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Pros and Cons of our options, opinions welcomed


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Hi all


well we posted a few days ago in the welcome section and already have some great advice. We have also spoken to a few friends who have made the move and an agent. It’s all been very welcome but has left us, dare I say it, more confused on what we should do.


We have been advised that if we look at the permanent option (175 or 176) then we can start the process now. The PROs seem to be that we may be able to get a lot of it done by the changes (is it June or July?). The Cons seem to be as we are unsure if we want SA/WA/VIC then maybe we can't make those decisions yet. There also seems to be quite a bit of cost which added to the usual moving costs, getting our dogs out there then OUCH! But still not a deal breaker.


Second option seems to be go under an employer sponsored VISA for up to 4 years (sorry forgot which it is, maybe 457). This is what my sister did and once she touched down and started working her employer encouraged her to make it a permanent stay and paid the costs. The CONs seem to be we have to wait until Kathleen (Nurse and main VISA) will need to wait until she has another 6-12 months experience as a nurse before she can apply for jobs and then start the VISA process. That will definitely take us into the new VISA rules. Also talking to my sister and some others it can limit our options when we arrive in terms of housing/insurance/cars etc.? Not sure how true or limiting that is.


Anyway we welcome any advice, opinions or similar experiences. Also how do people feel about going through the process yourself over using an agent? The costs of using an agent were not a shock and I was left feeling after our chat to them that it may be a complicated process so the extra help could be worth it, but it would be interesting to get others views of that. We are very much fact finding at the moment. We hope to visit OZ in April/May to visit Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth to try and make the decision of where we would like to live. All focus at the moment is sorting our affairs here in the UK. We are looking into house situation i.e. sell or rent out, looking at savings etc.


Anyway this is going to be the first of many on this thread so I will say thanks for any replies and we appreciate anyone's help and the time taken to reply.



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Guest Frankie79

I agree that if you have the option you should go for the PR. My brother went on a 457 and now has his PR but it was nailbiting for him waiting to see if PR would be granted having built a new life on the other side of the world. Plus there are further costs in applying for PR. Not too pricey if you do it yourself but can be very epxensive using an agent.


Given all the visa options/planned changes i would also go for the agent option. It might be expensive but you don't want to get caught out by rule/list changes which in our experience change frequently. good luck.

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PR everytime. I'm currently trying to help someone (nurse) who came on a 457 and was promised help with PR by her employer once she worked for them for 2 yrs. the employer has now renaged and said they want the full 4yrs service off her. Employers are under no obligation to help you with PR and in many instances won't, because they think you'll leave, and they need you on their books

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The July changes with the expession of interest etc I don't think apply to employer sponsered PR visas, since you've already got a job offer when you apply.


Personally I would wait until she's qualified and try to find an employer to sponsor for PR visa. That way you know you've got a job lined up, and might even get some help with the visa cost and relocation expenses.


I'm also confused as to how she would be able to start the process now for a state sponsored visa, as I thought the first step was to get the skills assessment.

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If your intent is to migrate/emigrate then PR every time


You should view 457s as a simple work permit as that's in effect all they are. They are designed for large companies transferring their staff temporarily to Australia, and for people who are being hired by Australian companies specifically to do a job for that company. They are not supposed to be a "route to migration" and shouldn't be seen as such


I say this as a 457 holder, I didn't come to Australia because I wanted to move to Australia; I came here because an Aussie company offered me a job I wanted to do.

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I agree with everyone else. We came on a 457 (it was the only choice we had) and hated the insecurity of it. We waited on pins and life on hold for the next 2 yrs to get employer sponsership. During that time I had a health scare and it 'could' of cost us our visa or at least caused complications, but luckily it all rectified and it was not an issue. It did make me realise just how many things 'can' go wrong.


I would pick a PR anytime if I had the chocie.

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Wow thanks for the responses. A lot to think about there. It’s making us favour the PR route.


"Personally I would wait until she's qualified and try to find an employer to sponsor for PR visa. That way you know you've got a job lined up, and might even get some help with the visa cost and relocation expenses."


We like the sound of this but I assume Kathleen would have to wait until she applies for a job, and therefore she needs the minimum experience needed in that particular state to work as a nurse, and before even that she will need to do the skills assessment etc.


We are hoping to go the down under live event in Birmingham at the end of the month to get more information and further clarity.


Could we ask a question, do people think it’s worth starting the assessments etc. (if that’s our first step??) now? Or do we wait until we know where and where we want to go etc.?

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Wow thanks for the responses. A lot to think about there. It’s making us favour the PR route.


"Personally I would wait until she's qualified and try to find an employer to sponsor for PR visa. That way you know you've got a job lined up, and might even get some help with the visa cost and relocation expenses."


We like the sound of this but I assume Kathleen would have to wait until she applies for a job, and therefore she needs the minimum experience needed in that particular state to work as a nurse, and before even that she will need to do the skills assessment etc.


We are hoping to go the down under live event in Birmingham at the end of the month to get more information and further clarity.


Could we ask a question, do people think it’s worth starting the assessments etc. (if that’s our first step??) now? Or do we wait until we know where and where we want to go etc.?


As far as I'm aware, the employer sponsored PR visa have processing priority and tend to go through pretty quickly. You'll need to speak to someone else about the ins and outs of what paperwork is needed for the different application routes though.


Personally I would never move anywhere without a job lined up (unless I was out of work anyway). But that's just me, obviously lots of people do.

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Agree with you there, I don't think we would physically move out there until Kathleen had a job to go (if not both of us). I think we are more confused in terms of what to do before we go and in what order, Visa first and Job second or other way round etc. Thanks for the info its much appreciated.


On a side note. With my sister already living in Melbourne and if we come out there too, my parents are also looking into moving out to. Both Mum and Dad will be retired from 2013 and have visited Oz many times and love it there. They have spoken to friends about a retiree Visa but I believe you need a lot of funds behind you to make that move (which they may have if they sold their house in the UK etc) but are there any other options for them to be able to live out there? We are a close family and it kills them already just having my sister out in Oz even though they regularly visit (just come back from a month in Melbourne over Xmas/New Year). With both of us out there I understand why they want to investigate making the move too.

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Hi! lots of comments on this thread so thought I'd give you my perspective! We had no plans to come to OZ, hubby got headhunted and we came on a 457, no matter what anyone says, you pack up your life and you send it in a container so you definitely don't think it's a 4 year experience and you will return after, you make the decision to go and you hope that if you settle and find you love it you can stay. For us we were sponsorered by the employer after 8 months and the PR was granted around 2 months after lodgement. So a 457 can be a good route to PR. My advice would be in getting that good employer in the beginning, the one that does and will support your PR, we are happy as Larry, very loyal to the company, they in turn have been supportive and a win win for both sides. it can and does work and I know many other families in a similar situation who will, without doubt, be PR as soon as they a eligible with the support of the company.

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