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Guest Guest31881

My wife found a butcher in Hervery bay who does English style meats and He does Gammon. I believe he has an English wife and started doing it for her.

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can you send me some in the post ...lol....thanks pal .......btw mrs tonyman has since told me she has seen it .......i havnt and im always in the meat counter.....!


I think I saw some in Coles last year (Randford Rd), but haven't looked since. I'll bet if you asked the butcher at Leeming Forum they'd get it for you .... actually, they were advertising Goat again the other day and I thought of you

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Guest Guest31881
The nearest I found to it was 'pickled pork' but you can only buy this as a joint. All the butchers I found had never heard of gammon....


I had a joint of Pickled pork earlier this week and instead of boiling or slow cooking I slow roasted on a spit over the BBQ and it was very nice and very similar to gammon. The next one I buy I am going to boil first (Probably for an hour) then slow roast again on the BBQ. That will get rid of the excess salt and make it more like a Roast ham type joint. In theory anyway!!!

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