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Everything posted by rammygirl

  1. Can I make a suggestion? Make a list of your stuff. Go into each room and write down everything you are likely to keep. Start with furniture and appliances and include everything inside them. In other words a complete inventory. Don't forget the garage, storage and garden. Then sit at a computer and value it all on its replacement value IN AUSTRALIA. Look at the state you are going to and say Ikea, Harvey Norman, Peter Jones etc. Then get shippers in to quote. you can then compare the costs for you personally not others. the excercise takes time BUT the info is useful for insurance purposes later anyway. I was surprised just how much it would cost to replace stuff it was certainly cheaper to ship for us, but not the case for everyone. My kitchen stuff alone really added up as I cook a lot and like nice crockery etc. And would have cost a lot both in time and cash to replace. Of course you need to work out what to do whilst stuff is being shipped, shared containers nearly always take longer as they wait for it to be full before shipping. People do this in many ways and we have done it differently on the two occasions we migrated. Again everyone's circumstances are different.
  2. rammygirl


    She was already greatly missed from the forums she participated in. Thank you for sharing the news. I will say a small prayer for a lady I never met but liked a lot.
  3. More to do with prognosis and potential cost to treat in Australia. For example someone needing a kidney transplant within 5 years would most likely fail but people who have been clear of cancer for over 10 year can pass the medical.
  4. Won't be easy without the appropriate qualifications. Best chance will be through your contacts or local Asian community here I would think. Start asking around on his behalf. Where are you?
  5. I keep a UK sim going because my UK bank insist on texting a code for some internet banking transactions. They know I live in Aus and send cards etc here but their computer will only accept a UK mobile number!
  6. A friends son is coming from the Uk to stay with us for a few weeks next year. He wants to find out more about the wine industry and sales/marketing for that sector. He has worked for Majestic wines in the U.K. As a manager. We can fix him up with several good contacts and he will NOT be paid but will be speaking to people and learning more about how it all works from vine to shelf. A bit like work experience placements. He intends to add this to his CV to help his prospects back in the U.K. As well as having a bit of a holiday. Just wanted to check can he do this on a standard visit visa or should he get something else? He doesn't want to get a WHV as he won't be staying that long and might want to use it in the future as he is only 25. And he will not be working just visiting and learning.
  7. You can't get a nomination approved without RCB. Did they not explain why it was refused? You need to find out why it was refused to see if it is possible to address this before re applying. The RCB have criteria your employer needs to meet, so I can only assume it does not meet them or has not provided enough evidence. Do you/ they have a MARA registered agent?
  8. If you read further in that document it tells you that once citizenship is approved you still have to wait for the ceremony for conferral of the actual citizenship . As that can take several months you are allowed to travel as long as you have a valid visa whilst you are waiting for this. Either your PR visa or an RRV if the travel portion of your PR visa has expired. it is only on conferral at the ceremony that you become a citizen and your visas are no longer valid. At this point you will need an Australian passport if you wish to travel abroad. Stages are, application, test/ interview, approval, conferral ( ceremony). the longest wait is from approval to conferral for most people and you can travel between these two stages.
  9. You can travel once your citizenship has been approved ( normally within a couple of weeks of the test) and before the ceremony, provided you have a valid visa to return to Australia. You do not have to stay in Australia for the wait, but you need to be in Australia for the test, decision and ceremony. Unless you are applying from overseas as a special case.
  10. Just a reminder if the travel portion of your visa has expired you will need an RRV to travel until you have your Aus citizenship and passport.
  11. So are you in the UK now? I am a bit confused if you are submitting under transition shouldn't you still be working for the employer? also you do know that decision ready applications no longer get priority, although if the agent has done the paperwork well it will be granted quickly once allocated to a CO.
  12. We'll good that you are already there. But I think baby will still need a visa if born whilst you are TR, if you have an agent they will tell you. They are more reliable than immigration staff as they can be a bit flaky and have been known to give wrong advice.
  13. Congratulations - when is the baby due? Most likely they will put the application on hold until the baby is born then as long as employer agrees baby can be added to application and they will both need medicals. alternative is that she has the x ray! as they can protect with a shield and the levels are very low! although it may depend what stage she is at. this will mean you can get the visa but the baby will then either need a child visa or be born in Australia, in which case they will become a citizen at birth. you really need to discuss with the employer as well as this can impact your start date. you need to go through all possibilities really.
  14. if all the paperwork is good it doesn't take long to process. Only hold up if high risk country and need external checks. Let us know!
  15. to do the medical you need the TFN number you get when lodging the visa application.
  16. At last - Melbourne office Visa and nomination with police checks lodged on 6th august 2013 2 days before 50th birthday. RCB granted a couple of weeks later SA so not DRC. We did medicals in November without being asked as we intended to Go to Oz on our temp bus visa anyway in Jan in fact flights are booked for the 28th. Agent Go Matilda, Alan Collett prompted them just before Christmas with a carefully worded e-mail. Notified yesterday our application had been allocated to a CO. Alan rang me today to say it had been granted. Think we might still have been waiting if he hadn't contacted them.
  17. Where was your visa lodged? we lodged Melbourne on 6th August and nothing yet. Agent chased and got standard reply saying we had no CO yet and they were allocating in lodgement order. Doesn't seem like it to me reading on here.
  18. Crikey faster than many, was that DRC? I am assuming not if RCB wasn't available. Or could you submit DRC without prior to July 1st '13? We submitted non DRC RSMS on 7th August as turned 50 on the 8th! We were hoping for RCB so we could go DRC but sadly it wasn't to be. RCB approval came in after submission but at least it was positive WE were assuming 6 months but they do seem to be turning these around quickly now so fingers crossed.
  19. I would seek the advice of a reputable agent on this one. Not one for DIY or us amateurs. Expect to pay for good advice and help from an agent. Agents who post on these forums are all reputable.
  20. In Adelaide we bought Nile Perch, in England it is sold as Bassa and I have heard it called other names too. It is a smallish fillet and slightly pinkish in colour but firm to eat and mild flavour. Banana prawns were also good when on offer. Salmon was expensive! We tried a number of other fish and I can't say I hated any of them. The chippy usually had something called butterfish which was nice too along with squid and scallops and salad (never seen those in a chippy at home) Just ask the fishmonger what they are like and buy a small piece to try, start with whatever is on offer!
  21. It was cheaper for the same cover, I guess because the removals company were not taking their cut.
  22. That is good to know. We used them but did not have to claim. I did a similar thing using the packing sheets that the movers did as a guide and just added the values.
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