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Everything posted by dodgy

  1. If they spend up to $10,000 coming by boat why don't they spend $1000 and come by aeroplane ? answers on a postcard,phone a friend or "look it up on Facebook".
  2. Let them go through the proper immigration channels like everybody else not seek the easier/fastest option through the back door.Many genuine asylum seekers have to wait their turn in camps and do things the right way.
  3. Flag of convenience lets see how you feel if you get someone living next door to you and god forbid something horrendous happens to 1 of your family members I'm sure you would change your views.
  4. Don't put words in my mouth where did i say "do not go after the perpetrators to the sexual abuse" i feel strongly about this because a family member was raped by 4 asylum seekers in the UK which were let out of jail in their country for the same crimes only to make way to the UK to do the same again.If proper checks had been done when they had reached the borders they shouldn't have been aloud in but with no documentation and lies of where they came from it would have been difficult.I am sure if all the do-gooders experienced what my family have experienced they would be singing a different tune.
  5. I am not meaning to pick on any specific group or ethnicity,yes i am aware that English men commit horrendous crimes also but they would never get a visa to come to Australia because immigration would be able to trace their history or crimes etc.It is virtually impossible to know the history of a so called asylum seeker if they have thrown away their documents and try to come to Australia through the back door pretending to come from god knows where.
  6. What i am trying to get across is that these asylum seekers throw away their documents after using them to get to the boats and when they get to christmas island the immigration cannot trace who they are or any history and we do not know exactly who is being let into society to carry on doing what they have done previously in their own country.
  7. http://zeenews.india.com/news/south-asia/pakistani-asylum-seeker-jailed-in-uk-for-rape_805486.html http://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2012/10/14/uk-failed-pakistani-asylum-seeker-posed-as-taxi-driver-rape-young-clubber/ http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=77c_1243063895 http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/462550/20130429/men-guilty-rape-14-debenhams-manchester.htm
  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2345946/Asylum-seeker-Eritrea-imprisoned-raped-woman-EIGHT-YEARS-dodged-charges-similar-sex-attack-lack-evidence.htm and many more if you do a google search.
  9. "The conditions that young men lived under recently in Manus Island, suffering constant sexual abuse at the hands of other detainees with the knowledge of security is an absolute disgrace." Just think how they will behave towards our communities when they are released into our suburbs where there is no security.These people are arriving with no papers so cannot be thoroughly screened/checked.This has happened in the UK and they go on to rape and abuse people like they did in their own countries.But I'm sure the doo-gooders will still say the poor poor asylum seekers.
  10. Yes Singapore is probably next on the list when Australia turns into another hole like the UK has become.
  11. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/national/entire-737-charted-to-move-just-one-asylum-seeker/story-e6frea8c-1226408659569 There is the link.Its no good trying to reason with do-gooders that is why allot of countries have gone to the dogs because of the softly softly approach right across the board, They did away with hanging, corporal punishment, tuff sentences for rapists and pedophiles etc with all the do-gooders running to defend them at the 1st chance.Go to countries like Singapore thats the way a country should be run.
  12. What i find awful is the fact that honest hard working tax payers have to pay for the back door illegals and i am annoyed at all the too-gooders/human rights activists who support this behaviour.Every week you hear of cases of wasted tax payers money, Cases like 1 whole aeroplane to transport 1 illegal.I left the UK because of the way it was going there opening up the borders to anyone who wanted to come in.This will happen here if the do-gooders get there way and then the country will be stuffed just like most of Europe then the do-gooders will be happy i am sure.
  13. Oh sorry it must be true then if its on FACEBOOK :biglaugh:
  14. http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/riot-on-nauru-in-wake-of-rudd-png-asylum-boat-solution/story-fnhnv0wb-1226681915951 Oh look what the poor asylum seekers did last night this is out of control.The majority of them are not genuine refugees they are just taking the opportunity to get into Australia through the back door because they see a loop hole in the system.They know they will not get through the front door because they have no skills to get visas and if they wait in refugee camps they will be exposed as not genuine refugees and turned away so they make their way to countries like Shri Lanka etc throw away their documentation and pay passage on a boat where genuine refugees would not have money to pay.Then when they are here they don't want to conform and be housed in a detention facility they want to be let out into the community and if they don't get what they want they burn the place down and take hostages.If they were genuine refugees seeking asylum etc they would be living in better conditions than they have been used to and know that if they are genuine they will be re housed when they go through all the checks etc.All this is at the tax payers expense when it could go to better use elsewhere.
  15. Its all right for you lot all cosy in front of your fires I'm in roofing and have to work in this
  16. http://www.gloucestercitizen.co.uk/Mum-11-Heather-Frost-won-t-500K-eco-palace-home/story-19474952-detail/story.html Now says she will not get new 500K home might have something to do with her antisocial behaviour towards a doctors aged mother.
  17. honey and chocolate massages .............How does that work ? :rolleyes:
  19. All the sh+*t that Peter Andres gets (most of it deserved) you cannot take away the fact he made the Guinness Book of Records as the only singer to have the same song hit the top of the UK charts three times with "Mysterious Girl"
  20. http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/door-shuts-on-thousands-of-cheap-foreign-workers/story-e6frg12c-1226583823908
  21. I find it disgusting that they always resort to the "winging pom" card when confronted with something valid.
  22. http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/innocent-man-held-drugged-at-graylands-hospital/story-e6frg13u-1226543530589
  23. Hi i have been a roofer all my life and did lead work all over the UK and Europe.When i came to Perth WA i was shocked to find how different it was over here. Hardly any lead at all even on the heritage listed buildings,Its all zinc and zincalume metal already pre-formed and just pop riveted together and siliconed.I have visited Sydney and saw a few old buildings with some lead on them but from what i have found everyone is scared of the lead and tend to use aluminium/rubber substitutes for flashings.I have all the lead work tools and they have been collecting dust for years.
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