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Everything posted by robfromdublin

  1. I sat mine on the 16th and it took three weeks. There may be a delay for the AFP at the moment?
  2. I didn't get the test date as an email originally, but only because there was some screw up with my online application. I changed the test date over the phone and the updated date was sent through via email.
  3. Date applied - 7/7/2016 City/Council area - Brisbane City Council Online / Paper - Online Date received the acknowledgement email - Not received. But got letter 20th July Date of the Citizenship Test - 16/8/2016 Approval letter dated - 31/8/2016 but received 5th Sep Date of ceremony - I'm expecting March-ish
  4. That's an unusual name, even in Ireland. Have you tried googling? I came up with this: http://peterjkel.tripod.com/id746.html (community centre, so looks promising) http://www.auscompanies.com/en/93554216709/NI-CHROCHUIR-SUIN (recent ABN registration under her name)
  5. Brisbane. In fairness to DIBP, the official did not seem like the most impressive person in the world. I'm sure it was just him being a moron than anything malicious. He just needs his boss to take him aside and tell him not to say stupid ****.
  6. Absolutely. I need to resubmit my passport photo and straight after that is done I will submit a written complaint. I pointed it out there and then but of course the conversation is not recorded so I have no proof. Nevertheless, he may admit it when confronted.
  7. On another note, I will be raising a complaint with the Department (once I get my approval letter!). The official actually asked me the following question: "Being Irish, have you been convicted of any public order offences, drunk and disorderly, or DUI's?" Amazing. I was dumbstruck and immediately pointed it out as being racist. The only reason I didn't ask to see his manager there and then was because I was yet to sit the test and had earlier had an issue with the paper my passport photo was printed on. I didn't want to be told to come back in a couple of months time so I kept my mouth shut and sat the test.
  8. Date applied - 7/7/2016 City/Council area - Brisbane City Council Online / Paper - Online Date received the acknowledgement email - Not received. But got letter 20th July Date of the Citizenship Test - 16/8/2016 Approval letter dated - need to post in a new photo before I can get this Date of ceremony - I'm expecting March-ish
  9. I nearly had mine rejected at the citizenship test this afternoon for being printed on the wrong kind of paper (normal printer paper). It was the right size and everything, it was just a scan of a passport photo. They relented and allowed me to post it in later but not before a bit of a negotiation and me pointing out that nowhere does it say what type of paper it should be.
  10. I don't remember putting my ethnicity anywhere on my application, so I don't see how they can determine this. Unless by photograph? Seems unlikely to be honest.
  11. No actually. In fact when reviewing the pdf of my application on the system it says I specifically requested not to receive anything via post. I'm just off the phone and it's all sorted now. For some reason there was an 'expiration date' associated with my email address of 1st July (6 days before submitting). I wonder did I open my application prior to the end of the financial year but submit after. There might have been some form of cleanup process that deactivated my email address. At least I got the letter in the post anyway so it wasn't lost. Managed to move forward my test date too to the 16th August
  12. Dates updated above. I'm still not receiving any electronic communication but I'm due to get a call back from DIBP this afternoon into why this is.
  13. Confusing, but I suppose as dates were supplied it won't affect my application
  14. Bugger! I took it as meaning something different. Here is the question as it is posed: But then subsequently it mentions the need for PCC clearances for any time spent >90 days since the permanent visa was granted
  15. It means in general since you turned 18 years old. I think there is also a clarification that you should list only those countries that you spent more than 30 or 90 days in.
  16. Thanks, yes I've checked and got the below message. On the summary document, however, it says I have selected not to receive postal notifications. I rang them up about this inconsistency and they said it was fine, that they had my email and all was OK. I'm wondering if I should call back and get them to look again. By your comment it would seem that I should expect at least an acknowledgment email by now. [h=3]View application mailbox [/h]The applicant has not agreed to receive electronic correspondence for this application. Note: Electronic correspondence for this application is sent only if the applicant agreed to communicate via email in the application. No correspondence is available for the selected application.
  17. Date applied - 7/7/2016 City/Council area - Brisbane City Council Online / Paper - Online Date received the acknowledgement email - Date of the Citizenship Test - Approval letter dated - Date of ceremony - I've noticed quite a few timelines include an acknowledgement email on the same day. I have yet to receive any acknowledgement 5 days later. Is it normal to have this variability? I know they've received it as it says so on my online account. I don't know why I'm impatient but now that I've started I really just want to get it done!
  18. I'm in Brisbane, so I suppose that would be something similar (several months). Can you reschedule a ceremony once you've been given a date? Or are you stuck with what you get? If there's any doubt then I'll just wait until after I come back to start the process.
  19. I would like to apply for citizenship and am currently eligible, but I have booked a trip abroad returning 11th June. Is it possible to apply for citizenship, sit the test, but then postpone the ceremony until after my trip? Basically I want to travel entirely on my Irish passport for this trip, rather than go through the hassle and expense of getting an Australian one. If not, when could I sensibly apply for citizenship, safe in the knowledge that I won't be given a date until after I return? Is it always 5/6 months or do they sometimes turn things around super fast? With the partner visa I'm currently on it usually takes over a year, but some people seemed to get really lucky and have it turned around in 6 weeks!
  20. Hi Bob, Great pics mate, I really enjoy this thread. I'm interested in your linking of red tides and demersal spawning. Is this something that is well known scientifically, or is it something that you've just noticed have correlated in the past? If the former, I'd love to read any links you can provide.
  21. Thanks Ken. For anyone else reading, it takes up to 3 weeks to get an Aussie passport, but you can get priority service in 2 days for an additional fee https://www.passports.gov.au/web/timerequired.aspx
  22. Are you without your 'country of origin' passport for any period when applying for citizenship? How long does it usually take to get an Aussie passport? I'm eligible for citizenship at the moment but I've got two trips out of the country in the coming months so I need to time my application well
  23. Parley, you were the one who questioned that women would be fertile at 50. Then you contradicted yourself by saying that they have a low chance of becoming pregnant. A 0.01% chance of becoming pregnant is still fertile! If you're going to rudely question other people's knowledge of a subject, then you should sort out your own knowledge of logic and the English language. (It's spelt 'you're')
  24. That's a shame, I was getting excited! I'll have a read through when I get home later anyway Quick question while I'm here. Will a job offer in hand speed up the process at all? I'm likely to have one sorted out in the next month or so, but won't be able to apply for the defacto spouse visa until December. As the company want me to start Feb-ish, the 6 month waiting time is a problem.
  25. Is anyone updating the stats and doing a summary as in the first post? Just the completed apps on the first post were very quick and yet the stated time is ca 5/6 months. Have response times slowed up drastically in recent months?
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