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Everything posted by Zack

  1. Stay in the right hand lane at the speed limit.
  2. Zack


    Some people cope with humidity,most just have to,it's a killer.Worst when you get prickerly heat.Every hot summer we say ,we are out of here,not going to put up with another hot hot unbearable summer but we are still here.And we live out west where it's so bad.the Worst places in Queensland i have been to, are Mt Isa,Cairns,Townsville and Gladstone.The water pours out of you just by breathing,you don't even have to move.There's no cold showers,as hot water comes out of the cold tap, the ground gets so hot.The mosquitos seem to get bigger every year,they seem to attack my wife and i if we dare go outside near dusk.Trying to sleep at night is a worry.And insect repellent, insect bite stuff, fly killer is so expensive.I wonder why?some will say it's all part of liveing in paradise????
  3. Knowing what i know now.I would rather have risked that. I feel i have wasted my life,and my families,they have lost and missed so much,that can never be replaced.
  4. I agree with verystormy and other posters.But first try and sell cars for whats oweing on them,or advertise for someone to take over payments,if you can't do that.Buy your tickets and leave,theres plenty more people in the same state of affairs,as you that have already left.
  5. I wished i had had a computer when we were comeing to Australia,in 1973.And been able to read peoples thoughts about the place.In hind sight,i would never have left the UK.The grass is never greener on the other side for all.I don't think it's a better way of life here.A lot of people say they come over here for their kids sake,or the sun.Big mistake,It's no better here for kids,in fact the public education system in Australia is rubbish.Now they are preparing to spend 4 billion $ to put it right.40% of kids that leave school can't read or write,to enable them to get a job Disipline is unheard of in Australia.One third of Australians that are liveing in rural towns don't even have the basic,things like clean town water,sewerage,storm water drainage,reliable TV,mobile phone,internet reception,good doctors or a modern up to date hospital.Floods and fires are now a regular occurence.It's 3rd world.And the conservative government in Brisbane is cutting all rural services.The list goes on and on.People are going to be in for a huge shock if Abbott gets to be PM.
  6. I suppose it's like the propaganda put out about Australia,haveing the greatest economy in the developed world.And Australia the envy of the developed world.When more than half of it is in recession,Manufactureing is on it's knees,sacking people right left and centre.Retail is the same,also the building trade and construction.The health system is on it's knee.Infrustructure in all major Australian cities are near collapseThe new conserverative government in Queensland is sacking thousands.And ready to sell off all it's assets to private enterprise.Cutting all they can even the SES people that fight fires and floods,They are cutting off equipment, they can't cut labour as they don't even get paid..Unbelieveale.People in Australia are in for a huge shock if The Lib/Nats win the federal elections.They have promised pain.Much more than the last time they held office.The mining boom is the only industry holding Australia together. it only has to slow down 50%,and China says it is going to slow development.Australia will have the biggest crash in history.Britain maybe at rock bottom and still things are not that bad with only 8% unemlpoyed.Australian Houseing debt is bigger than America.A turndown here will be catistrophic.Australians are liveing far beyond their means.Most are maxed up to the hilt.
  7. A snorkel and two man canoe would come in handy.
  8. There is so many different reasons why people want to go home.You wouldn't be able to put your finger on one spacific reason.When i read the posts on here from people that are comeing out here ,i can't beleive the silly questions they ask.Most of them need a nanny.I'm returning home after 27 years,But beleive it or not, i never liked it here from the start,i have never ever settled,i think i just didn't want to fail so soldiered on.Although i have done alright here.for me it's been like liveing in a empty shell,not belonging here,it's hard to make life long close friends with Aussies like in Britain,although we are haveing 12 club members comeing to our house on wednesday all Aussie's.I think it's 3rd world here in rural Queensland.OUR Aussie friends think it's wonderful there's no place like it in the world, i just shake my head.We lived in East Africa for 3 years and there's no difference.And that was in the 50's.Admitted we had no TV.But the TV here is rubbish,,as it keeps dropping out all the time,we have no town water,and only sceptic.The internet is so bad it's the same as dial up,pathitic it's so slow.Everytime it rains hard it gets flooded there's no drainage and we get blocked in.The council does nothing.After this last flood they are looking for another 250 million,What do they do with all the money? rates are going through the roof like food and everything else.It will me nice to have fast internet,watch a TV show right through,not worry about running out of water,and go out and have a decent pint and talk to people that can talk about something different than sport.Have a view on whats going on in the world outside Australia.Aussie's are so brain washed.All they talk about is themselves and how wonderful Australia is.If u disagree your a whingeing pom.We have had enough thank you very much.Direct me to the nearest English country pub,to end my days.
