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Any thoughts anyone?

Guest Andy

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Guest Andy

Afternoon all, hope you are enjoying the extra day off ( if you have one )


I have of late been a bit worried about the cost of everything when we get to Australia, i dont want this to be an oz v uk argument so if you are going to try to turn it into that then dont bother posting. I will explain why, last week i was chatting to a steel worker in London who is struggling with his business and we were discussing how long the tough times will continue in England, he then went on to say, well dont think we have it that bad here, i have two mates that have moved to Australia and have been there for a number of years and are moving back through lack of work and the most important issue was the cost of living which has gone through the roof. I have also spoken to another friend whose brother is coming back for the same reasons. Now i am well aware of the fact that we need to discover for ourselves how things are over there and of course we will when we go for a month in October, but does anyone else have the same worries? I also said to both of the people i was talking to that those folk might have a shock when they realise that things have probably changed greatly here since they moved and that the work situation has also changed as has the cost of living, but like i say does anyone else have the same worries?

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Hi Andy


First off you have to give it a try yourselves, everyone is different and what annoys you might not annoy other people and vice versa.

The cost of living has gone up an awful lot over the last couple of years, but I think it depends on whether you are willing you watch what you spend, be a bit more strict with your electricity and shop wisely.

I do my shopping at all the Big 3 Supermarkets I get there specials Catalogues and get what I want and if it is a really good special I will stock up.

I turn my washing machine,dishwasher,tv,foxtel,dvd play off at the power point when not in use and do not use many lights, mainly as they irritate my eyes lol.

I have to say it works for us and doesn't cause us too much hassle, but some people see doing shopping to get specials as not good and watching little things annoying.

I do it so we can enjoy a bit more extra and not have to stress about money,

my friends Leccy bills are always between $400-$700 every 2 months. I have never had a Leccy bill for more than $250 and I do use the Air Con when it is hot.

Hope that helps a little, but things have gone up.

It also depends what you earn and what outgoings you have also

Good Luck


Laney x

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I know its cliche but it depends on your incoming salary and your outgoing costs. Here we have halved our London salary but our mortgage is the same (interest rate approx 6%).... food is very expensive but we have learnt to buy stuff on special, make batches of stuff, freeze them for another time, use leftovers for tomorrows lunch and be a lot more thrifty. We are a family of five and our elec bill is 200 aud per month, gas 50 aud, phone, internet and mobile 130 aud as a bundle package. If you have PR you can have family allowance which is based on how many children you have and there is a ceiling limit for cut off (salary and super around 120k aud per annum). Saying all that........ could not be happier, we are all healthier, kids safer (IMHO), living an outdoors lifestyle and much less stress than we had in London.... so even though we are skint, we are happier and keeping our heads above water. As time has moved on we have been able to add some insurances into our life now, health, life etc.... so getting there. My husband was made redundant 4 weeks ago and straight away applied for as many jobs as he could find either on seek.com or local paper. He was offered 6 interviews in the first week and by the second he had a job. There is plenty of work here in WA........and if not, there is always the mines.... if you can handle it. All the best, Positive Mental Attitude is all you need! :wink:

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Guest Guest31881

Hi Andy,


I think you will find that people who have been in Australia for a few years are noticing the rise in the cost of living more than those who have been here just a couple. probably due to the fact that they remember when it was a lot cheaper to live here. I find that by shopping carefully we are doing OK, and I am on a much lower income than a lot on this site. I would give tips to anyone moving over here...


Do not do all your shopping in one supermarket, it will cost you a fortune.

Look for deals in your local shops, Butchers, veggie shops etc

Use the farmers markets (if you can)

White goods and luxury goods,.... barter to get the best price and do not be afraid to walk out of a shop and go into another to compare prices.


I believe that one big lesson when you get here to save money is to learn to shop all over again. As Brits a lot of us are used to walking into Tesco and buying everything. In Australia you have to shop like your parents did and use all the shops

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Guest Andy
Hi Andy


First off you have to give it a try yourselves, everyone is different and what annoys you might not annoy other people and vice versa.

The cost of living has gone up an awful lot over the last couple of years, but I think it depends on whether you are willing you watch what you spend, be a bit more strict with your electricity and shop wisely.

I do my shopping at all the Big 3 Supermarkets I get there specials Catalogues and get what I want and if it is a really good special I will stock up.

