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school dilema with visa

Guest slain

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Guest slain

Unsure if anyone can help at such short notice.

I have applied for a student visa and taking my wife and daughter out everything seemed to be ok. Just had an email asking for school enrolment details to be submitted by 2nd June.

I am running out of time to give a nice notice period and not sure what to do about the schooling details.

Surely you would want to go to look around an area then decided what school in the area gives you a good vibe and that your child would want to go there.


Any help on this please and to make matters worse its a bank holiday in the uk so no phone calls and night in Australia.


any advice welcomed


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Guest slain

Its under my daughters status and the email has her age bracket on the email, its the only information left to provide

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Guest slain

mixed msgs here.


Its my visa I am going to study, my wife and daughter (aged 9) are dependants.

I have to provide details on a school my daughter will be going to, but seeing as I am not there and unsure which area to rent in I cannot provide any details of school enrolment

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Reply to your CO and ask the question. I agree it seems unreasonable for you to have sorted this out already, But if you know where you are going to be living you could mention to your CO the possible schools she may attend.

Not sure why they need this information.

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Guest guest30085

Because its a requirement that all children under the age of 18 have to be in Education when you are on a student visa, you are required to provide proof that this will be the case.


http://www.immi.gov.au/students/checklists/visa_572_1.pdf Vocational Courses

http://www.immi.gov.au/students/checklists/visa_573_1.pdf Higher Education Courses - Both say the same


States on page 3 that you must provide evidence of enrolment


Im not sure if they will give you more time to arrange this - might be worth asking your CO


Good luck

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International student dependents are difficult, unfortunately. If you have even a vague idea about where you will be living I would be on the phone to one or more schools and asking them if they will enrol an international dependent - it might be a good idea to get on the phone to the International Students section of the relevant department of education first though and asking them if there are specific schools which are earmarked for the role.


If time is of the essence then I think you could spend the night on the phone and get something sorted by morning. If at the end of it all you dont actually get somewhere to live in the area that you have a school enrolment then you have a choice to either transport the child to the chosen school or negotiate with another school closer to your home about whether they can enrol there.


The http://www.myschool.edu.au/ website is probably a good place to start as it has schools by locality and if you pick one location you can see schools in close proximity.


Sadly, trying to find a school with good vibes isnt necessarily the way to go in this case. Suss out the general neighbourhoods if you can, because the school often (but not always) reflects the neighbourhood and if you wouldnt want to live in a place you wouldnt want your kid going to a school in that area either!

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Hi, I live in Ashmore and Ashmore State school is a pretty decent school to get your kids enrolled. We moved over here in November 2010 and had our eldest son enrolled to start in Jan 2011. The school was very accommodating and everything has been Ok so far.

You can find their details on the web at www.ashmoress.eq.edu.au

Give them a try as most of the other schools around are private.


Forms lodged May/June 2010

Visa Granted October 2010

Landed November 2010

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Guest slain

Thanks for the reply,

I have more or less sorted what needs to be done for enrolement.

I spoke to a lady from the education and sent the forms. I rang this morning and no sign of it, yet the agent told me they had received it, more delays.

Without knowing the areas I had short listed in my mind Ashmore and Arundel.

By paying a further deposit I can leave the school open, so basically we can go to both ( places available) and decide which one we liked.

To say this info was meant to be supplied by the 2nd June its going to be even longer before we get the COE for her. Time we can't afford!!

Anyway after this is sorted it will be worth it, just seems like its going wrong before its started.

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Guest slain

well what a turn around in 3 days

qld government sent me an invoice, preped the bank I would be paying a fee to them, coe came the next day visa approved today so basically from Monday to Wednesday my life has turned on its ass lol.

Now getting ready for the biggest and most exciting journey of our lives, hard times are expected but it has to be worth a shot :)

Thx to PIO for any advice and help that was sent and we read

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Guest guest30085

Well done - quick turnaround!

Good luck with the move over and best of luck with your studies :)

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