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Everything posted by Freesia

  1. Thanks Alan......... well we'll be past the 2year stage by the time I can apply- providing it doesn't become 2 years as PR ( I don't think that's the case though is it?) but meanwhile I've got an 11year old Aus citizen who can't move over till I can....& he'll be at the age soon where he won't want me to drag him away from his schoolmates etc.....& 2 sibs in different countries who miss each other so much....difficult enough without any further complications !
  2. but why would this be Alan?? we're all looking at paying substantial amounts of $$$$ for the CPV for instance......it's in our own best interests to get the timing right....why would they want to compromise the issue do you think? the problem for me as the applicant is that my daughter will have been alone over there for long enough to have a mental breakdown by the time I can apply anyway- so I don't get why they would try to prolong the agony??? ( hers & mine) wish I could make sense of this....
  3. hahaha sounds like some of us have the same worries!!! hope I'm not adding another 2 years to my queue date !!
  4. must say this is my understanding too. PR &."settled" rather than PR 2 years....certainly hope so anyway :daydreaming:
  5. Michael-well if there's any way around it- I'd be delighted to hear too....that could be very useful information thanks....
  6. I think she will not be considered to be dependent on you because she lives in the UK- & pensioners in the Uk are state-supported - this seems to be what the 2nd agent is suggesting....(the rules appear to be different for countries which do not provide state pensions for the elderly- thus the parents may be financially dependent on their children).. lots of adult children in the UK "help out" parents (mine do sometimes :cute: but that doesn't make me dependent on them for migration purposes-I wish !!. as long as your MIL passes the BOF test she can certainly apply for a CPV though.. any doubts at all & its worth getting MARA advice Mengancun- why did they disallow in your particular case? was that linked to the State Pension situation??
  7. also if you & your parents download & read Booklet 3 you'll get a good idea of the "settled" requirements... although it's not a cut & dried issue.. . the thing with agents btw is not so much that they're guarding their success rates as that they don't want to forward applications that they know stand a good chance of failure if the "settled" requirements aren't likely to be met.....you wouldn't want to pay an agent to take that chance really would you? :eek:
  8. thing is... he need s to be able to get a visa of his own & this will be based on his own skills & working experience.... he gave up working at the age of 38? maybe he could get back into civils for a few years & then apply? that might be the fresh start he needs.. with the goal at the end of it being migration? he can't apply for a parent vise since you've already done it yourself!! unfortunately there is no magical solution for any of us until we actually qualify for a visa in our own right & there is a cost to that ..& obviously part of that is also the emotional cost of a child moving away from a parent.. sad but you do at least know that is going to happen & presumably will prepare him for it ? skype will be brilliant for him to keep in touch with dad :fish2:
  9. it sounds like you haven't applied for a Permanent Visa ( or have your parents applied including you as a dependent?) they won't be granting you a visa if you haven't applied for one.....:nah: but they will be aware that you might well apply in the future- given that a large part of your family will have PR..that's why you have to do your bit too ..
  10. I'm sure I've read somewhere that your parents have to be onshore to apply for this visa anyway- & you can apply for a 976 tourist visaa- however it may depend on their country of origin?? are you talking about an application from the UK or a HR country??? it might be wise to clarify with a Mara rep.
  11. oh no that is just too awful- so sorry to hear this- what a nightmare day you must be having......did you go through an agent ?? if so what's the advice? if not I hope someone will be able to jump in quick & give you some words of wisdom..good luck :sad:
  12. you obviously got yourself through a pretty complicated process successfully- so you know what you need to do...... you also know that you will have to do one or other of those things.. we all have to- wait a long time or pay $$$$$ .... talk to a local MARA agent.
  13. mmm ...does that mean the situation would be different if they were onshore? as visitors??? or no entitlement at all?? :unsure:
  14. does having a child with C by descent entitle the (single) mother to live in Australia ? does anyone know which visa would cover this- to enable the child to live in Australia??? I cant find any info about this :err:
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