I turn my washing machine,dishwasher,tv,foxtel,dvd play off at the power point when not in use and do not use many lights, mainly as they irritate my eyes lol.

I have to say it works for us and doesn't cause us too much hassle, but some people see doing shopping to get specials as not good and watching little things annoying.

I do it so we can enjoy a bit more extra and not have to stress about money,

my friends Leccy bills are always between $400-$700 every 2 months. I have never had a Leccy bill for more than $250 and I do use the Air Con when it is hot.

Hope that helps a little, but things have gone up.

It also depends what you earn and what outgoings you have also

Good Luck


Laney x

Hi Laney,



Thanks very much for your reply,


do you have the equivalent of the coucil tax we have here?



Many thanks

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Everyone on PIO has a different opinion about the cost of living here it's not an easy thing to advise anyone on.Unless you can find someone doing the same job,has the same amount of kids,lives in the same area as you etc, etc.

In the 2 yrs we have been here, the cost of living has gone up.

While in Sydney I could shop around,there was a lot of choice,we mangaged to live on one wage for the 1st year.I really could NOT see what people were complaining about.

Now that I am in Darwin,wow is it expensive.Most of that though is down to lack of choice.We have the choice of 2 supermarkets,one greengrocer and the markets are seasonal.All the money saving tips that seem to work elsewhere do not apply here.

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Guest Andy
I know its cliche but it depends on your incoming salary and your outgoing costs. Here we have halved our London salary but our mortgage is the same (interest rate approx 6%).... food is very expensive but we have learnt to buy stuff on special, make batches of stuff, freeze them for another time, use leftovers for tomorrows lunch and be a lot more thrifty. We are a family of five and our elec bill is 200 aud per month, gas 50 aud, phone, internet and mobile 130 aud as a bundle package. If you have PR you can have family allowance which is based on how many children you have and there is a ceiling limit for cut off (salary and super around 120k aud per annum). Saying all that........ could not be happier, we are all healthier, kids safer (IMHO), living an outdoors lifestyle and much less stress than we had in London.... so even though we are skint, we are happier and keeping our heads above water. As time has moved on we have been able to add some insurances into our life now, health, life etc.... so getting there. My husband was made redundant 4 weeks ago and straight away applied for as many jobs as he could find either on seek.com or local paper. He was offered 6 interviews in the first week and by the second he had a job. There is plenty of work here in WA........and if not, there is always the mines.... if you can handle it. All the best, Positive Mental Attitude is all you need! :wink:

Hi Jojo,


Positive mental attitude is a great attitude for sure:yes:,


i think you have bought up a very relevant point in the fact that your lifestyle is better and stress levels have dropped, i have to admit that my stress levels have definitly gone up the last couple of years as things seem to be a real struggle at the moment, and to be honest the thought of being less well off but being happier is very appealling. Thanks for your comments.

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Hiya my council Tax, or Council Rates as they call them here, is about $1400 a year which is about 650 pounds using the $2.2 to 1 pound as everyone says to use.

But they are all different for each State and size of land and size of house.



Laney x

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I know its cliche but it depends on your incoming salary and your outgoing costs. Here we have halved our London salary but our mortgage is the same (interest rate approx 6%).... food is very expensive but we have learnt to buy stuff on special, make batches of stuff, freeze them for another time, use leftovers for tomorrows lunch and be a lot more thrifty. We are a family of five and our elec bill is 200 aud per month, gas 50 aud, phone, internet and mobile 130 aud as a bundle package. If you have PR you can have family allowance which is based on how many children you have and there is a ceiling limit for cut off (salary and super around 120k aud per annum). Saying all that........ could not be happier, we are all healthier, kids safer (IMHO), living an outdoors lifestyle and much less stress than we had in London.... so even though we are skint, we are happier and keeping our heads above water. As time has moved on we have been able to add some insurances into our life now, health, life etc.... so getting there. My husband was made redundant 4 weeks ago and straight away applied for as many jobs as he could find either on seek.com or local paper. He was offered 6 interviews in the first week and by the second he had a job. There is plenty of work here in WA........and if not, there is always the mines.... if you can handle it. All the best, Positive Mental Attitude is all you need! :wink:


Great Post agree with you on everything


Laney x

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Guest Andy
Hiya my council Tax, or Council Rates as they call them here, is about $1400 a year which is about 650 pounds using the $2.2 to 1 pound as everyone says to use.