  9. We went up there last june to buy a house,as a real good friend of ours,that we have known for years moved to Cooloola Cove and wanted us to move and live near them as we, like them, thought we might like a sea change.I thought Hervey Bay was good,nice and clean,not far from the sea,and the houses were realy cheap for what you got.It does rain alot there though, some places tend to flood all the time,but that happens all over Queensland you just make sure you don't move into a flood area.Your 16 and 18 year old will be board unless they are into sport.and like the beach 27/7 as thats it,All across Queensland there's nothing else realy.We talked about why they didn't like it in Harvey Bay,Answer To Much Crime.But we didn't like Cooloola Cove,like most places up there cose to the sea,is all reclaimed swamp land,so if you go up the sunshine coast watch out for that.As for work there's alot of retired people live there,so it just depends what you do.There's no industries.But now we have decided to return home to the UK.When or if the houseing market picks up.But best of luck.
  10. Give it 6 months,if you are still in the same frame of mind go home.It seems home is where your heart is.Money,sunshine,nice home ect,don't mean nothing.Happiness, satisfaction and belonging, is what life is all about.My friends in Britain haven't got half the material thing i have.But they are happy. when i have been home on hoildays ,i'm so envious everyone down the local knows each other,it's so friendly, i miss all the family weddings,birthdays,Xmas ect.Never felt at home here,never felt i belonged here.But i stuck it out,for the material things and money,i hated it,now i loath it.How life just slips away from you,i can't beive i've stuck it out for 27 years.But we hope to go back home this year.if the houseing market picks up.Just hope this Tory government gets kicked out soon.The Tories were the reason we came here in the first place.Thatcher the Tyrant destroyed all Britain's heavy industries ten's of thousands like me left to get work..Cameron is destroying whats left.
  11. I agree with you,don't mess with the thugs in uniform,there's no telling what they would do.Don't agree with there's not much crime.Ther's more crime in Queensland than the southern states,The Gold Coast is out of control Shootings, Murder everyday ,.In south Brisbane the low life are now throwing petrol bombs at trains,weekends in Brisbane City is carnage the police say.There's more chance of serious injury or death in Brisbane than in Afghanistan.And they have figures to prove it.
  12. Just paid our electric bill Qld $216 for the quarter,water $30 qtr we are on trickle feed water, we use rain water for the washing and watering the garden..have a electric presure pump, to pump water to the house,we have a electic pump that runs our bio sewerage system that runs 24/7.we are at home all day, and run the fans all day and fans in the bedrooms all night 7 days aweek.We have air con,but only used when it's hot.When we had the last heat wave a few weeks ago House is realy well insulated.I'd get my meters checked if i were you.Your bills are surley over the top.But it does depend on how you waste it?
  13. In 27 years here in Australia i have used quite alot of airlines,to different countries.I have to say that Quantas is the worst for service,they have the attidude of take it or leave it.Now that they are going broke as they have lost so much market share,they are going in with Emirates the best airline.We went to NZ at Xmas on Emirates and came back Quantas.never seen such chaos on a flight QF124 from Auckland to Brisbane.The plane was packed,but parents had children on their kness that hadn't been allocated a seat.We couldn't put our seat back as two people behind us had a child on their lap.When i asked a cabin crew member about saftey,he said no problems,about haveing to sit up right the whole flght he said it's only for 2 hrs.How could they wear a seat belt,for landing and turbulance,when the food trolly came arround the kids had to stand in the ailse.When i got home i phoned Casa,Australias Air Saftey Authority they weren't interested.And told me to put it in writeing to Quantas.In flight comfort,service, saftey and manners is a must in any airline i think.NOT just as long as they get you there.That goes without saying.
