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Hand over files ~ Prior to emigration


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Who did you get 'hand-over files' from? :wideeyed:


So far, I have asked for my Sons school records :yes:


What about Doctors, dentists etc....& do they charge? :unsure:


Thankyou in advance :wubclub:


You are trying to think of absolutely everything aren't you - good on you.


We don't have kids but didn't get any of the above - dental x-rays would have saved a few quid to be sure.


Actually, never mind the files, think about getting any dental work done before leaving - you would not believe the cost of dental work here - even with top "Gold" insurance I had a root canal recently and it cost about £700, without insurance it would have been well over £1,000 - from memory in the UK its less than £300.


Health care here is fantastic though, much quicker and better funded than the NHS, also remember if you're going to get private cover (which actually works out cheaper over a certain salary), doing it in the first 12 (or is it 6?) months of arriving avoids the "age loading" that you'll get hit with otherwise.

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Thankyou Ozziepom :wubclub:


I think I may have a touch of OCD! :eek: I tend to think about things & then think some more...No leaving the cooker switched on for me :laugh:


If im honest it really does my head in, as I give myself tension headaches :frown:


But im gratefull I can come on here & ask away....:chatterbox:

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Sorry I cant help with any answers as we're not at that stage but I'll definitely be looking through your old posts when I do get to your stage. You sound like me, like to know exactly what you're doing & whats best! Quite excited for you now though, we were on Tasha's Qld SS thread 2 years ago when you were running the WA one, seems so long ago - best of luck with the move!


Mandy x

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Guest Pete the Feet

Look very carefully at moving to Australia, there's a lot of things over here that you don't realise about till it's too late. If you're not sure, stay in the UK, trust me it's a lot better.

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CT, you seem very organised, which is good. We got our visa last week and booked flights the following day... We leave on 17th nov. When do you head off?

Can those less organised than you pick your brain?? Did you make a list of all the things you needed to do?

My head is spinning, I've made several lists and still feel like I've left things off... And at some point need to do some of the things on the list!

Do you have a gold standard list that we could crib off you..?!

Need help!!!

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If im honest it really does my head in, as I give myself tension headaches :frown:



Worrying is an unsuccessful strategy of trying to predict all possible occurrences then trying to formulate a plan to deal with each one in the hope of being prepared for anything, it doesn't and can't work. I read something similar to that a few years ago when I was worried about something, loosing sleep etc and tried to stop. Thought I'd write that to remind myself.


CT - enjoy the journey - I know you've been on this road for a long time, the upcoming weeks will be among the most fun and stressful, in equal measures of your life. Hopefully in a while you'll look back fondly on the fun parts and wonder why you worried about the other stuff, even if you don't it won't be because of some small detail you overlooked, very few omissions are not correctable (don't forget your passports).

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Generally speaking the Docs here aren't interested in seeing your medical records, prefering instead to make their own diagnosis. Might be different if you have a long history of illness tho. So maybe not worth going to the expense of getting them.

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Look very carefully at moving to Australia, there's a lot of things over here that you don't realise about till it's too late. If you're not sure, stay in the UK, trust me it's a lot better.


I've had a few beers, moving to Brisbane next week and highly emotional. In short am not in the mood for random negative, unhelpful posts like yours. It doesn't even fit with the topic - have you read it? You had a bad time, put it behind you and let others get on with it. Ta!

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Re the kids - bring their red immunisation books for sure. Saying that the primary school my daughter went to the photocopied her vaccination page for their records, my sons secondary school weren't bothered even though we offered. School reports - again offered but declined. Unless there is a problem I think they like to make thier own minds up them. To be honest we just discussed with the principles when we went to see the schools how are kids were both socially and academically in thier UK schools.

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Look very carefully at moving to Australia, there's a lot of things over here that you don't realise about till it's too late. If you're not sure, stay in the UK, trust me it's a lot better.


Enjoy your trip back - many do that too & live to regret it, nothing is certain in life.

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Guest pigfrogs

Ignore him Paisleylass. Just because it hasn't worked for him, he is trying to make everyone else miserable. He has posted on other threads too. We all know that it doesn't work out for everybody and i found the hardest part kicked in after about twelve months.

A lot obviously depends on circumstances. My wife has a good job, i now have a successful business and my 16 yr old son has just joined us after living with his mother since he was 10 mths old so things are good.

You will make many friends, some will last others wont but don't worry about it and make your life for yourself.

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Guest roaminnomore

CT, about time you crossed over this way!!! HUGE best wishes to you and yours :biggrin:. I brought; school reports but did not hand them over and was not asked, doctors (computerised files as cheaper) but said I did not have them, IMMUNISATION records (either red book or print out from docs) very important (school, childcare and family assistance payments). Personal reference about us as a family, individual personal and work references for myself and hubby (helps with rentals and job apps). Carried the whole lot in an AtoZ expanding folder on the plane as wells as having it all scanned to pen drive.

