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Why do people tailgate me all the time!!!!


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:realmad: Dont know about anyone else..But I get tailgated every time i go out...why is this, when im doing the legal speed limit?

I can see people in my mirrors getting so angry coz i wont move out of there way...

Its not just P platers either..its all ages, especially middle aged people...men & women!

Do they learn you to do this type of thing when learning to drive here in oz?


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Maybe your speedo is a little out?


I find in Canberra that people drive very aggressively. As well as tailgating, they also are completely incapable of merging into one lane, indicating and also have a tendency to cut people up all the time. We were out this morning and actually had a woman move into our lane without even looking, fortunately we were moving lanes to the right anyway but if we hadn't have been then she'd have just pulled right into us. Not sure if it's Australia wide but they certainly are crap drivers in Canberra imho.

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Maybe your speedo is a little out?


I find in Canberra that people drive very aggressively. As well as tailgating, they also are completely incapable of merging into one lane, indicating and also have a tendency to cut people up all the time. We were out this morning and actually had a woman move into our lane without even looking, fortunately we were moving lanes to the right anyway but if we hadn't have been then she'd have just pulled right into us. Not sure if it's Australia wide but they certainly are crap drivers in Canberra imho.



I'm pretty sure it's Australia wide! To be honest, the drivers don't seem to know any different. It's just the way they drive.

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I'm pretty sure it's Australia wide! To be honest, the drivers don't seem to know any different. It's just the way they drive.



Wouldn't surprise me. I think good wide roads and a relatively low population breeds a certain arrogance in driving maybe.

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Guest AKA63029

Best way to deal with it Larrson is to ask them if they could RSVP the invite to 'Do You Want To See Your Next Birthday' asap.:mad:

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It happens mostly on the motorways, I share your feeling. No matter what speed you're going at, you'll always find someone attached to your arse...



I used to get pissed off at the beginning but then I learn and accepted that it's part of OZ, some are like that, so then started to move over to the inner lane ;)


.....oh, when they overtook me, then I made sure I pissed them off too! :twitcy:




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Guest GeorgeD
:realmad: Dont know about anyone else..But I get tailgated every time i go out...why is this, when im doing the legal speed limit?


You've pretty much answered your own question with the last comment! If you're not doing at least 20% over the limit then you're a trouble maker!!


I see it all the time on motorways around Brisbane. Last night I was on the Logan motorway doing 100km in a 100km zone and I was overtaken by a two trailer big lorry thing which must've been doing 105-110km...and I was shocked to see a guy on a motorbike literally 6 feet behind him in his slipstream as he passed me. The lorry guy could never have seen him, it's not as if his little motorbike is gonna intimidate this 40 ton juggernaut which is four times his height as well, but why travel 50m behind when he can be 2m behind...that's 48m closer to his destination! We were the only 3 vehicles in sight on the road, did he need to be that close? No, but that's just the way they drive. No wonder there have been 16 fatalities in 18 days on QLD roads.

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Maybe your speedo is a little out?


I find in Canberra that people drive very aggressively. As well as tailgating, they also are completely incapable of merging into one lane, indicating and also have a tendency to cut people up all the time. We were out this morning and actually had a woman move into our lane without even looking, fortunately we were moving lanes to the right anyway but if we hadn't have been then she'd have just pulled right into us. Not sure if it's Australia wide but they certainly are crap drivers in Canberra imho.


Unfortunatly its the same here in melbourne too...Im actually starting to go grey with this...and im only 33! I drive a 1.3 escort so it dunt pick up speed very well when im at lights etc....but i really do fear for mine and my son's life every time i go out..

We are going to the blue's fest in april which is in byron bay..and my husband was insisting that we drive there..under normal circumstance's i would...but i think i might ov gone into cardiac arrest before we get there..so its cost us a small fortune instead on flight's....

i dont get why they drive so erratically...and give you THE stare when there going past!

We are returning to yorkshire in july..so just hope its not in a box.

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I am prone to it sometimes. I remember my mum's alarm had gone off and the alarm people phoned me and I was speeding down to her place and would they move out the way no, they think they are the policeman of the road. Fortunately my Mum was ok but I did need to get her an ambulance when I got there.


So I take the view you do not know why someone wants to speed. You do not have to pay their fine, so move over and let them speed.


I know also that my friend's son is a doc and he gets called in to the hospital emergency as he is consultant and I am sure he does not go slow and I am sure the patient is happy he doesn't.


The problem is that here in Aus if people are turning right five or ten kilometres up the road they sit in the outside lane and hold up the traffic.

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Yep, everyone sits in the outside lane in Canberra. The reason being is that people are not courteous enough to let you in for your turn, so if you don't get in the lane early enough you miss your turn altogether. If it's rush hour, I always get in the lane I want to be in asap now because the way they switch lanes and cut each other up here is quite scary at the best of times if not downright dangerous. Most of the main roads are dual carriageways in Canberra and they really need to have sliproad exits and not a lot of right turns on them imo.

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Welcome to Australia....WA has some crazy drivers...how they passed their test I don't know....


When the test consists of flicking a ciggy out of the window, turning ACDC up to full without looking and flicking the V's at all and sundry, its hardly rocket science.


I've driven in Spain and France, where they are also appalling, but they're not a patch on Aussies. A lot of drivers are willfully dangerous.

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Reversing onto the freeway springs to mind....they obviously took the wrong exit....now it's hardly rocket science in thinking that's dangerous....any normal person would just correct their journey by taking a different route...

