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Everything posted by dodgy

  1. He was so mean to Sue Ellen, His brother Bobby and Cliff Barnes in fact every Texan he did business with.
  2. dodgy

    GumTree Scam

    I find Gumtree to be full of items that are 4 years old and well used and the sellers want almost as much as buying the item new with a warranty etc.And if i ever advertise something at a reasonable price i get over 100 txt messages offering me less than a quarter of what i ask for and no genuine phone calls.I have even been offered an iPad in exchange for a gold watch :biglaugh: it beggers belief.
  3. If it helps you out ..........you can pay it into my account and i will give you $ when you land.
  4. http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/breaking-news/sunscreen-recall-after-skin-caught-fire/story-e6frg13c-1226499835810
  5. http://www.perthnow.com.au/business/wealthy-investors-lured-with-new-visas/story-e6frg2qc-1226461000047
  6. Dodgy's tip for drinking cheap wine..............firstly open bottle unscrew/uncork...........let bottle stand for a few minutes...................pour a generous glass of said wine.............................take a big swig of malt / white vinegar or pickled onion vinegar....................then taste said wine and it will taste like the best wine money can buy. :biglaugh:
  7. "I had a 4 year sponsorship visa, so I could have stayed here more than enough time needed." Maybe i am wrong but there might be implications of a fraudulent credit card application as from memory don't you have to be a permanent resident to qualify for a credit card not a temporary resident on a sponsorship 457 ? So it wouldn't just be a matter of running away without paying debt.
  8. "Australia has an obligation to accommodate asylum seekers just like any other country, yet they 'accommodate' them in what are basically prisons." If they want to stay in nice cosy hotels then they would be better advised to spend their money on visa applications like the rest of us doing it the right way not through the back door. Im not talking about genuine refugees who are escaping hell i'm talking about the un-genuine people who take flights to say Shri Lanka and dump their documents before paying for passage to Australian waters.
  9. DISGUSTING. I know they have to have laws and rules in place but its always the people who do all the right things and apply legally and work hard and are value to their community and Australia that are pushed away and rejected,Yet if they paid $10,000 each and came across on a boat illegally they would be rewarded for their efforts. Isn't it time Australia lived up to its "a fair go" attitude.
  10. I would say from experience that you would stand a better chance of securing a job if you are here.
  11. A friend of mines son was refused recently for a WHV because he had been convicted of an assault 6 years ago on a rugby field whilst playing,He did not receive a custodial sentence just a fine and community service. If i was you i would seek the advice of a registered migration agent and see if they could help you. I wish you well with your WHV Australia is an awesome place to travel.
  12. I did hear the term "winging pom" came about from all the english promised a better life in Australia if they paid 10 pound and then endured 9 weeks on a boat trip from hell only to be dumped on the dock with all possessions on a 45 degree day and told they are on there own........ go forth and multiple. Im most certain that i would of had a bloody good winge.
  13. There wasn't always far higher earning here so that blows your theory out of the water.
  14. If thats all true why do so many people from around the world give up there own countries to come here or fight to migrate here and spend thousands doing it ?
  15. http://www.perthnow.com.au/business/the-pay-dirt-that-aussies-dont-dig/story-e6frg2qc-1226424871030
  16. Im not sure if it came into effect but i did read somewhere that the 28 day rule was scrapped because of the little time it gives people to sort their lives out. I seem to remember reading 90 days for people to find new sponsors and submit the paperwork so i wouldn't stress.
  17. Id try the licensing centre :biggrin:
  18. Yeah its called "chain rattlers in UK"
  19. http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/osborne-park/teaching-childcare/qualified-child-care-worker-seeking-for-an-australian-visa-/1000663690
  20. http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/perth-region/other-construction-trades/construction-foreman/1003937994
  21. Another Quote you hear all the time is .........WE HAVE THE SAME QUEEN ......along with .......WE ALL TALK ENGLISH ..............and ........DRIVE ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE ROAD...........so we should be allowed in.
  22. How many genuine refugees do you know who can afford $10,000 to pay for a boat ticket to christmas island ?
  23. Lets face it if it wasn't for skilled people migrating to Australia they would not have evolved here and there would have been a national sorry day for the aboriginals to say sorry to the whites :biglaugh:
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