But they are all different for each State and size of land and size of house.



Laney x

Hi Laney,


my council tax here in Bucks is well over £2000 so there is a big difference there:shocked:

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You are welcome Andy... I know what you are saying and we were in that same place in the UK.... I would never go back to the UK now and when I am feeling poor.... I sit in my lovely garden, or go for a walk along the beautiful beach (all year round)......... amazing what that does to your blood pressure level.

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Guest guest37336

Hi Andy.


Again depends on the wants and needs mate of the particular person. But I can with hand on heart say at times I had not a bean in my pocket and just managed to look after the family. To me the lack of cash/material wealth were more than made up by the feeling of just being a lot 'happier' is all.


Have had both ends of the spectrum mate, no money and money whilst not being plentiful we were very comfortable, but at the end of the day it didn't really matter as I said we were just happier and no amount of money would have changed this very basic human emotion mate.


That's all, waffling, over and out Andy.


Cheers Tony.:chatterbox:

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Guest Andy
You are welcome Andy... I know what you are saying and we were in that same place in the UK.... I would never go back to the UK now and when I am feeling poor.... I sit in my lovely garden, or go for a walk along the beautiful beach (all year round)......... amazing what that does to your blood pressure level.


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It could be better circumstances i suppose mate,the exchange rate etc, i know the sensible people on here weigh up the cost of everything over there and outgoings etc,but im not gonna go into the ins and outs of a ducks arse tbh,its simplistic i know BUT i reckon IF im working 5 days a week in oz i'l be at least as well off as i am here getting by on 2 or 3 days work a week.

Ive said it before....i never expected an easy ride in oz anyway,im not expecting a big 5x2 hse with a pool for thirty bob a week,nor do i want one,theres only me and the ferret anyway,im not really materialistic,im going for the space,a change,an adventure before i go the bone orchard,its easier for us because theres only me and her to consider,but money reasons never came into us moving to oz,im honestly not arsed,as long as we can get by,were nearer a blue ocean,big starry skies that'l do,anything else is a bonus.

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Guest Andy
It could be better circumstances i suppose mate,the exchange rate etc, i know the sensible people on here weigh up the cost of everything over there and outgoings etc,but im not gonna go into the ins and outs of a ducks arse tbh,its simplistic i know BUT i reckon IF im working 5 days a week in oz i'l be at least as well off as i am here getting by on 2 or 3 days work a week.

Ive said it before....i never expected an easy ride in oz anyway,im not expecting a big 5x2 hse with a pool for thirty bob a week,nor do i want one,theres only me and the ferret anyway,im not really materialistic,im going for the space,a change,an adventure before i go the bone orchard,its easier for us because theres only me and her to consider,but money reasons never came into us moving to oz,im honestly not arsed,as long as we can get by,were nearer a blue ocean,big starry skies that'l do,anything else is a bonus.

Nice one mate:wubclub:

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Guest guest37336

Oh Peppin you barsteward.


Just read your reply in Afro's thread about 'Thread Killers' I'll have you know I was going to post a lot longer on this topic but heeded your advice mate,:mad::biglaugh:


Cheers Tony.

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Guest Andy
Oh Peppin you barsteward.


Just read your reply in Afro's thread about 'Thread Killers' I'll have you know I was going to post a lot longer on this topic but heeded your advice mate,:mad::biglaugh:


Cheers Tony.


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Only been here a week and hell yeah it is expensive. When spending money earned in the uk anyway. We done a comparison on our shopping and it's relatively the same as the uk when not converting sterling though. Looking at getting a rental at the moment and there's no two ways about it - it's ridiculously expensive. Booze too. Going to have to knock that and the tabs on the head. No bad thing. But what I can earn here makes up for it and we're still better off financially than back in NE England. And it's a great city to live in.


Though the rain can p!ss off.

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I am truly a believer that you have to cut your cloth to fit. We manage on $69k a year. Family of four, just hubby at work with school fees to pay (on a 457 at present). We do okay, but we have noticed that the cost of things has risen in the past couple of years since we have been here. It has just meant that we have had to start using more non-brand/home-brand things. However, I have been thinking that we should have been doing so all along, because there isn't that much difference.


