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oh no, he did it again


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I was awoken this morning at 6.30am by a commotion on the landing. My cat had brought a mouse (a very large one) in through the cat flap and was playing, well, cat and mouse' in and out of the bathroom.


Slamming the bedroom door, just in case, I hollered at him to get it out. He picked it up and ran ahead of me down the stairs, straight into the lounge and dropped it. Poor mousey ran straight under the sofa.


Pussycat has now lost interest and has gone out to play with someone else.


Now I have a mouse loose in the house.


This is becoming a regular thing. He brought one up in the middle of the night once and let it loose on the duvet. We actually had a live mouse running around in bed with us.


OH says that when he lived in Australia, their old cat used to bring in small snakes. Now, if I woke up in the night and had a snake in my bed then that would be another matter. Much as I love him, if he brings snakes in I can see poor old pussy getting the heave ho.


Does anyone else's cat do this or is mine just overly generous with his 'gifts'



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This is very natural and most cats do it.

They see you as part of their family and like to bring you home their food. It is their way of looking after you and showing you he loves you.

Never had a cat bring a snake home, but have had lots of mice, birds and the odd frog.

The worst was when mine brought a tiny baby bird home still alive. She had obviously got it out of the nest. It seems cruel but is just their instinct.

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Mine had brought in the odd live mouse, and one time a common vole. Clever kitty had managed to find 2 in the garden and brought one in to show us. My eldest was calling it a rat, my youngest was calling it a squirrel. I didn't care what it was as long as it wasn't running round my living room!

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I remember a few years ago, our neighbours cat caught a mouse, killed it and stripped it of its skin and fur. He left a little pink body on the door step. My son who was about 3 yrs old at the time came running in crying. Tigers caught a mouse he shouted and hes eaten its pyjamas.


We laughed about that for years (not funny for the poor mouse though)

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Unusually my Boxer dog has caught two rodents. (I think they were teenage rats) I found him going mad and getting all jiggy with excitement at the bottom of the garden. Unidentified rodent taken off him and bagged up and put in the dustbin. The next day a little smarter Boxer dog has taken another unidentified rodent into bush area in garden and is getting all jiggy. A bit harder for me to get too but finally got rid of rodent.


My neighbours put a bell on their cat so the birds have a pre cat attack warning!

But the bell also is an early warning sign to my dogs that a cat is approaching.... so that's the part I just sit back and watch all hell break loose.

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Guest Guest16631

...................our dogs have caught a fair few rats mice .............................and the occassional snake..!!......................but thats why we have them they keep the vermin away from the house.......the dog was lucky not to be bitten by the snake.........................but it was an agressive one and near my son at the time....................so he was lucky the dog saw it !

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I had a neighbourhood cat that sat on our garden fence a few years ago and at the time I had two Boxer's who hated cats. (They have since since passed away) Well one dog saw it and barged the fence, The cat had a wobble up and fell into our Garden... It wasn't pretty the Boxer lunged at the cat followed quickly by my other Boxer, so two Boxers and 1 cat.... the noise from the cat was horrific. The cat shot out after what seems like ages and scuttled up the tree. The dogs came in proud as punch. I then looked and one dog had splatters of blood on him and after checking them both thoroughly they didn't have a scratch on them. So it must of been the cats blood.

Two days the cat sat in the tree!!!! Then I got up one morning and it was gone.

Never had a cat problem since that day.

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A cat sitting on your fence is not much of a problem is it ?


Not for me it wasn't! It could sit there all day long as far as I'm concerned.

It obviously was a problem to my two dogs that disliked cats.


My problem is with the cats that like to use my garden as a toilet! I'm sure my neighbours would be happy if I let my dogs use there garden as a toilet. Nothing worse than weeding your flower bed and finding cat droppings.

Now with having dogs around this hardly ever happens.

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Guest MontyClaude

One of my cats kills everything. He came home with a magpie when he was about 6 months old, he's caught a racing pigeon, hundreds of birds and rabbits. He bring them in the utility room window and gives them to the dogs. I got greeted one morning by my retriever with a very dead rabbit the cat had brought sometime during the night, I gave out to him to drop it so the silly sod swallowed it whole to hide the evidence!! Kinda worried about Monty my killer cat in Oz.

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One of my cats kills everything. He came home with a magpie when he was about 6 months old, he's caught a racing pigeon, hundreds of birds and rabbits. He bring them in the utility room window and gives them to the dogs. I got greeted one morning by my retriever with a very dead rabbit the cat had brought sometime during the night, I gave out to him to drop it so the silly sod swallowed it whole to hide the evidence!! Kinda worried about Monty my killer cat in Oz.


Don't worry about your killer cat in oz Claude, he will soon learn he will not last long if he tries to bring in some of the wildlife over there :laugh:

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Guest MontyClaude
Don't worry about your killer cat in oz Claude, he will soon learn he will not last long if he tries to bring in some of the wildlife over there :laugh:


Ha ha that's what I'm hoping. But he's not really blessed with common sense is my Monty!

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