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New Cat 4 July 1st 2011

Guest cat4july2011

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There is a fair bit of info here - They appear to be saying that they are processing onshore cat4 post july11 already, so that puts to rest any suggestion that Cat4 post july11 would be suspended.


Am I correct in my reading that as at 18Nov, there were 5500 offshore Cat4, and 2400 of these were post July11? Or should that be 5500+2400?


Considering that as at 18 November, May11 was in the process of being allocated, that puts a lot of applications in may/June.


At any rate, it looks like an average of 600 application a month under the new system, which should see them moving very fast once they get to July



Sorry.. The number-cruncher in my brain won't switch off :wink:


NatsB, my understanding is that there are 5544 offshore cat4s before July 1st and an additional 2702 since 1st July making a grand total of 8246. So if you were to apply as a cat4 today at a rate of 1000 per month you should have a CO in 9-11 months.

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Date of Visa application: 19.9.2011

Nationality: Irish

High/Low Risk: LR

Trade/profession: Secondary School Teacher

Visa type: 175

Onshore/offshore: Offshore

Pre-14th July 2010 Category (If applicable):no

Post-14th July Category: yes

Medicals submitted:

Police check submitted:

Date CO assigned:

Date of employment verification (If applicable):

Date visa granted:


Welcome to the thread. We applied from the same country at around the same time as you. Best of luck! Hoping to get a CO in June and approval in August. What do you think?

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Guest Hurls10802

Hi or do we get used to saying g'day?


We were hoping to get a CO around May/June. But that is purely hope, realistically we are thinking we could have the visa before December. Where abouts are thinking of heading? Do you have a job lined up? We are looking at NSW north of Newcastle area.

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NatsB, my understanding is that there are 5544 offshore cat4s before July 1st and an additional 2702 since 1st July making a grand total of 8246. So if you were to apply as a cat4 today at a rate of 1000 per month you should have a CO in 9-11 months.


As per DIAC "Each week around 1000 priority affected cases are allocated to case officers" and if they plan on getting to cat5 this year, then I recon they have to move faster than that.



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Welcome, I have added your details to the thread and spreadsheet...


Date of Visa application: 19.9.2011

Nationality: Irish

High/Low Risk: LR

Trade/profession: Secondary School Teacher

Visa type: 175

Onshore/offshore: Offshore

Pre-14th July 2010 Category (If applicable):no

Post-14th July Category: yes

Medicals submitted:

Police check submitted:

Date CO assigned:

Date of employment verification (If applicable):

Date visa granted:

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It's so hard to stay patient when it's -6 outside!!! :skeptical:


Its not the outside temp that gets to me.. It's the two kids tearing round the tiny house at full volume!


Hubby keeps moaning he is cold though... I just stay inside!

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Hi Guys,


I have offered to take over the thread and Bpremji has accepted. Many thanks to him and to Tania for all their efforts. I will try to keep things up to date as much as I can. This thread will now be moved to the following link,




Good luck to all,



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Thanks for offering to take over the thread. Im sure you will do a great job. Its not as much work as I used to make out :biggrin:


All the best






Hi Guys,


I have offered to take over the thread and Bpremji has accepted. Many thanks to him and to Tania for all their efforts. I will try to keep things up to date as much as I can. This thread will now be moved to the following link,




Good luck to all,



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Destination: Melbourne

Date of Visa application: 14-Dec-2011

Nationality: Pakistan

High/Low Risk: HR

Trade/profession:Mechanical Engineer

Visa type: 885

Onshore/offshore: Onshore

Pre-14th July 2010 Category (If applicable):NA

Post-14th July Category:4

Medicals submitted: Front-loaded 15-Dec-2011

Police check submitted: Front-load 15-Dec-2011

Date CO assigned: 23-Jan-2012

Date of employment verification (If applicable):

Date visa granted:

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Hi and welcome to the thread. Your details have been added to the front page and spreadsheet.



Destination: Melbourne

Date of Visa application: 14-Dec-2011

Nationality: Pakistan

High/Low Risk: HR

Trade/profession:Mechanical Engineer

Visa type: 885

Onshore/offshore: Onshore

Pre-14th July 2010 Category (If applicable):NA

Post-14th July Category:4

Medicals submitted: Front-loaded 15-Dec-2011

Police check submitted: Front-load 15-Dec-2011

Date CO assigned: 23-Jan-2012

Date of employment verification (If applicable):

Date visa granted:

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Guest The6OfUs
Its not the outside temp that gets to me.. It's the two kids tearing round the tiny house at full volume!


Hubby keeps moaning he is cold though... I just stay inside!


Wish I could just stay in!! School and preschool runs in these temperatures make me feel like the living dead NatsB !!! :arghh:



It's too cold..........and I seriously hope that my wish not to suffer another UK winter, will be granted in the not too distant future!!!! :yes:



Better luck next week to everyone!! Hopefully the officers will hurry up and sign off all the cases they have open, and get stuck into all of the newbies!! x

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As a 1st July applicant I am now considering applying for my PCC and medicals. Has anyone else who is a post-June applicant down this yet? Or would it be better to see what happens when the June applicants are cleared?


We are planning to book our meds and do our pcc at the start of April regardless of whether we have a co yet. Figure it will be close enough by then. We applied 2 months after you.



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Good plan Nats. Will do same probably.




I am a July 1st applicant and we did our meds on Jan 3rd and they were finalised on Jan 16th.

Just waiting and hoping now. Reckie trip to Melbourne booked for May 21st so starting to sweat now that we'll get it granted in time. PCC also done December 21st. COs were moving fast back then

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