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Hi Everyone


I am new to PIO and after some advice


My husband has been bullying me to move to Perth for 12 months due to all the problems in the UK. I finally agreed to a holiday to shut him up. We have just returned from a fabulous three week holiday there with our two 10 year old children. We had a fantastic time and loved the place and everything about it and I and the kids are keen to move there now!


We have done a migration assessment and been told we are likey to get a 175 Visa as my husbands skill (bricklayer) is in high demand. My husband is 39 and I am 41.


Problem is I am not sure whether to go for it or not - I am in a good job and not sure we should disrupte the whole family as from the threads we have read it is not going to be easy - not sure I can leave my mum so far away - haven't had guts to tell her our thoughts in case she talks me out of it!!



Boogaloo :goofy:

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Hi to you and yours,

Welcome to the site .

I,m a Bricklayer , at the moment we are in the UK . Going back too Gold coast either before x-mas or just after . Can't stand the cold anymore ,your OH will know what i mean. Not sayiny you don't. Anyway if you need any Q's answering just , PM us or post on here , they are a grat lot .


All the best



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Hi, we moved over from the UK to the Gold Coast eight weeks ago, and my husband is a bricklayer too. There are great points to living here; the climate, open spaces, hopefully better opportunities for the children. There are the not so good things too; we miss our families like mad, the humidity, and a completely alien culture, that is taking a bit of getting used too. In the end though, we decided that all we could do was give it a go; nothing needs to be permanent, and a holiday won't give a real indication of how your new life will be. For the most part, we're enjoying our new lives, and glad we went for it. I've not been here long, so others can give you a better perspective on life in Oz; just wanted to empathise with you, as I know how hard a decision it is for you, as it was for us, and I hope that whatever you decide makes you and your family happy.



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Guest billy braveheart

Hi Boogaloo


Welcome to PIO.


We are in Perth & have been for 12 weeks. OH is a brickie anything we can do to help just ask.



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Hiya it is a big decision and im a firm beliver that you should only do it if you are both 100% behind it.We moved last year and settled 40 min inland from the gold coast ,brickies are in demand here and most places from what you read and see.We love it out here and our kids settled really well, school have been great and the aussies are so friendly.Good luck with whatever you decide,it is a big move ,,but for us well worth it,,

Cal x

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When we applied it was just before my 42nd birthday, we had a very comfortable life in the UK and it is a big decision to leave that security behind. We've been here in WA since January and we are very settled and content here, we still have a comfortable life but are able to enjoy the simple things so much more (it isn't just the weather but it does help when you can go places). Our children who are now 7 and 12 have adapted so easily (thankfully) and have made friends.


It is a major upheavel - my dad is 70 next year and has been out this year to visit my brother in QLD and myself here in WA, he doesn't want to live here, but he loves visiting.



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I know how you feel about telling the family! We have had a really positive response so far. Everyone has given us their full support. To be honest it is friends that are more worried especially the ones we see all the time. Your children are only 10 and I'm sure they will adapt. We moved from London to Kent 3 years ago and our kid's thought it was the end of the world. Now they are all looking forward to moving to Oz they see it as another adventure.


I think that we will have more quality time with our family once over there, the lifestyle is so much more relaxed.


Good luck with making your decision.


April & Richard

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Hiya it is a big decision and im a firm beliver that you should only do it if you are both 100% behind it.Cal x


I have to agree with Cal,if you come I think you have to be 100% behind -if not the idea- then your husband. Only you know whether you hate the idea / hate being pressured or are open to the prospect but have sensible concerns to think through.


That said, I think I might just be a bit confused since although you say you are 'not sure whether to go for it or not' you also say that you 'and the kids are keen to move there now'. So perhaps your heart is telling you to go, but that small voice in your head (or am I the only one hearing voices??!:wacko:)is trying to make you consider the implications of emigrating'?


I don't know, but I'm guessing you only have that good job because you've earned it? Even if it takes a while to re-establish yourself, I'm sure you will be able to end up with another good job. As for disrupting your family, I like April and Richard's idea of viewing the whole thing as an adventure! I also think that it's a good lesson for the kids to learn, ie.that you can uproot your whole life...then re-create and improve it somewhere else. Whether in Kent or Oz! As for family, what can anyone say? It's not easy to leave people you love, but I think that those that truly love you, will support you - however much it might tear them up inside. Two of my best friends have left their very much-loved parents, emigrated and still have a wonderful relationship with them. It can be done, but won't always be easy.


I had a good job and life in the UK. I didn't particularly want to come; didn't share my husband's enthusiasm at all, but eventually decided to support his dream and give it a go. I've never regretted it.


Good luck!



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For what it's worth, if you have the opportunity (Soooo many folks DON'T) you're all fit & healthy & you can afford the say £5-10K of going through the process & the associated move, then GO! You probably only have this one window of opportunity, (job might not be on Skills in Demand List next time you check - my hubby's went within a month of him applying, + he's had another birthday so wouldn't have the Max Points NOW, let alone chance of Visa.) Who knows, in 6 months time that opp might be gone for you too... :shocked:


If you're really NOT convinced, then rent our your property if you own your home & it's possible; thus hedging your bets & retaining your assets here, then if you have to return you won't have lost out... And anyway, it would be a great adventure for the kids,and if Life is not for maximizing your potential, & experiencing what you can & learning the most from it, then what's the point?! If you don't go for it, I'm sure you'll be forever regretting it, & I'm not sure you'll be able to forget that... At least if you do it, you won't be haunted by the What-If Ghosts... :err:


Just have a great Life & if the boys are up for it; GO FOR IT: could be the Best Thing You ever do for YOU & YOUR FAMILY...





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Hi Boogaloo,


I can't stay that I am 100% sure about going but I am more for it than against it but it has taken me a long time to get to this stage and my hubbie never put pressure on me and it paid off in the end.


I am also concerned about leaving my parents and how I will be once over in Oz but like other posts have said we don't want the 'what if's' in 10 years time because it will be too late then.


Good luck with your decision.



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