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Anyone use a tick deterrant that actually works?


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My dog has a tick collar, Advantix once a month (alternating with another drop-on brand every six months as my vet advised that fleas get used to a brand if used continually) and has a hydrobath with a tick rinse every now and again.


I've pulled ten ticks off him in the past week, four today alone.


We live in suburbia and he walks on the beach, not in bushland, and I can't find any product that keeps them off. Luckily we don't have paralysis ticks this side of town.


What have people found that works, aside from a daily feel-over?

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Guest Guest16631

................putting garlic in their food helps..................I use fresh garlic and mince it ..................!

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Guest Guest31881

My dog has a monthly tablet, not had any ticks yet, not sure if its because of the tablet or just good luck.

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Guest Ph0en1x
We use frontline every other month, fingers crossed not had any yet cause they are REVOLTING little critters eughhh....


claire x


Not just revolting but parasitic ticks are killers, our best friends dog recently died from just one tick it got from a blue tongue lizard, was in the vet hospital for 5 days but died unfortunately

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Tink, you just use raw garlic?


I found two more on him just after posting, I think there are some dropping off the new dogs next door as they've come from a farm, never had this issue before.

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Era for a safe product check online about the natural way of stoping ticks attaching


I know alot of people do not beleive this type of stuff but can't believe the extreme prices vets charge for chemicals and look at the caution on the boxes of thses chemicals * DO NOT GET ON you own SKIN WASH HANDS AFTERWARDS ! :wideeyed:but its ok to pump the dogs with it ?..

There is a company in oz ..i think its called natural soluation ? They were looking at doing a natural treatment for farm animals and canines .



I have never used a flea or tick treatment which is a chemical ( its doing my head in that my dog has to have it to travel to oz )


I have walked dogs on moors and such and never had a tick attach , i also use the oils to spray on my self .


I have been researching what i can do in oz when we get there and i will be using oils . Garlic capsules are great for for dogs too for fleas etc . My 13 yearold dog has a garlic capsule everymorn when i have mine too lol


* just remember if you do use aromatherapy oils not to use on cats or on pregnant or young canines


Hope you can find a way to stop the little suckers !



Brides x

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I'm prepared to try anything Bridie. I don't like the drop-ons as they seem to burn his skin when they first go on; he jumps and runs off and hides afterwards, so a more natural approach will suit us both, providing it actually works.


At the moment I'm feeling him over morning and night as they seem to take a day or so to actually get attached and feed and can be whipped off fast in the meantime.

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I'm prepared to try anything Bridie. I don't like the drop-ons as they seem to burn his skin when they first go on; he jumps and runs off and hides afterwards, so a more natural approach will suit us both, providing it actually works.


At the moment I'm feeling him over morning and night as they seem to take a day or so to actually get attached and feed and can be whipped off fast in the meantime.



I have seen a few dogs who have got burns from certain flea/tick treatment . I swear by Lavender and lemongrass on my dogs over here i spray on the legs and rub on the bellies and the top of the head mixed with water . If you google about the oils you will find quite alot of details and you find the measures ie how many drops you need to put in the water for your dog .


I have researched some of the oils for oz but i won't know till Teddy Eddie ( the dog lol ) is there to be honest lol


Can Only try eh :yes:

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Not just revolting but parasitic ticks are killers, our best friends dog recently died from just one tick it got from a blue tongue lizard, was in the vet hospital for 5 days but died unfortunately


paralysis tick Early signs:


A change in voice; the meow or bark becomes softer and/or changes pitch.

Weakness in the back legs; walking along then sitting down suddenly is a common early sign.

Vomiting, especially if it happens several times in a day and you see froth.

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Guest Ph0en1x
I have seen a few dogs who have got burns from certain flea/tick treatment . I swear by Lavender and lemongrass on my dogs over here i spray on the legs and rub on the bellies and the top of the head mixed with water . If you google about the oils you will find quite alot of details and you find the measures ie how many drops you need to put in the water for your dog .


I have researched some of the oils for oz but i won't know till Teddy Eddie ( the dog lol ) is there to be honest lol


Can Only try eh :yes:


I cant emphasise enough how much you need to protect your animals here in Oz. Parasitic ticks are a real killer and you need to use adaquate protection. Lavender and lemongrass is no protection, see a vet for correct advice

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I cant emphasise enough how much you need to protect your animals here in Oz. Parasitic ticks are a real killer and you need to use adaquate protection. Lavender and lemongrass is no protection, see a vet for correct advice



I use the Lemongrass and lavender here in the Uk, i wouldn't only use such oils in Oz , . Thats why im researching now before i go to oz .Goes without saying for someone to ask the vet for their advice , But also ask the Vet to tell you all known side of effects of All the chemicals in the treatments they are giving you . The parasitic ticks are a killer....... so are some the treatments . ( Maybe im just prejudice about what some vets actually know ... they don'tknow about all the drugs they give out ..it will be just guard lines and big corp names )

I just feel that if the collar isn't working for the op then then the natural way wouldn't hurt , because the dog is getting the ticks on it anyhow .



I hope the Op finds a way to help the dog :wubclub:

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we use Frontline pippetes , be carefull you don't bath the dogs to soon after useing a treatment and make them work less .. usually tells you how soon on the packet .. to be fair we have always used these even in the uk but we had the injection this year as well .

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I should clarify that I'm willing to use an unproven natural remedy because I'm not in a paralysis tick area, so I can see if it works on the brown dog ticks we get here.


A while ago we thought he'd got tick paralysis as he was having trouble standing up. Emergency weekend trip to the vet ($$$) who was very concerned that he might have picked one up in our area as it's been free from them the whole 30 years he's been in practise.


Turned out not to be a tick; he had sprained his back chasing a motorbike.

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Checking them over everyday is the best treatment in my books!


My boy had a paralysis tick a couple of weeks a go :sad: luckily we saw the signs early so it wasn't that bad but the vets went the whole hog, gave him the treatment, and my hubby and I took a day off each to watch him



I was checking them but not in any depth and unfortunately I missed one on one day in his ear so it was on him for a bit too long.....a few days later the effects kicked in!!



They now both get checked everyday without fail....they are short haired so pretty straight forward but don't forget places like ears etc (thats why I missed Errols)

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Guest Guest16631

.........................i have lived here for 19 years with dogs....................and have only put garlic in their food and regularly checked them .................we have and do live in a tick area and i have not lost a dog yet................luck ?.............vigilance is the answer , check your dogs and kids regularly.....................

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Well I think I've cracked it; the ticks are in the garden as the dog really only gets walked on the beach so can't pick them up there, so my remedy for eliminating the problem...chickens.


I've started letting the chooks out of their pen so they can free-range around the yard, not a single tick since and some fat, happy chickens.

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it is important to know ticks in oz are very different to ticks in uk. A vet licensed product may proove more expensive but is more likely to work. Its not worth taking the risk, animals can die quickly from ticks prevention is the key if aromatherapy oils work then veterinary surgeries would be promoting them over licensed products and to date they are not. I have worked in the profession for 10 years so please be aware of the very serious risk that ticks present. Seek veterinary advice.

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In South Africa we used to use cattle dip on our dogs, but saying that they were working dogs, so no cuddles.


I agree with Tink Garlic does help, we also used to putt Khakibos-Tagetes minuata in their kennels (under the dog blankets) to deter ticks and fleas and it was very effective. I believe that in Oz it is called Sinking Roger and is classified as a weed, so I would not advise growing it.



See: http://keys.lucidcentral.org/keys/v3/uqcentenary/key/UQ_Centenary/Media/Html/tagetesminuta.htm

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