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Why are some of you still going


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Guest chris955

I think the point some are making is they don't want to move half way across the world and take a couple of steps backwards and be back where they were 10 years ago.

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I think the point some are making is they don't want to move half way across the world and take a couple of steps backwards and be back where they were 10 years ago.


and some would say they are foolish, and some would say they are sensible, and around we go again...


Everyone has their own individual reasons for staying or migrating, value parts of their lifes differently to others, seek life experiences in different places and areas of their life. There is no universal answer. To some, the thought of migrating at $1.54 is too much, to others (me) it matters not a jot. Personal choice - no one is wrong or right.

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We came to Australia because it was our dream to do so


We were mortgage free in the UK no debts and lived comfortably well


We still haven't sold our house and now have a few debts here but so what


Once the house sells which is a big IF it sells the money will have to sit in a bank until the rate is better.


We might never buy an house over here

But our lives are 100% better so far and we're loving it here


In the UK it was just like the same thing over and over whereas here I feel there is always something new to do.

The weather here has been well errrr shall we say WET!!!

But in the UK we'd have been bored silly but here we still find things to do.


The other day I drove for 15 mins parked up and walked on the beach paddling for an hour with my daughter and this is one of the things that makes it all worth while.


So we're here living life to the full renting an house but what an house compared to UK


Life is for the living and me and my family are doing so even if I'll probably die poor.

What is the point in dying with loads of money in the bank


I agree that everyone has their own decisions to make and making the right one is not always easy but sometimes in life you have to take a gamble especially for your kids futures.

For me Australia was the right choice whether I had a few thousand $'s or a few hundred $'s we'd have made it work somehow.


Happy Christmas



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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I was going to emigrate with my cousin's in 1977 as a £10 pom, paid the money and bottled out, it is me who is trying to convince the rest of the family to go now. My cousin's have loved Australia, but one of them has rented since getting there and i said, how will you afford to pay such costily rent when you retire? He said................ i will have to work until i die. I thought that sounds like a nightmare, but it simply shows that HE is totally opposite to ME and the wife. We plan everything meticulously and we NEVER could just rent forever. As for not having the money in the first place, we ALL roughly work out our finances when we start the long journey with the visa and we could buy our dream house out right without having a mortgage, but now we need a hefty loan and if it doesn't bother some that their figures are down massively, then thats fine, but it does bother us, we are all different, none of us could have predicted this. This doesn't mean we won't go, but it does mean it has got a lot harder for us.

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Well I guess on the renting option this is why we have a good pension in the UK and what we'll be paying into now in Oz.


That'll solve the rent issue for us.


Might not live that long lol


I'm 45 and very happy


Who knows how long I'll be here for?????


Who cares!!!!!


My Mum died at 61 and a friend of mine who'd got his life planned for when he retired didn't live to see it.


Be happy now is my motto



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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Well I guess on the renting option this is why we have a good pension in the UK and what we'll be paying into now in Oz.


That'll solve the rent issue for us.


Might not live that long lol


I'm 45 and very happy


Who knows how long I'll be here for?????


Who cares!!!!!


My Mum died at 61 and a friend of mine who'd got his life planned for when he retired didn't live to see it.


Be happy now is my motto




Enjoy it mate, you deserve it and hopefully it will be us one day.


Super Leeds are up to second place we beat the top of the league QPR 2-0 last game and if Grayson can add a couple of real quality players in the transfer market we just might go up. fingers crossed.



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Thanks for all the patronising remarks folks!

I'm actually 40 years old and have worked as a Bricklayer all my life....

A combination of living in California for 4 years (99-2003) and basically living life for the moment meant I never made it as a property tycoon but hohum I'll live

As Pablo has stated, each to there own but moaning about exchange rates etc seems a bit woe is me.

Either stick or twist folks but dont whine that Australia isn't the complete nirvana you hoped for.



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Life is sooo short, look at your friends from school or whatever on facebook, don't they look old :eek:

I do not want to work all my life and then just peg it, what's the point of working till you are 65 to 70 at 6 days a week and then have a couple of years before you peg it, I want to retire at 55 maximum and enjoy life be it in Oz or the UK.

Life is short enjoy it as much as you can while you are able.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

If you don't own a property, you can go where you want, for us our property has to firstly be sold, which is almost impossible these days, plus we would be lucky to get what it was worth 18months ago and would lose about £40,000, plus the loss on the exchange rate, plus we have two teenage kids to think about. I wish i had few cares and responsibilties, but hey - theres alot worse off than me and the last thing i am doing is moaning about it, i will just have to settle for my 6 or 7 weeks holiday abroad that i have each year, and hope the exchange rate goes back up. I don't know if i have mentioned this, WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES.

