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Starting a new life in Aus, what to ship??


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Hi Everyone,


I am sure there are other posts on here about this. I am just wondering what people are shipping to Aus?

We are going to rent out our flat in the UK as a furnished property, so pretty much starting from scratch when we get to Aus.


We are looking to buy things and ship them across, as we have a load of John lewis vouchers etc from our wedding day. What are the things you would recommend shipping?




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Guest haunted1234

ship as much as you can! be careful leaving labels on things etc, if they look too brand new you may incur tax charges etc on them (thats what we were told by John Mason).


friends of ours were told by Pickfords they couldn't bring anything over 12 months old (which is not true!) so they literally left washer, dishwasher,fridge freezer behind....we brought everything with the thinking that if it wasn't allowed in, it would just be taken out by customs....my toaster even made it through full of crumbs i couldn't reach!


so my advice is pack everything...even if you think you wont need it!


good luck :o)

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Guest tandcmum

we are only briging some kids toys and some personal items and a small tv, playstation etc. Our furniture is past it's best and not worth the shipping costs compared to buying a cheap furniture package when we get over there (which will actually be in bettr nik and quality than what we have). Generally though people say to bring as much as you can afford to bring

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Hi Dave- we have been on OZ for a week now and have a 1/4 of a container on its way to us. Honestly from looking at stuff over here it all depends on where you shop for stuff.....Target is good for household stuff and seems reasonably priced....im glad we didnt ship things like, Kettle, toaster, beds etc because you will need them when you move in to a rented house......we are moving in to a house in the next couple of weeks and will have nothing...so will get the essentials ( beds and ironing board, fridge etc ) when we move in. We are going to have to manage and when the container arrives it will be like christmas !!!! send lots of toiletries over in the container ....lol, cause they are expensive !!! but not deodorants.

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Millers makes an excellent point that mirrors our experience. We arrived in mid August 2007 and it was mid-November before our shipment arrived and cleared customs. Luckily we only shipped personal items (because most furniture etc. was getting due for replacement anyway) otherwise we'd have had 3 months of roughing it. Clearly, the decision has to be based on lots of personal details (age and condition of the stuff you're shipping, how much cash you can bring with you, etc. etc.) but the usual advice of "ship everything" that tends to appear here isn't always as clear cut as it seems.

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Spend your vouchers on stuff you love, but make sure it's for stuff you don't need quickly.


In Oz definitely shop around, and don't forget second-hand (the trading post, ebay, gumtree - plus of course the never-ending garage sales!!), it's amazing what people get rid of (it's also amazing what they think some of their cr*p is worth...).

And haggle - always haggle (ok except in Kmart and Target) you can almost always get money off. We got an extra $10 off our cordless phones and printer even though they were already on sale - and that was without even really trying at all, just a polite - 'how much will you do for the two items for cash?'


Oh yeah, definitely don't bring land-line phones with you - they're not Australian approved, and you can have problems with that. Plus they're not expensive :)

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Sell em or give them away in the UK - people can use their own cards in them.


They won't be any use over here I'm afraid (pretty sure anyway) :)


Confirmed. A Sky box won't receive anything down here in Aus--the transmissions standards are different.

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Guest spursno1

Hi looking at your site and wondered if you took your wasing machine? mine is fairly new and would be a pity to sell for nothing !!!!

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Hi looking at your site and wondered if you took your wasing machine? mine is fairly new and would be a pity to sell for nothing !!!!


Were taking ours. It's relatively new and hopefully still has a lot of life in her. We're doing groupage and it's working out about £70. Well worth taking it as the same one is over $1200 in Aus.



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We are lookign to head across to aus this year, did you ship anything else big and electrical? Seems like a huge difference on washing machines prices!

I am tempted to ship a fridge!


Dave x


Were taking ours. It's relatively new and hopefully still has a lot of life in her. We're doing groupage and it's working out about £70. Well worth taking it as the same one is over $1200 in Aus.



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We are lookign to head across to aus this year, did you ship anything else big and electrical? Seems like a huge difference on washing machines prices!

I am tempted to ship a fridge!


Dave x


Hi Dave,


No were not taking anything else big and electrical. Everything else is old and on its last legs, but with kids I needed a good washing machine!!! oh the joys....



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Guest Diggerc

Yes get rid of the sky box, plus beware of taking your Flat screen tv over bearing the in-built freeview is different to Oz. So if you do decide to take your LCD tv with you, you might need to a converter box to get freeview.

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Guest Diggerc

Advice: take your washing machine with you. Front loaded ones are very expenses, all you need to do is upon arrival of your washing machine is to change the powerpoint plug head to 3 pointers (flat ones). Hope you know what I'm talking about.

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Guest Diggerc

Hi Dave


Believe me if you can take any bulky electrical good, do so, they are expensive in Oz. If not if in Queensland you should be able to buy them at The Good Guys or Harvey Norman. The Good Guys will give you 10% off if you pay by cash, whereas with Harvey Norman you can alway try to ask for a 10% if you are paying by cash.

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Got a dyson ready to take!

Denby dinner set

Might buy a washing machine especially!

Fridges are a funny one i think, as has to be able to work in certain climates or something.

TV - I have a 50" tv, but was going to buy something across there?


Cheers Digger

& Aussie Chick!

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Is it worth taking crockery? Or does it get broken in transit?


It'll be packed and should travel fine. I'll take my kitchen stuff as I like it and I've no desire to spend on a new dinner set or replace it all. but if you don't want to take it or would rather buy all new over there fair enough. I'm a bit picky and it took me ages to find a dinner service I liked so I'm keeping it :P

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We bought some cheap crockery from Tesco before leaving the UK. Everything shipped over with no breakages. However, a work colleague shipped some crockery with sentimental value, and the whole lot was broken. It is really down to the packing. Ours was shipped in the original packaging. If stuff is packed poorly it will break.

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Really I thought tv's would be expensive.

I guess the other 'essential' is fridge freezer. Also looking at getting a crosstrainer to ship too!


In hindsight, I would leave my TV, they're pretty cheap here surprisingly. If you ship a Dyson, make sure it is clean (filters as well). If they spot it on your inventory, they will check it at quarantine.
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