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Just To Balance Things Up A Bit.

Guest guest37336

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Guest guest37336

I put up a thread earlier about the most absurd thing you have ever seen in Australia, it was hopefully a light hearted one, and thanks for the replies, but in order for balance to be maintained, 'What Is The Most Remarkable Thing You Have Ever Seen?


My list could go on for pages but if I HAD to pick a couple it would be The Outback,:notworthy: and my first Tiger Shark.


Always fascinated by nature, and the outback to me sums up the 'real' Australia, and what can I say about the Tiger Shark, yep, Great Whites are spectacular, but to me the Tiger epitomizes everything about these wonderful creatures, awesome is all,:notworthy:.


Cheers Tony.:wink:

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Last night an idiot traveling at or over 130k an hour with a trailer swaying from side to side (taking up both lanes) jacknives in front of myself and another truck smashing into the railing, both the driver and passenger jump out the car pull and push the trailer the right way hop back in the car and drive off like nothing had happened!!!! BTW they left their mess that had fallen out of the trailer for other cars and trucks to smash into........



Sure beats a tiger shark :biglaugh:

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When I was about nine, I was fishing off a bridge in NSW, when something took the bait. It was big, so I yelled for my dad. He came over, but he let me real it in. It was absolutely massive. After fighting for a minute or so, it broke the surface, and it was a small sting ray, about three feet across. I started pulling him up, the rod nearly bent in two, he was thrashing around a fair bit. My father leaned over, said 'you don't want that', and cut the line. Probably the best thing to do. Absolutely awesome.

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Guest guest30038

A whale breach about 2 metres from our boat...............I thought we were a gonner.............same day................fishing a full pilly on a gang of 6/0 hooks alongside a beacon renown for it's mackerel fishing, 8ft below a float when we saw a dolphin hit it. It ran with the pilly me hanging on for dear life and then spat the hooks, which were gamakatsu, one of the sharpest. I rebaited 8 more times and the bugger repeated the process, never getting him/herself hooked and circling the boat each time I rebaited.


Decided to move to the next beacon about 3k away and the bloody thing followed us :arghh: Clever buggers those dolphins and I love ém to death despite it all.

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A whale breach about 2 metres from our boat...............I thought we were a gonner.............same day................fishing a full pilly on a gang of 6/0 hooks alongside a beacon renown for it's mackerel fishing, 8ft below a float when we saw a dolphin hit it. It ran with the pilly me hanging on for dear life and then spat the hooks, which were gamakatsu, one of the sharpest. I rebaited 8 more times and the bugger repeated the process, never getting him/herself hooked and circling the boat each time I rebaited.


Decided to move to the next beacon about 3k away and the bloody thing followed us :arghh: Clever buggers those dolphins and I love ém to death despite it all.


We always used to see dolphins in the swan river in Perth when we were fishing. Time to pack up and watch, because I've never had a bite with dolphins swimming around.


I was walking with the family in Burns Beach in WA at Christmas when I saw a fin close to shore. I thought it was a shark, but it turned out to be a pod of dolphins - with several babies. They were in close, about 30 feet from me, and one of them leapt clear out of the water. Beautiful - but I'd left the camera with the wife. Doh!


I was in Wellington NZ when I walked down to the harbour and saw a pod of killer whales. These wonderful animals are so beautiful it took my breathe away. I'll never forget that day.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I know that surfers paradise isn't everyones cup of tea, but we loved it, the warm sea, the surf, boogie boarding the waves, the iconic skyscrapers and we had an apartment overlooking the beach when we were there and we thought it was fantastic.



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There really is 'something' special about Surfers, not long after we arrived, i remember standing on that beach grinning like a chesire cat and looking around me thinking OMG i really live 'here'???????????? Not sure if its because id only really seen it on TV or what but it was an amazing feeling.


Overall i think the most amazing feeling i have ever expereinced is looking into my childrens face's when they were first born and thinking how proud a mummy i was.


Cal x

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