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6 months in Perth- its gone so fast!


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We left freezing cold Manchester airport on 7th feb and arrived in sunny Perth on the 9th. We were staying with friends in Wanneroo until we sorted a rental, we thought it would take us a month to 6 weeks - 1 week later we were accepted for a fab rental on 1/2 acre with a pool in the beautiful Perth hills. OH started work after being here only 3 days- his first day was in 40+ degree temperatures! We bought a Ute in our first week and moved the pitiful amount of stuff we had bought up to our new home on 25th feb. We managed with a gas bbq, 2 sunloungers, a matress on the floor and a borrowed tv until all our worldly goods arrived mid March- i have never been so happy to see a sofa! :wink:


I struggled to find a job, sending out heaps of applications and resumes. I applied for my police clearance and our lovely new landlords offered to do me an Oz reference and lo and behold I got 2 interviews the following week! I started work 6 weeks ago so we will soon be able to get a mortgage application in and claim our own little piece of Oz. We are going to buy in Mount Helena as we love it here already- the pub is great and full of really friendly people, we have made some lovely new friends already. The countryside is soooo beautiful around us and the wildlife is fantastic


We miss our family and friends in the UK and are so grateful for skype and facebook - it was hard to leave our 3 grown up children and my stepson but we cant wait for our first visitors in january - my stepson is coming with OH's sister, he is only 12 and really looking forward to it.


We feel like this is home now, I wasnt sure it would do after feeling like it was still a holiday until I got my job. We have so many plans that we want to do and are so excited about the future - good luck to those still in the process, its well worth all the ups and downs, heartache and setbacks to get here in the end


Donna x :wubclub:

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Hi there,



It is great to hear that it has all gone well for you. Looking at your timeliness they are very close to ours. We left the UK late January on a cold and pretty miserable morning and flew to Malaysia for a week and a half, before touching down in Sydney on the 4th February. We totally agree that time has gone so fast. Six months in and it seems like we have been here only a few weeks.



It sure is nice when your things come, but now we are starting to ask if we needed to bring everything with us. At the end of the day it is better to have things here that you can decide to throw out rather than not have them here and wish you had brought them along.



Good luck, we hope that you continue to enjoy it.:wink:

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Great read.... you arrive just a couple of weeks after us.... we too can't believe how fast the last 6 months have gone.


Good to hear you feel settled and have made new friends...it really helps doesn't it....


Now you'll be counting down to your first Aussie Christmas (it'll be strange enjoying christmas in the sunshine lol) and then you're visitors next year....

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Great positive post, you sure seem to have got an awful lot done in 6 months!! :notworthy:

Congratualtions on your job :jiggy: & may all your plans fall into place just like your 1st 6 months.

Good luck with your live in Oz :yes:

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