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Everything posted by Mongrel

  1. Mongrel

    Room for anymore?

    Uk have European immigrants , Australia have kiwis
  2. Mongrel

    Room for anymore?

    Not having a go, you can put your opinions. , I answered , so should I not have my own opinion
  3. You don't have to submit docs but take them with you to the test
  4. The Chinese are cutting back on their production about 50 steel plants on c& m , still plenty more though
  5. We've got a 3 piece sweet kid , been in theatre room as ornaments only sat on the bugger twice , two sweater and 2 recliners
  6. As these fees are only targeting 457s , should it be the case for claiming on tax as this is a cost pertaining to their employment
  7. One thing to think isbrits make a small percentage of 457s that's why the insurance rules were changed , Barnett is a fat louse and his cronies , this is one of the Liberal craop policies god help us if the federal rat Abbot gets in
  8. Pm me mate a fiend if mine in the uk had it for a long time she may be able to give you advice and try and help
  9. One problem Jim ukup are a joke , no economic policies, pull out of Europe who do you trade with , the us ? Naah they wa t the uk for Europe trading they're muppets
  10. One nation in Australia are doing the same trying to stop immigration
  11. Mongrel

    CS gas

    I live here nobody uses pepper spray ,it's like the us , with sueing
  12. Mongrel

    CS gas

    As in the tard sorry op ,it would be illegal in a dogs Barney
  13. So in the current economic climate , not sure how many hours you are gettin , some folk getting 12 to16 hours , a week nice , practice what you preach
  14. Mongrel

    CS gas

    But they are illegal against dogs , if a dog attacks a human ok , but in a dog v dog you will probably get pinged
  15. Mongrel

    CS gas

    I am not familiar with the concept no ! As you are with real life , it's a case of confidence in your own ability , obviously you want your wife maimed attacked use CS gas or pepper spray , you need to know how to use it and have the bollox to use it , a lot of women freeze in the moment and get worse consequences
  16. Tbh kid I think that they can claim it on tax , as another poster says as I've said for yonks Poms are a small percentage of migrants loads of 457s are Asian If, when abbot gets in he will lower the minimum salary for 457 so his mates can get cheap labour in
  17. IMO NB if people leave after taking citizenship , this should be revoked if they haven't stayed for a period , can't see the reasons myself but I'm stopping lol
  18. Mongrel

    CS gas

    Why would use something illegal , back himself pussy
  19. Happened with my boy 6 years ago , hew failed the first test then passed 2 weeks later , think its a jobs worth thing myself
  20. Bang on NB ,prefer champ tho , and fry scallions first , bugger have to make a trip to the market for some scallions lol Champ for dinner
  21. Champ ya eejit tater with scallions and butter
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