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Australian Electoral Impasse Broken - Now for the SMPs

George Lombard

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The decision by the independents to back Julia Gillard just now does open the chance that we will see the SMPs sooner rather than later. Still most likely that there will be a new Immigration Minister and therefore no SMPs immediately, but most of the suggestions I am now hearing suggest January to March next year. Obviously, had the Gillard government been returned easily, implementation would have been quicker. With such a close outcome, any single decision by government will be sweated over for fear of a negative electoral effect. They won't rush to implement anything.


Good luck for those still waiting.




George Lombard

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Alan is right. It would be extremely difficult to pass any legislation in the newly formed parliament. The liberal party lacks 3 seats to block any legislation which can be compensated with an alliance with the independents. As for the Labor party, its room to manoeuvre is very limited which not necessarily a bad thing tough. The future of immigration policies is less certain now as stability is no longer a factor.

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Guest archisami


Maybe I don't know the rules but as I remember we heard from the states that SMPs are prepared and in the last stage of finalize but delayed because of the political caretaker condition before the election.

Now after the result and by the end of caretaker why should it takes a long time to hear from SMPs?

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Guest arun123

Hey Guys. Now this is for sure that Julia Gillard will form the Government. And the long wait is over. I am hoping new government will pass the SMP in coming month ( Near about October end or November Starting )

Am i right or it will be more delay ?

I am looking forward to have SMP soon because this wait is pissing me off.

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Guest dragsterwish

Let's hope SMP get approved without further delay since its about giving power to the States to decide the migration prog instead of the Federal govt. This doesn't sound like a bad deal for either coalition or labour or indp since their state would be empowered. I may be wrong but i hope i'm right. Just give us our SMP asap!!!


Btw, i'm glad to see the someone from WA is highlighting this issue immediately after the Election result:


"WA miners in dash to Canberra

WA Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive James Pearson called for the dumping of the MRRT ahead of a proposed tax summit, as a show of good faith.

Mr Pearson also said it was time to tackle labour shortages through a stronger immigration program in Western Australia, among other initiatives.


WA Colin Barnett Reaction To Labor Win | Mining Tax

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I don't hold out much hope for anything happening for several months, and then Lord knows where we'll be.


The States are hardly likely to launch their SMPs if there's a chance that a new Minister will decide s/he's going to put a different system in place.


With the Greens tail wagging the Labor dog there's every chance the whole migration program will be drastically reduced to ENS, refugees and family reunion (see their platform on their web site).


With the fear of losing the perks of office uppermost in every politician's mind there's every chance of Labor kowtowing to the Greens and their demands.


The Greens would have to justifiably think that they are on a roll with growing influence and therefore be emboldened to insist on the implementation of a lot of their program. As they are virtually the left wing of the ALP anyway there will be a lot of support within the ALP for their policies.


We do indeed live in interesting times.

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Hello all


Just when you think you might be getting somewhere it's one hurdle after another, all very disheartening and spare a thought for those waiting on smp's that in the meantime turn 46!

I have a few years left in the tank but hope not to many are affected by the delays.


Also looks like they are talking about cutting immi by half on the bbc website, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-11023889 so im wondering where Trade's will stand in all of this? (Genral plumber)

Is it time to throw in the towel?


Any thoughts would be good.



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Hello all


Just when you think you might be getting somewhere it's one hurdle after another, all very disheartening and spare a thought for those waiting on smp's that in the meantime turn 46!

I have a few years left in the tank but hope not to many are affected by the delays.


Also looks like they are talking about cutting immi by half on the bbc website, BBC News - Australian election: Key issues so im wondering where Trade's will stand in all of this? (Genral plumber)

Is it time to throw in the towel?


Any thoughts would be good.





I am starting to feel exactly the same as you now. It seems that since we began the visa process in may 2008 we haven't had a clue what is going to be our future,where we will be. I've had enough of my mother crying down the phone asking how much longer we have to wait! Were still young 32 and 33 and I feel mentally we haven't a lot left in the tank now.