If we still lived in the UK, we would have been far better off financially. It is entirely possible that the mortgage would have been nearly paid, hubby earnt more. However, no amount of money could ever replave the experience that we have had here. Hubby is happy in work, our dd's are blossoming and I have my own business. I am far, far happier here than I think I would have been in the UK.


And if it had all gone **** up, what would we have really lost. Money, that is all. At least we could say 'We gave it a go'.

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Only been here a week and hell yeah it is expensive. When spending money earned in the uk anyway. We done a comparison on our shopping and it's relatively the same as the uk when not converting sterling though. Looking at getting a rental at the moment and there's no two ways about it - it's ridiculously expensive. Booze too. Going to have to knock that and the tabs on the head. No bad thing. But what I can earn here makes up for it and we're still better off financially than back in NE England. And it's a great city to live in.


Though the rain can p!ss off.


Yes, it rains quite a lot here! Spring and summer are wonderful though, so something to look forwards to!

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Yes, it rains quite a lot here! Spring and summer are wonderful though, so something to look forwards to!


Incredible today. But I saw a woman who had taped one side of a box of Stella Artois to her head to avoid it so that more than made up for it.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I think alot will depend on everyones own personal financial circumstances, if you are earning good money when you emigrate to Australia, you will live a very comfortable life, but obviously if your wages aren't great, it will be a struggle. We have spent nearly £10,000 a year on holidays for the last several years, going to Australia twice for a month each time, Florida twice for a month and every year two weeks in Ibiza, plus trips to the Canaries in winter, intermiitently ............. so we think we wont be having as many holidays when we get to Australia because the fantastic beaches will be on our door step which will mean a big saving. We hope to come back and see family every couple of years, but overall we should save quite a bit.

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I have of late been a bit worried about the cost of everything when we get to Australia,


Mate, we are pensioners and live on $930 a fortnight...No problem.

Food bill for the two of us is $240 a fortnight, $180 A quarter for electricity, no rent and no, we don't go partying and boozing our lives away...Well, not for the last 12 years:wink:

Cinema and restaurants are 50 km away, so don't worry about that social aspect.

Occasionally have to dip into the nest egg, vehicle maintenance, annual rates, etc.


Cheers, Bobj.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Mate, we are pensioners and live on $930 a fortnight...No problem.

Food bill for the two of us is $240 a fortnight, $180 A quarter for electricity, no rent and no, we don't go partying and boozing our lives away...Well, not for the last 12 years:wink:

Cinema and restaurants are 50 km away, so don't worry about that social aspect.

Occasionally have to dip into the nest egg, vehicle maintenance, annual rates, etc.


Cheers, Bobj.


Ar but Bob ................. just how much fish do you catch and eat?


I can bet that cuts down on the food bill. lol:yes::laugh:


I like the bit about yer not going partying.:yes:

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Guest guest30038

Andy, I'm a bit different to most in that I don't have a mortgage. When we cleared the mortgage, we continued to put the money we would be spending on the mortgage into the wife's superann so we aren't better off, but she will be when i pop me clogs.


I can only illustrate how we live with what she clears after putting that sum into superann. She clears between 1200 and 1400 a fortnight as she only works a 9 day fortnight and has done so since Jake was diagnosed as autistic so her wage is lower than her peers in that respect.


Out of that sum, we manage to run and insure 3 cars (Jake hasn't started paying for his yet, but we will dock him when he's eighteen). His insurance alone is 1500 bucks pa. :arghh: We aren't paying his school fees anymore as he is now working but isn't contributing until such tiime as he pays us back for the car we bought him but we were paying up until 5 months ago so school fees for both of ém were around 12k so there's an average of 240 bucks a week on education alone. Leccy about 80, (these are outgoings per week) Insurances and regos about 60, rates and water about 40. Knock those off the fortnightly wage and we still live well. I have to say though that utilities are going through the roof lately and they've just announced another rise in leccy.


Even if we were struggling though, we wouldn't think of going back, despite the exchange rate. For us it's about how we feel here as to how we felt in the UK. I have to say we never felt safe where we lived and I was a bit of a handful back then and don't scare easy. I do though feel heartfelt sympathy for those coming here now.........everything is against them and they really must be motivated to take the risk. If "comfortable" is on their agenda, they ain't gonna find it easily.


Good luck



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