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Alan Collett

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Everything posted by Alan Collett

  1. Full on with work - no time for sunning it on the beaches of England! Best regards.
  2. A subject of relevance to me at the moment! All being well I'll be in hotel quarantine in Adelaide 2 weeks from yesterday ... see the details here: https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/covid-19/covid-19/covid-19-re-entry-and-quarantine-measures Best regards.
  3. For background re the foreign income tax offset in Australia for tax paid on the capital gain in the UK, here's a link to the legal case that supports the ATO's position: https://www.ato.gov.au/Media-centre/Media-releases/Court-confirms-ATO-position-on-foreign-income-tax-offsets/ Hope this helps.
  4. https://www.france24.com/en/20200809-uk-might-stop-official-covid-death-count-over-claims-of-exaggeration-telegraph That's a significant overstatement of the real number. IMHO. I am aware of people dying in the UK identified as a Covid death when they didn't have Covid. I fear you may be comparing apples with oranges ... Best regards.
  5. IMHO the Minister's response is disrespectful and formulaic - it is a typical bureaucratic reply. The present situation is a consequence of a botched vaccination rollout, and there will - or should be - consequences at the ballot box. Just not good enough. Best regards.
  6. Am I alone in feeling a tad jaundiced with how everything stops in Australia because of Covid? I'm fortunate enough to be in the UK presently. Learn to live with it seems to be the basis of society here. In Australia the country has hit the buffers, with nothing happening. A hopeless bureaucracy is being found out by Covid. Onwards! Best regards.
  7. https://guides.dss.gov.au/guide-social-security-law/9/4/3 To get you started on this ... The sponsor of a subclass 143/864/804 visa isn't required to pass an income test. In reply to number 4: yes, that should be fine. Best regards.
  8. Hello RSL. You'll be required to consider capital gains tax in the UK and in Australia. UK CGT is charged at 18% initially. Then 28%. There's a need to file a special CGT return with HMRC and to pay any CGT owing within 30 days of a property sale completing. Don't be late if you want to avoid a late filing penalty and interest. If you are claiming the 50% CGT discount in Australia you can only claim 50% of the UK CGT as a Foreign Income Tax Offset in Australia. If you'd like a freebie chat please feel able to complete the enquiry form at www.bdhtax.com Best regards.
  9. Yes, this chart from the Department's submission identifies the nature of the backlog. The big question for the Federal Government is what are they going to do about it?
  10. You limit your options if you want to meet someone in person ... Zoom or an equivalent is your friend! Best regards.
  11. Hi Andy. You certainly need to run the numbers to establish the tax position - in the UK as well as in Australia (probably - subject to your visa status). Best regards.
  12. The UK tax deducted under PAYE is likely to be repayable by HMRC. In Australia - as Ken says - only the growth in the fund from the time you became a tax resident is likely to be taxable, known as the Applicable Fund Earnings. I anticipate you'll come out ahead financially if you take steps to deal with the pension monies as per the above. Best regards.
  13. The age of a subclass 143 visa applicant is no consequence to the granting of such a visa. It is only the onshore parent visa applications under subclass 804 or 864 that have an age requirement. Best regards.
  14. I think you might be confusing the subclass 864 visa with the 804 visa ... Best regards.
  15. Note also that being given a queue date doesn't mean health and character requirements have been met. This is still a hurdle to be cleared in due course. So it's not correct to say that for such visa applicants it is just a matter of time. Best regards.
  16. I think you probably already know the answer to your question ... hence my observation about the issue of fairness. Best regards.
  17. Respectfully, the sooner you forget the notion of fairness in the context of the processing of visa applications the happier you will sleep at night. Best regards.
  18. Hi GeeBee. In short: disclosable on your Aus tax return as target foreign income until your PR visa is granted. Included as taxable income from the day your PR visa is granted. Hope this helps!
  19. The requirement to submit the visa application within 6 months of sponsor approval still pertains. However, subclass 870 visa applications aren't being granted at the moment, while border restrictions have their present settings. Best regards.
  20. It's the filing deadline season for 2020 Aus tax returns where a registered tax agent is appointed, so many tax agents will be busy at this time. Maybe make enquiry again in a couple of weeks? Best regards.
  21. Maybe not, but A&J should be in pole position to travel to Australia when restrictions ease. Often visa strategy is about optimising your situation to take advantage of opportunities when they arise. That means spending money before there's certainty of outcome, but s/he who dares wins the prize! Best regards.
  22. Added to which BV holders are not subject to Australian tax in respect of their foreign source income - eg pensions. Best regards.
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