Yep, I did go the whole hog, along with an itinery inc. contact names and address(s) for Customs just in case. It put my mind at ease having everything to hand and ready to go, it also helped at this end being organised.


I think it is personal to you but the 'immunisation' info. will be essential at some point. The one thing I forgot which would have helped - get the mobile phones unlocked!!!


Best wishes and enjoy. Leila xxx

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CT, you seem very organised, which is good. We got our visa last week and booked flights the following day... We leave on 17th nov. When do you head off?

Can those less organised than you pick your brain?? Did you make a list of all the things you needed to do?

My head is spinning, I've made several lists and still feel like I've left things off... And at some point need to do some of the things on the list!

Do you have a gold standard list that we could crib off you..?!

Need help!!!


Thankyou ~ We leave the week after you :shocked:


I went & bought a copy of 'Australia & New Zealand' magazine, there is a list in the back of it (or someone has posted it on here too~Sorry cant remember who posted it, mayby do a search) But I figured amoung all the adverts etc, I may get inspiration of something I have forgotton! :wink:


Worrying is an unsuccessful strategy of trying to predict all possible occurrences then trying to formulate a plan to deal with each one in the hope of being prepared for anything, it doesn't and can't work. I read something similar to that a few years ago when I was worried about something, loosing sleep etc and tried to stop. Thought I'd write that to remind myself.


CT - enjoy the journey - I know you've been on this road for a long time, the upcoming weeks will be among the most fun and stressful, in equal measures of your life. Hopefully in a while you'll look back fondly on the fun parts and wonder why you worried about the other stuff, even if you don't it won't be because of some small detail you overlooked, very few omissions are not correctable (don't forget your passports).


Thankyou ozziepom & your right, my late (wonderful) Dad said a similair thing to me, to stop 'overthinking'.....& although im trying, its not easy when im thinking of the 3.5 children we are taking with us too! :cute: I promise I will try harder to relax once this move is done


Passports all ready in a little popper envelope, along with flight times & hotel stop over details ~ Thankyou again :wubclub:


I've had a few beers, moving to Brisbane next week and highly emotional. In short am not in the mood for random negative, unhelpful posts like yours. It doesn't even fit with the topic - have you read it? You had a bad time, put it behind you and let others get on with it. Ta!




CT, about time you crossed over this way!!! HUGE best wishes to you and yours :biggrin:. I brought; school reports but did not hand them over and was not asked, doctors (computerised files as cheaper) but said I did not have them, IMMUNISATION records (either red book or print out from docs) very important (school, childcare and family assistance payments). Personal reference about us as a family, individual personal and work references for myself and hubby (helps with rentals and job apps). Carried the whole lot in an AtoZ expanding folder on the plane as wells as having it all scanned to pen drive.

Yep, I did go the whole hog, along with an itinery inc. contact names and address(s) for Customs just in case. It put my mind at ease having everything to hand and ready to go, it also helped at this end being organised.


I think it is personal to you but the 'immunisation' info. will be essential at some point. The one thing I forgot which would have helped - get the mobile phones unlocked!!!


Best wishes and enjoy. Leila xxx


Thankyou Leila :cute: Yes, it is about time!


When you say that you got a personal reference for you & your Hubby, who did you get that from? :unsure:

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Ignore him Paisleylass. Just because it hasn't worked for him, he is trying to make everyone else miserable. He has posted on other threads too. We all know that it doesn't work out for everybody and i found the hardest part kicked in after about twelve months.

A lot obviously depends on circumstances. My wife has a good job, i now have a successful business and my 16 yr old son has just joined us after living with his mother since he was 10 mths old so things are good.

You will make many friends, some will last others wont but don't worry about it and make your life for yourself.


.....Theres always one! :laugh:


I do understand that its not for everyone & I have read those threads, my eyes are fully open & I have no rose tinted specs :wink:


If you you never go.....You never know :v_SPIN:

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Guest roaminnomore

Sorry not replied before just not been on the computer for a few days - we fight for it!!! An old family friend of my Dad's was a police officer his hwole life and Mark got his from someone at his Ai-kido club was was a commended police officer. If they are still serving they need to get permission from their superior as it may well be checked (usually are). Sort of worded like - I have known..... for ....... amount of years. We first met when........ and he has proved to be a ............ ..... has been married to ...... and they have .... number of children who have also proved to be....... I ....... have not hesitation in recommending them in avery aspect of their lives blah, blah blah. You need to kind of speak out and put yourself foward, don't be afraid of it, it is not like the UK. The only thing they don't seem to like is a bragger but, it is okay for someone else to sing your praises. Hope this helps. Leila xxx

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