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Guest dee3melo

Tailgating is a notoriously hazardous preoccupation with the Aussie driver, they lack courtesy ,basic judgement ,absolutely no concept of breaking distance /defensive driving. I recall driving at the speed limit and this driver was literally glued to my bumper, I switched on my hazard lights but this only deterred him momentarily, I ended up letting him pass, you should have seen the hostility in his face. Absolutely mental

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When the test consists of flicking a ciggy out of the window, turning ACDC up to full without looking and flicking the V's at all and sundry, its hardly rocket science.


I've driven in Spain and France, where they are also appalling, but they're not a patch on Aussies. A lot of drivers are willfully dangerous.


you haven't driven in turkey then

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Guest guest57588
When the test consists of flicking a ciggy out of the window, turning ACDC up to full without looking and flicking the V's at all and sundry, its hardly rocket science.


I've driven in Spain and France, where they are also appalling, but they're not a patch on Aussies. A lot of drivers are willfully dangerous.




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I am prone to it sometimes. I remember my mum's alarm had gone off and the alarm people phoned me and I was speeding down to her place and would they move out the way no, they think they are the policeman of the road. Fortunately my Mum was ok but I did need to get her an ambulance when I got there.


So I take the view you do not know why someone wants to speed. You do not have to pay their fine, so move over and let them speed.


I know also that my friend's son is a doc and he gets called in to the hospital emergency as he is consultant and I am sure he does not go slow and I am sure the patient is happy he doesn't.


The problem is that here in Aus if people are turning right five or ten kilometres up the road they sit in the outside lane and hold up the traffic.


Its nothing to do with not knowing why people speed...i understand that somtimes you MAY have to get your foot down because of an emergency..but its constant, they dont just tailgate you in the outside lane, its in any lane, anytime of the day, all day long. i have often gone to work in a morning when theres been no other traffic on the road, then all of a sudden theres an idiot sat in my boot ..but they just wont over take me...why should i move out of the way when im doing the speed limit? have you seen the news tonight with that young lad who got squashed between 2 lorry's...hes lucky to be alive...there just bloody idiot's who should be banned. its happening every single day..people getting killed through stupid & incompetant drivers who are not fit to own a car...never mind drive one!

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Guest AKA63029
Its nothing to do with not knowing why people speed...i understand that somtimes you MAY have to get your foot down because of an emergency..but its constant, they dont just tailgate you in the outside lane, its in any lane, anytime of the day, all day long. i have often gone to work in a morning when theres been no other traffic on the road, then all of a sudden theres an idiot sat in my boot ..but they just wont over take me...why should i move out of the way when im doing the speed limit? have you seen the news tonight with that young lad who got squashed between 2 lorry's...hes lucky to be alive...there just bloody idiot's who should be banned. its happening every single day..people getting killed through stupid & incompetant drivers who are not fit to own a car...never mind drive one!


Hi Larrson.


I can see why you say why should you let them pass, but in all honesty matey, best thing to do, as it could seriously make for an accident.


If and when it happens matey make sure you drop back a little further from the car in front of you as well, not to annoy the tailgater but to ensure YOU are safe is all.


Cheers Tony.

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Hi Larrson.


I can see why you say why should you let them pass, but in all honesty matey, best thing to do, as it could seriously make for an accident.


If and when it happens matey make sure you drop back a little further from the car in front of you as well, not to annoy the tailgater but to ensure YOU are safe is all.


Cheers Tony.


Thanks for the advice tony...ill keep you in mind next time i get tailgatered...:hug:

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Guest AKA63029

Don't get me wrong mate. I am of the school of 'Ring Their Bloody Necks' and at one time I would have done all I could to annoy them and 'get hold' of them. But at the end of the day mate it's not worth it. If 'they' want to speed and possibly kill themselves good luck to em is what I say.


The trouble is driving is 'meant' to be a pleasurable exercise, trouble is so many numpties out there that it is now a war of attrition.


Keep YOURSELF and FAMILY safe mate is all I can say, and once again, this comes from someone who still to this day 'wants' to chase em down and show them the error of their ways.:cool:

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Guest guest59177
Hi Larrson.


I can see why you say why should you let them pass, but in all honesty matey, best thing to do, as it could seriously make for an accident.


If and when it happens matey make sure you drop back a little further from the car in front of you as well, not to annoy the tailgater but to ensure YOU are safe is all.


Cheers Tony.


Don't get me wrong mate. I am of the school of 'Ring Their Bloody Necks' and at one time I would have done all I could to annoy them and 'get hold' of them. But at the end of the day mate it's not worth it. If 'they' want to speed and possibly kill themselves good luck to em is what I say.


The trouble is driving is 'meant' to be a pleasurable exercise, trouble is so many numpties out there that it is now a war of attrition.


Keep YOURSELF and FAMILY safe mate is all I can say, and once again, this comes from someone who still to this day 'wants' to chase em down and show them the error of their ways.:cool:


Thanks AKA. This is the kind of practical advice I was looking for. I will keep this in mind whenever I get the pleasure of driving in Australia.

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Guest AKA63029
Thanks AKA. This is the kind of practical advice I was looking for. I will keep this in mind whenever I get the pleasure of driving in Australia.


Took me a long time to 'calm' down Lep. But as an ex driving instructor and advanced driver it paid no dividends in telling my pupils, 'Put your foot down, we'll get the little barsteward'.:laugh:

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