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Lunar Eclipse Over Australia And New Zealand


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Thanks! But I am sure we won't get back anything. You know how it works with rental agencies. Funny thing they were here last week for their "inspection" and they saw the damage in our kitchen and bedroom already...


Sorry about the off-topic.


Actually, is it true one can see the ecplise again today? Read that somewhere yesterday but I can't belive it somehow.

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After a day of heavy cloud and rain, it cleared up just in time to see the eclipse. Here's a rather rubbish shot I took just moments before totality:




Sorry about all the grain...I had to go to a supercharged ISO to get enough exposure.


It was darker that many lunar eclipses I've seen and, as the astronomers predicted, when viewed through binoculars there was a turquoise tinge around the rim. Spectacular!


I'm looking forward to the solar eclipse in November 2012...we will see about 80% coverage here in southern Qld but up in Cairns it will be total.


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It was great - thanks Bobj, for alerting us.


One of the kids woke us up at 1am so the 5 of us staggered out to the hotel car park. (Weekend up at the Hunter Valley :fish2:.) It was about half way there so watched until it was fully eclipsed. Worth the effort - always stunning.

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