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What's The Most 'Absurd' Thing You Have Ever Seen In Australia?

Guest guest37336

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Guest guest37336

Just a lighthearted one peeps. As POMS we often go to Australia and think most things 'may' be the same, but more often than not certain things seem totally absurd, you know the silly little things that make us giggle.


The most absurd thing I ever saw (but am now used to it) was what I thought at the time not only absurd, but really strange.


I remember taking a slip road in my early dealings with Australian roads and seeing this sign below, by God did I panic big time.


Also BYO confused me for some time, (a great idea by the way).


So what little things made you giggle, look at something and say, 'That's Absurd'.


Keep it nice please people, this is meant to be funny thread, :yes:


Cheers Tony.:wink:



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Guest Stella and Phil

Those signs also made us laugh. And the flashing lights that warn you you're approaching a red traffic light :confused:

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Guest guest37336

Another one that whilst not absurd was staggering to me. I had and have always been fascinated with wild life, I remember going to the Daintree for the first time and seeing this.


Blew me away, to a teenager it fascinated me that such animals I had only read about were ACTUALLY in the river, absurd, no, but bloomin exciting and thrilling.


Cheers Tony.:wink:



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LOL, the most absurd thing we have seen so far, was a home made cardboard sign strapped to a tree saying '' Lost Black and White Cow''... lol,, We had only been in Australia a few days when we saw it ,although it still makes me wonder how someone can lose a cow,lol.


Cal x

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Guest guest37336
Those signs also made us laugh. And the flashing lights that warn you you're approaching a red traffic light :confused:


Must admit they took me by surprise at first, but in the long run got used to it, and really not a bad idea.


Cheers Tony.:wink:

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Guest guest37336
LOL, the most absurb thing we have seen so far, was a home made cardboard sign strapped to a tree saying '' Lost Black and White Cow''... lol,, We had only been in Australia a few days when we saw it ,although it still makes me wonder how someone can lose a cow,lol.


Cal x


That is truly absurd Cal. I saw a sign once that said, 'Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted, Escapees Will Be Shot'.:biglaugh: (I think they meant it as well)


Cheers Tony.:wink:

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Guest guest37336

Tell you what I found absolutely absurd was when I first arrived in Australia the customs official actually said:


'Welcome To Australia mate', :notworthy:, knew since that time that it was meant to be.:yes:


Cheers Tony.:wink:

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Guest guest30038

Saw a sign for a garage sale pinned to a post on a roundabout with the address of said sal,e and as it was only down the road, decided to go take a look for a bargain. When I got to the address there was a dismantled colorbond garage laid out in the drive with a price tab of 800 bucks :biglaugh:

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Guest SunshineSmile
Tell you what I found absolutely absurd was when I first arrived in Australia the customs official actually said:


'Welcome To Australia mate', :notworthy:, knew since that time that it was meant to be.:yes:


Cheers Tony.:wink:


That reminds me of when we arrived here (3 months ago today exactly!)

At Sydney airport customs we were excitedly babbling when the customs lady stamped our passports on entry to Australia. I was very emotional and tearful at the desk after 5 years planning to get here it was a huge moment for me :cry::embarrassed:

She heard me saying to my man that this was one of the biggest moments of my life.

She said... (smiling I might add) "You're easy pleased mate" :err:

I was stunned!

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Je Kid ye not!I went into a luggage/leather shop to buy a large bag as a present for a friends birthday.When at the till the Shop Assistant cut off all the labels on it,leaving only the bag.I naturally said"How would the recipient know if this bag is new?"The assistant replied"You can tell it is new,i have worked here for 19 years and we have always done this,for the Auditors"!!!!!:confused:.It is definatly different here!:wink:

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This one got me, why would you want to put a "Danger of death" sign on a substation? If you are are stupid enough to enter a Substation unauthorized, the natural selection should be allowed to take its course, for the greater good of mankind.


Oops sorry this is in the UK!

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There is a huge road sign near Toowoomba in Qld that states anyone caught keeping pet rabitts will be fined up to $30,000- I have no idea why this needed to be put on a 10 foot road sign.


I also remember going into Woolies and buying some lemonade.....I was asked "what size jocks I wanted with it"?! ...It turned out you got a free pair of bright yellow underpants with each bottle of this particular brand to celebrate the Socceroos in the world cup.....I have no idea about that either!!


Ahhh good old Blighty....lol

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

The most absurd thing the kids saw when we were there were their dad ............ me ordering them a burger and chips. Four times i ordered a burger and chips and four times they got it wrong, i speak good english, loud and forthright, a bit of a Yarkshire twang but ............. just how don't Australians not understand what burger and chpis meant?


First time, i got a burger in a bun, with egg and bacon? WTF ........ second i got a bun with no burger? WTF ............... third time i got the burger and no bun?. WTF .............. and finally i got a chicken burger? WTF ............... the kids thought it was hilarious, but i was flabbergasted that such a simple order could end up being so difficult to understand.

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Guest guest37336

Beet root and Parsley with EVERYTHING, WTF is all that about. Sandwiches, a mass of Parsley as a 'side' dish, more than you could choke a donkey with, then look inside the bread and there ooooooooozzing it's deadly red demonic translucent goo is BEET ROOT,:arghh::mad::biglaugh:.


Cheers Tony.:wink:

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