  14. First thing u have to consider,the conseratives.Lib/Nat.Are if you listen to the media,are tipped to win the next federal election and take over from Labour.They will be following the path of the conservatives in Britain.Haveing massive cuts,Joe Hockey the Coalition chancellor has promised 50,000 civil servants to start with will loose their jobs,The Lib/Nats in Queensland have recently taken over from Labour.They are following that path and have sacked 20,000 to date,and more to come, civil servants,nureses,bus drivers,a whole range of workers.Queensland is now in the grip of yet more floods.Don't think Australia is the land of milk and honey it's not,and far from it.Id say a third of Queensland is third world,we live rural and like most rural towns/Villages theres no town water,no sewerage,no proper TV, internet/mobile phone connection,no up to date hospitals,no fully qualified doctors,most are from Africa,India,and other 3rd world countries.No storm water drains.The economy is not as good as people in Britain beleive,companies are shedding jobs all the time.The only industry keeping Australia going is Mining,the rest are in recession.They are now talking about a massive cash of oil discovered in South Australia,and what a huge differenceit will make to the Australian economy.But like the resorces boom,it made no difference to the man in the street,in fact it got more exspensive to live.27 years ago thing were much better in Aus than today.But it's up to people to make their own minds up.The grass is not always greener.I say anyone has their own nice home a good job,stay put.You can never replace wht you leave behind.Most come here just for the weather,and that could end in disaster.
  15. We have lived here for 27 years,in various suburbs,the so called up market ones,and the working class ones.We have lived on acerage sence i retired in 2001.The reason we live on acerage,was to get away from the anti social noisey suburbs.No matter were you live in Australia you can get unruly drunken noisy nieghbours,that have parties every weekend or kids that play loud thumping music all day and night.and it dosn't matter how much you have paid for your house.All the houses are badly built and paper thin.There's some realy nice people in Redbank Plains that live in nice houses.I personley wouldn't live in Springfield Lakes,it looks lovely,but the houses are a mitre apart,you can hear next door fart.Get a noisy neighbour and your life would be hell.And you have paid double the price than you would in Redbank.Or maybe get a couple of low life families renting, in Springfield lakes.It's pot luck.If you are buying do your home work very carefully.in whatever suburb.
  16. I don't think That Aussie's would be able to handle a big recession,or anything like a terrorist attack,being attacked,bombed night and day in a war,Aussie is a nanny state,thats a fact,as far as getting anything repaired even you have to be very lucky to find a tradesperson that knows what they are doing.As far as sticking together,and mateship they brag about all the time on the media is a myth.In the 2011 floods in Queensland we saw on the news,people in droves came to help,in pockets of Brisbane.it was a different story in Ipswich and the Lockyer Valley,it was chaos,the police and councils had no idea what to do we were cut off for 5 days,with nothing.When the floods died off,People that had left their homes came back to empty houses,even people that had put their belongings out to dry had them stolen,homes were striped of copper pipes,houses that were being renovated,had the new cookers and white goods stolen. The Australian Media always make out that Australians are so unique,and more careing about each other than any where else in the world,and they are not.They rip each other all the time,the aged are realy picked on.Maybe you should watch current affair programes,and see how bad it realy is.Not saying it dosent happen anywhere else it does.But all this holyer than thou stuff is rubbish.Australians are so brain washed,they realy beleive they are better than anybody else in the world.It's why they are so up themselves.Bragging and boasting,they leave the yanks for dead.
  17. We have decided to return home after 27 years in Australia.We are much the same as yourselves,we get a small part pension and i get a war pension from the UK,we also get a pension from New Zealand as we lived and worked there for 12 years.I have just checked up with pensions in the UK,and here, to see what we would get.We would get the full pension in the UK because we have worked in Australia and NZ. As both countries have a aggrement with the UK.haveing worked here.it counts as though you have paid the full stamp in the UK .So we get the 107 .00 pounds,.But may be able to receive credits that will make our pension up to a guaranteed 152 pounds p/w,on top of that you could get a income support top up,making the pension up to 198.45 p/w.+ if you qualify you don't have to pay council tax,and if you are renting you get a rent allowance.you are allowed to have 6000 pounds of savings in the bank.Anything over that you get no credits or top up.,you get the basic 107 pounds p/w.Hope that helps you,and you can make sense of all that.
  18. To be Blunt i wouldn't take my family there,it's the last place to take a family.it's so expensive and you might aswell be on the moon,thats why sensible people that work there.Leave their families in a civilised place,and fly in and fly out.My nieghbour worked there had 2 weeks on and a week off.Depends if you want a family life or not.But he said the money was not that great,and wasn't worth the stress of it all.
