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Recently arrived in Calwell, is there anyone nearby??


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Hi, we have just moved in to our rental home in Calwell (Martin, Debs and daughter Grace,10). Grace is at Calwell Primary and has settled better than we could have hoped and I started work with CBA in Tuggeranong.

We have struggled to find any other UK migrants as yet. Does anybody out there know any one down here or if there is a suburb(s) where people tend to go?

It would be nice to meet up with some like-minded people who are also trying to find their way.

I know there is the Welcome to Canberra team, as I went to a basketball match when I arrived solo in February, but since the family arrived there has been no contact, so I will get in touch with them this week to see what events are planned and make sure we haven't fallen off the radar.

All the very best to you all.

Martin, Debs and Grace:confused:

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Was it you who brought all this rain?

We're in the North, met a few people from here and work but that's all, been very busy.

Also registered for Live in Canberra but heard nothing yet (i think the balloon trip is March?). They might want to change it to white water rafting...

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Most people seem to settle Northside. But one of the Claires is down far South. I'll let her know about this thread.

They settle in the North because the North is best!!! However when you are working in Tuggers I guess it does make most sense to live there.


Tip about living in Calwell - you might want to check out your options for HS down the track!!!


Surrythms was in Calwell but may have moved on by now

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Yup, HS = High School


Many Tugg parents send their kids up the Valley (Melrose or Deakin) rather than put them in a Tugg HS and I would be looking at private alternatives as well if I were you - putting names down now may not be too late but will be getting tight. A lot of Tugg girls go to St Clares or, if you can afford it, look at Girls Grammar.


Although Calwell PS is nice and has always had a pretty good rep, the HS has a wider catchment area and you get the Isabella/Richardson/Theodore kids there too. It is on the way up from quite a low base at one stage but consider all your options and have a good look around, go to open nights, talk over the back fence etc

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Guest ClaireBrown

We arrived in Canberra in October 2010 and after driving through most suburbs both north and south, decided we liked the feel of the south and have settled in a newish home in Tuggeranong. Our daughter goes to a private school in Wanniassa which we are very pleased with and we haven't doubted our decision to move south side one bit. I have heard the high school Mary Mckillop is excellent and I believe it to be a government school. I love sitting outside in our garden looking at the beautiful mountains that surround us. I wouldn't change it for anything. I don't believe north is best, I believe everyone has different priorities and for us, they were met in the south.


My husband works in Barton and so we could have moved further north if we wanted but we didn't.


I think most Brits go north as there time is limited to find accommodation and get kids in a school. They see the new houses (which are lovely) and that most Brits go north, so they narrow their searches. It also generally gives great comfort to know you are close by to potential friends. I have made British friends as well as Australian friends and at the end of the day.....no where is that far in Canberra :-) so I am sure you will be very happy. It is what you make of it!

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Yes, sorry, Claire, I was only joking - it's a Canberra thing! Many workplaces I have been in have had a friendly North/South rivalry going on.


McKillop is a private school actually - Catholic to be precise. It is a big school with two campuses and came about in the late 90s (from memory) from the combination of two Catholic schools - Padua and another I cant remember.

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Hi Martin, Debs & Grace. We live in MacArthur and have Brit friends in Gordon, Gowrie, Wanniassa, Monash so us Brits are also spread around the South afraid we don't have kids the the others either have older kids or none at all, but we are always around if you want a night out.



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:biggrin:Thanks everyone.

jacqui would it be possible for us to be able to get in touch with you, or visa versa? It was good to hear you are around. We got a FB message from Claire last night which was appreciated

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they do all seem to be northside, I'm discovering (having moved southside ourselves)! We arrived 3 weeks ago - we're in Isaacs, and I'm working in Calwell (and hubs soccer team is Calwell based)... would love to meet up sometime, send me a PM?



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Guest SoloRenegade

The South is best actually ;-)


The fact is, space in the south has become limited with regards to new building developments, which is not the case in the North. Which is a large reason for all the new housing and fairly competitive rental rates. Just have a look at allhomes and the housing becoming available for rent on a weekly basis and where they are based.


But nothing is actually all that far away in Canberra and 30mins in the car is for the most part a pleasant and traffic free experience and will get you where you want to be.

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