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my view; some of the throw away comments aren't called for. There are many people with visas or who want visas who are at very different life stages. some are young enough to view it as a new start, get a mortgage, build a new life...happy days.


Others have done the strife already, I admit I would not want to come here at 50 and essentially 'start again' having done the hard graft already.


so this means that everyones options are different. Mine? Just turned 40, got a mortgage in UK, half way through it and decided to rent. I don't believe I could have got more for it last year...that was last years value and basically I think the property market in UK is 'correcting' itself, a house is worth what someone is prepared to pay for it, not what we would like or we think it's worth But. Would be daft to sell now and bring money over at the current exchange rate. it may never recover and I'm pretty much planning for that bit in the mean time, my savings here are growing, my mortgage at home is diminishing and that might be what ultimately works for me.

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my view; some of the throw away comments aren't called for. There are many people with visas or who want visas who are at very different life stages. some are young enough to view it as a new start, get a mortgage, build a new life...happy days.


Others have done the strife already, I admit I would not want to come here at 50 and essentially 'start again' having done the hard graft already.


so this means that everyones options are different. Mine? Just turned 40, got a mortgage in UK, half way through it and decided to rent. I don't believe I could have got more for it last year...that was last years value and basically I think the property market in UK is 'correcting' itself, a house is worth what someone is prepared to pay for it, not what we would like or we think it's worth But. Would be daft to sell now and bring money over at the current exchange rate. it may never recover and I'm pretty much planning for that bit in the mean time, my savings here are growing, my mortgage at home is diminishing and that might be what ultimately works for me.

I think you have hit the nail on the head with regards to houses being worth what someone is prepared to pay. What we all thought our houses were worth 3 or 4 years ago just does not apply now, they were over inflated and false, next year we will again see a further reduction imo as i reckon the market will become flooded as people struggle to keep up with paying off debt and growing interest rates which will surley happen, then we will see our house prices at the more realistic levels.

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So are you still thinking of going or not?:unsure:

Yes absolutly but if my kids do not due to age & probably there own life outlook I would have somthing to leave them for a head start. They would pay me a reduced rent which would then create a small income for me in oz.

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Oh and I too have mortgage as it happens and went to USA for a month in July just to let you know MY circumstances :wink:

As long as your happy with your lot thats all that counts


Be lucky


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Oh and I too have mortgage as it happens and went to USA for a month in July just to let you know MY circumstances :wink:

As long as your happy with your lot thats all that counts


Be lucky


All the best Paul,hope it all works out mate:wink:

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Guest famousfive

I think a lot of people considering the move fall into three main catagories 1.Those who have dreamed of living in oz for a long time. 2.Those who fell they need to leave for a better future. 3.Those who want to go for a bit of adventure.

The first two catagories of prospective migrants will still find a way no matter what exchange rates,house prices etc.. throw at them.It may take longer for them to be in a position to make the move,but make it they will,otherwise there will be a yearning inside that may never go away.Those who do not feel they NEED to move,but Want to,may well be having second thoughts if they stand to potentially lose a lot.Others will of course have a different outlook,and circumstances,and choose to take a chance anyway.If we were still in Ireland and wanting to move to oz the current factors would not stop us because we were not tied to property.

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All the best Paul,hope it all works out mate:wink:

You too mate ......nice to hear some straight talking once in a while....Geordies and Scousers know how to enjoy life I reckon..!


As I said....good health to you all and may Australia be whatever you wish it to be....as long as I have the sun on me back and my family around me, I'm blessed.


Merry Christmas to you and yours Pablo and all my fellow PIO's


Here's to a wonderful 2011 may all your wishes come true :santa1:




Paul,Jeanette and Jamie lee x

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You too mate ......nice to hear some straight talking once in a while....Geordies and Scousers know how to enjoy life I reckon..!


As I said....good health to you all and may Australia be whatever you wish it to be....as long as I have the sun on me back and my family around me, I'm blessed.


Merry Christmas to you and yours Pablo and all my fellow PIO's


Here's to a wonderful 2011 may all your wishes come true :santa1:




Paul,Jeanette and Jamie lee x


Nice one Paul,all the best to you and yours too:wink:

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