  19. Heritage Park,Forestdale,Green Bank,North Mclean,Munruben is your best bet.Park Ridge,Chambers Flat is swamp land real scruffy,and most small acerage blocks have problems with hoons on dirt bikes,and alot of properties have no sewerage or mains water.Browns Plains,Boronia Heights Hillcrest, Marsden Crestmead Kingston Woodridge,don't even bother.But then it is all down to what you want to pay for rent. if you don't mind noisey close neighbours?The More you pay the better the Area,so they say?Camira is not to bad close to Carole Park ,But Good luck.
  20. We live in rural Queensland,there's not much to do,no social life,very hot,and expensive.But we are only a hours drive from Toowoomba and Ipswich.But Mt Isa,Wow what a place to go,hope you are on your own it's not a place to be takeing the wife and kids ,it will be a sort of adventure on your own,.Most of the locals have been forced out of town,it's so exspensive,$1000-$3000 aweek rent.According to TV news here only a couple of weeks back.The job you have accepted at coates hire,hope it pays realy well?Good Luck.
  21. Don't kid youself.Australia is up to it's eyes in debt.Infact it has a bigger houseing debt than America per capita.Even some of the very rich minning companies are billions in debt,they thought the minning boom was going to go on for a lot more years,so they invested billions in machinery for more production,and it's not happening.hundreds of miners are being laid off,Retail is shedding thousands of jobs and so are the state governments.Manufactureing is on it's knees.Australia thought it had missed the GFC but it hasn't.With a work force of only 12 million.Australia is going to find the going real tough.It's so exspensive here.People just can't afford to hire a tradesmen,they are realy over the top.So whatever needs doing arround the home you do it yourself.I have just finished building a retainer wall.i was quoted $10,000 It's 12 mitres by 6 mitres,the smallest quote was $6,500.The material cost me $1200,So how do they justify all the labour cost?It's rip off city.But soon they will all come back down to earth.And then how are they going to pay for their lavish homes??One third of home owners are in negative equity now.Why??? they thought the boom was giong to last forever.
  22. Redcliff,don't even bother looking anywhere else,if you want to live where there's a bit of space ,and near the water.and a peaceful place to live.Mostly a place for retired people nothing to do.But that goes for most of Queensland, out of the city,depends realy on your life style,if your into sport going to the beach thats the life here,Other than that it's boreing,most young Aussies go into Brisbane and try and kill each other on a weekend,Big problems with anti social violent drunken behaviour..New places like north lakes is a rabbit warren,heaps of houses close together on a 800 mitre block.No shops nothing.Crime is rife everywhere.Young people have no social life at all.Unless there into sport and the beach.The north side has lots of old wooden houses very close together.We moved to the country 20 years ago,couldn't stand it in the noisey over crowded suburbs.Then you have crime in rural area's and alot of people that resent others moveing to their patch, lucky we now have good nieghbours, but have had problems in the past,there's bad neighbour problems all over the place,seems to be a Aussie thing,along with No water,no sewerage,the internet is pathetic,and TV receptionis poor,cost of liveing very high,people can't afford a denist,can't afford to have tradesmen to do repairs ect.
  23. Well things are much different in Aus now, than they were 18 years ago, or even 32 years ago when i arrived here.Australia them days was far away from all the finacial problems work problems in the rest of the world.Australia didn't realy rely on anybody.Now now Australia relies on China and India for EVERYTHING. Australian governments passed and present have put ALL their eggs in one basket.The resorces boom Mining,They were warned 20 years ago to deverseify,but took no notice,now the mining companies are sacking hundreds.The prices for iron ore and coal have halfed.The mining companies have borrowed billions,for future unrealistic prduction thats not going to happen.Due to the Worlds economic down turn.Soon the whole of Queensland will be in recesson.Some people are realy on hard times,repossessions are 1000 a week.Said it before say it again,Anyone comeing out to Australia,that has a home and a job in the UK would have to be silly.By the way i hope your right,but anyone that is over 40 won't get their job back, if it does only last 6 months.Plus 40% of employed people in Australia are casuals.
  24. Never buy a car in Queensland without haveing a REV"S Check first.There's more sharks on land than in the sea here. Dealers and private. You'll pay at least double the price from a dealer as you would a private sale.Iv'e been been buying and selling cars,for about 12 years.Be careful.do the checks.When you buy a car registered it's already third party insured CTP. It's the only country in the world where you are insured twice.Half the population drive arround with no second insurance.You can get full comp.when you get it home,phone arround for the best deal. If you buy private make sure the RWC is current.And the name on the green slip matches up with who you are buying it from.
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