I don't get the required mark for the writing section then time is my enemy if I want to resit it early May.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I noticed you are a Construction Project Manager. I work in the same field. I am a Civil Engineer but work as a Site Sub agent on a large highways project. I need to get my visa through the route of Civil Engineering Technician as I only have an HND which is a pain on the a**e.</p>

    <p>Well as you may land in WA before me you could be the man to seek advice from in regard to finding employment <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>

    <p> </p>


    <p> </p>



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