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Has anyone who has moved back to UK found a job?

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Hi all,

Pommy Paul's post has got me worried. We are planning to return to UK at the end of 2012. I have not settled and am missing family and friends like crazy.

I am just so worried that OH will find it really difficult to find work. We will be returning to Noth east England where decent IT jobs are like gold dust. But now im concerned that its difficult even to get a job as a shelf stacker in Sainsbury's. I know theres a major recession on but I would just like to hear some positive posts from people who have returned and managed to successfully make a new life in the UK. (I dont for one minute think the old life will be there waiting for us)

Its got to get better...surely?

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I'm sure that your hubby will find something if he has a skill/trade which he does. I have applied for a couple of jobs and been short listed for interview. Unfortunately each required me to attend in person as policy did not allow them to do telephone interviews. Sadly i did not have the funds to fly back. So i'm waiting until i return permanently to go for jobs. But i do know some one who did fly back for 3 days, had the interview, got the job and flew back to sell their house.

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My friend is in the UK from NZ on her "overseas adventure". She arrived in november, and has only been out of a job for 3-4 weeks. Did a few weeks in waterstones in the christmas run-up, and then did a week training with a care company, and will have work for as long as she wants it, while she looks for a job in what she's actually qualified for.


While sainsbury's might not have that many vacancies for shelf stacking, there are jobs to be had, I will also point out that while Paul hasn't found work yet, Britchick has, so they've at least got some sort of income to keep them going.


With a year's notice, you should hopefully be able to find something, or at least get a few interviews lined up for when you land. Forget the agencies, put the feelers out now, let companies know you're coming, and they'll at least be considering you when there's an opening.

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Good luck with the move. There are jobs to be had, but it is hard. I worked at the jobcentre and it's very hard climate to secure work. I would start working on your/his cv well in advance and changing it back to meet UK requirements. I wouldn't dismiss agencies at all, especially if there is a good one near you specialising in IT or whatever. When we moved back to the UK after travelling it took me 6 months to find work but it was always the specialist agencies who found me work or got me interviews...they were just at a slightly higher level than I could do, but like I said, if you have a good agency, definitely set up a meeting for when you land. Least you can do that there, you can't get an agency to meet you here!


And people say "it's hard to even get a job in Tesco these days" and yes, it's a tougher recruitment process now but there are jobs. For example, when my contract at the Jobcentre ended, I couldn't get work again for 4 months but then we had moved to a really remote area where we didn't even have agencies lol. So, I applied to Asda for a Christmas temp to keep me going till we emmigrated and I had a lovely 5 weeks working there at George and could have stayed on if I wanted. Not ideal when you are an IT professional, but it's better than benefit. I would start applying for jobs before you leave though if the closing date is after you arrive...least that way you might even get an interview for when you arrive :)


Main thing is, UK is your home, you haven't settled here so you have to make it work and i'm sure with a bit of determination and PMA it will :) xx

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I returned to the North West 6 months ago and my husband also works in IT. I wish I could be more positive as I know you don't want to hear negative things when you are making the move back but unfortunately things are really grim. My husband found work, but it is not easy and there are so many people going after each job. You would need to expect a much lower salary than you were probably used to especially in IT. I am only looking for part time finance work but there is nothing so I have stopped looking for now. The whole outlook is really bleak and sometimes I wish we had stayed put in Australia where we both had good, well paid jobs.


We came back to be near family, but it really has taken the shine off being back with everything being so difficult. I am not sure if we made the right decision now.


Saying that it could be worse, just really do your research on jobs and the market in your area before you get back.


I hope it all works out OK.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Just a suggestion, clearly there is a major north south divide when it comes to unemployment in the uk, in places up north its over 10 per cent, but then again its as low as 5 per cent in areas down south. A transitional move in rented property in a low unemployment area might be a good idea, it might not be exactly what you want, but once your working for a few months, you can then apply for a job in the area you want. Best of luck.

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I would second that to some extent...I could have relocated to London where I got an interview for an exceptional job working on the Olympic Games. But we decided London wasn't for us. I don't think it's a North South divide though, there are pockets all over. X

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I have applied for jobs from Oz before I get home and as an earlier poster said, had been shortlisted for interview but of course, interview had to be in person. But, I now have a job interview a few days after I get back. I think there are jobs out there. I am optimistic anyway. I have actually seen way more jobs advertised than I was led to believe there would be. My husband and I are just going to keep applying so that hopefully one of us can keep us afloat.

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There are jobs out there, I have always believed that if you want to work and are flexible you will find work. I was lucky and secured a job with a company I worked for back in 2006, one of my mates is a director there and put my name forward for a big job they had coming up. I spoke to him by phone from Aus just before Xmas and then had interviews early in the new year and got the job. Since I gave started the have put on 3 other people, not bad for a construction company with about 25-30 office/manager type employees

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speaking with my pals in uk its not as bad as made out, there are jobs around and same as coming here, do anything til your dream job comes up. problem with the uk press is a good story is a downbeat the contry story, we brits like nothing better than to dis the country weather etc even if we have it good. worrying about things distorts a lot and only gives the worse scenario thoughts which rarely happen. be positive, and make it work not wait for it to do something for you. and be realistic, the good thing about recession is the stage is recovery and head to boom.


my pals are down on south coast.

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It is bad but if you're not picky you will find something eventually, it just takes time. As RockDr said I got work, In fact the first day I got to bournemouth I applied for a care job, got an interview the next day and they offered me the job straight away. I was just very lucky. Of course there's plenty of elderley people in Bournemouth being a retirement place lol, I think care work is one job that'll always be in demand though so if you're really desperate try that! Paul did get the sainsburys job and possibly a postman job so it isn't ALL bad, it's just a case of making your CV good enough to be interviewed and then doing well at the interview, whether you have relevant experience or not. Good luck with everything.

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Sorry - don't wanna state the obvious but wasn't it always the same in the UK? Far more gig's and better money down south - far more people, traffic and a higher cost of living down south. It seems to me that some people are looking to go back from what is essentially a major city (in what-ever state) to the North East or West and expecting there to be as many jobs / same level of income as there was in the state capital from which they came.... Wasn't ever like that and I can't imagine it's changed. It'd be like me goin back to Carlisle from Melbourne and expecting to score an IT consultancy gig on three figures - just never, ever gonna happen. Aus is like a selection of mini countries with a capital in each - you are moving from the capital back to the countryside!!!!!


I do agree with the other poster that historically - boom's follow busts. The UK is bust now, 100% that won't last - never has. As soon as the currencies are de-valued into competitivness (U.S & U.K), hence QE, they will both bounce back. There WILL be a time in the future where it is more cost effective to 'onshore' jobs in the U.K and the U.S. That time is not far away. Just do a google search on how many Canadian companies are moving manufacturing to the U.S.......... Never hear that in the mainstream media do ya!!

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Guest haunted1234

jobs i went for back home in Admin and childcare, there were 20-30 people going for the same job....got made redundant twice in a year and hubby got laid off too with no jobs for his field unless we moved abroad....hence......

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Our family lives in the North East and its hard there job wise but never been anything else. My niece was made redundant from a quango run by the gov and she has vast experience and has never been out of a job until now. Its been quite a while and she is making do with part time, not easy.

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