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Everything posted by northernbird

  1. This used to be true, in fact my cousin had to take it out before her 457 could even be issued. Obviously the rules have changed since then.
  2. A pure holiday assuming money no issue would be between SA and TAS. No interest in anywhere else.
  3. I agree with this sentiment. Not everywhere is for everyone. The UK lovers also need to remember this and not insult the intelligence of those that enjoy living in Australia as seems to happen just as often too
  4. Depends where you want to be in Canada. I lived in Alberta and Nova Scotia. The extremes of cold can be as limiting as the heat depending on what you like to do so that's a consideration. It can also get pretty hot in parts of Canada in the summertime too.
  5. Then you are very lucky. Weekend is the only time there is for me to do all those mundane household things. Thank goodness for online grocery shopping otherwise that would be another job to fit in.
  6. I don't get the British mentality that they always have to be doing something, going somewhere. I haven't had a holiday in 8 years. Haven't had time or money. It's definitely a british thing because Australian friends of mine don't seem to have the same yearnings. I didn't feel the need to do something or go somewhere every weekend when I lived in the UK, US or Canada. Life just takes over when you work full time so I would love to know where everyone finds the time. Weekends are for shopping, housework and other mundane crap.
  7. One size does not fit all. I have lived in 3 countries and had experience of education in all 3. They are all much of a muchness to be honest. My kids and I are happier here than the UK, does that make it better than the UK no of course it doesn't just better for us.
  8. I've only been here 13 years and I have had very good experiences with friends. No different really to the UK. I think I've said here before but the hardest move I made was when in 1990 when I packed up my suitcase and headed down the M6 from Lancashire to London. Man, those Londeners were unfriendly!!
  9. my household contents insurance covers up to 5 incidents of accidental damage in 12 months with just $100 excess. I recently had to claim for a new iPhone for my teenager as she ran the damn thing over in her car!! That's with RAC WA but I am sure other insurers would do similar coverage.
  10. I spent 25 years with 1 person and was dreadfully hurt by them. I will not put myself in that position again. I have older teenagers and I am now comfortable living in poverty in suburbia with my 2 dogs
  11. No idea, resolutely single for the rest of my living days!!
  12. You can meet like minded people in lots of situations. I met my best friend in Canada in the line at McDonalds. It's very difficult meeting new people in any location but you open yourself up for success if you have school age children because you may just meet 1 person that you click with.
  13. No personal experience of the primary school but I did live in Sorrento for 12 months and had many friends who had their kids at the local school. Hear very good things. The suburb is lovely, close to all things and you won't go far wrong living there if you can afford to
  14. the you possibly won't have any issues going forward. He had issues when he applied for a passport which followed him when we got married and had our children. He was born in 1968 so perhaps things have changed in recent years.
  15. Did you have any issues when you first applied for a passport? This is the same situation as my ex-husband. His step dad never legally adopted him but when he applied for his first passport he had to jump through hoops to provide supporting evidence as to why his name was different. He paid for a stat dec after that which accompanied all those documents if it was ever questioned. All his official documentation now says Joe Bloggs, formerly known as Joe Smith.
  16. I've said it before but the hardest move I ever made was from Lancashire to London in 1990. Nothing prepared me for how hard that was. 3 different countries over the years were easy compared to that.
  17. My local pharmacist told me that people are stocking up already. My painkiller of choice is a mix of Ibuprofen and Codeine, works best for me. I have started to buy a pack a week so I don't have to waste $85 seeing my GP just to get a script!!
  18. Brought my kids out here when they were 7 and 3. As an oil and gas family we had moved a lot so it wasn't a big deal for them and they settled with no issues. As Quoll says if you are used to being around family and have a close knit group of friends they may find it harder.
  19. I have an opposing view to the others. I think you should try and get sorted with schooling straight away so that he (and you) can try and build some friendships before the long school holidays. Arriving in early October would still mean you would have at least half a term. I'm in the getting in a routine as early as possible camp. We arrived on a Thursday and my daughter started school the following Monday. Just my two cents.
  20. I know a few parents who have kids with type 1 diabetes and they have not had to change their working life/hours/commitments massively. Not enough to warrant a benefit payment anyway. Obviously it is a serious disease for a child to contend with but with all the modern medicine, technology etc then it's certainly a lot more manageable. I worked in a primary school for a number of years and the diabetic kids had no more parental phone calls than the kids that were sent to school with bad colds.
  21. Lived in Canada for 4 years, many trips across the country and didn't see 1 bear!! Very disappointed.
  22. I am a firm believer in the smell of food. I don't tend to buy pate much but if I do I buy Maggie Beer and it's OK. If I am feeling adventurous I make my own as chicken livers are so very cheap.
  23. Single has had a bit of airplay here in Perth and the song has really grown on me. Saw him interviewed on Graham Norton this week and what a nice bloke.
  24. I just don't like the word and the stigma attached to it. I fell out with another person, the fact he is my Dad is irrelevant. Will agree to disagree with you on this one.
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