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Hello Jodie


I feel for you as you are further in the process than I and this whole thing has a habbit of consuming you, but i would say you have to hang in there and see it through along with not putting your life on hold in the uk.

I try to put it in the background but no real chance of that as when you get your heart set on something so big and life changing it is hard not to think about it constantly.

Still would like to wish you the best of luck and hope you reach your goal.

All the best


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I can honestly say Kev that moving to oz has completly taken our life over! We haven't brought anything for our house apart from minor things since we began the process! We um an ah about holidays can we afford to have them when were suppose to be saving. I'm sure I'm not the only person who lives like this.

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Yep I think you are in an ever growing club. And like you say it does not only affect you but your whole family, those going and staying.

It almost becomes like the long goodbye and draws it all out to make the emotional side of things like a cloud over your head.

Lets hope the sun comes out sooner rather than later



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Guest mayonayes

Your right we too go week by week hoping for any positive news. We only lodged in December and at the time we thought if it takes 3 years thats fine, we will just try and forget about it. What a joke every month I seem to have been obsessed with all the changes since Feb then July and now waiting for SMP's which were expected Sept. Victoria's website now states Oct, so now im wishing aways the days till Oct. Hubby also puts off jobs in the house as he says we will be moving soon! Wont look at holidays for next year just in case we hear anything. I now dread the thought of another horrible depressing winter in the UK. with everything on the rise I cant wait for my fuel bill! I try to tell myself we have a good life here and our children are happy, but the truth is anyone who has visited Australia will see how bad the UK really is. We had been in Melbourne for a week and my 6 year casually said I love it here I haven't seen any dog muck yet. Basiclly sums it up for me. The whole visa process is a emontional rollercoaster but each day you seem to want it even more.


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Glad to hear all is well downunder! I'm sure everyone uses the line were moving soon?! Well we are moving soon out of our house and into rented 2 miles away!!

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same here. we began process in august 2007, full application ws lodged oct 08, and since then...changes for the worst every frickin time! we remained in a town we hate, in a house we hate, with an ancient tv, wash machine, a sofa that creaks like hell, a bed that creaks like hell, old crap cars, no clothes, no brilliant holidays, and worst of all, now it has taken so long, we've been putting off having a baby, now that really is 'life on hold' extremes! after july we said we woudl pretend all not happening and try and get preggers after xmas, but i am just desperately holding out for SMP's which might not happen, to decide our fate. I woudl be willing to bet, if i did get knocked up, the smp's woudl be released, we'd be pri 2 and not crappy 4, and i wou;dnt be able to get meds done!


so so so difficult always thinking,,what if....


i sometimes seriously regret starting this heartache in the first place! I'll be dry and barren before they let me in!!!:arghh::cry:

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Guest mayonayes

Yes difficult to decide what to do for the best. Might be worth holding out a few more months as im sure once you have got your visa and you are in Australia they give you something like $5000 for each child you have out there, My friend told me when she got pregnant .They had a baby soon after they got there something to do with trying to increase the population. Why not take our skills and visa money and let us in instead? Anyway you must be really fed up, waiting alot longer than us. Good luck and hope you will hear something soon.

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Guest Gollywobbler
Yes difficult to decide what to do for the best. Might be worth holding out a few more months as im sure once you have got your visa and you are in Australia they give you something like $5000 for each child you have out there, My friend told me when she got pregnant .They had a baby soon after they got there something to do with trying to increase the population. Why not take our skills and visa money and let us in instead? Anyway you must be really fed up, waiting alot longer than us. Good luck and hope you will hear something soon.



Hi mayonayes


I think the Baby Bonus is $4,000.


I went to a meeting with a senior DIAC official in London last year. I'd heard of the Baby Bonus but didn't know anything about why it was introduced, when it was introduced etc.


It wasn't relevant to the meeting but David Wilden, the DIAC official, mentioned it and seemed to know a lot about it so I asked him about it. He said that the Government that introduced it went around trying to encourage couples to have at least 3 children. Apparently they used to say, "One for Mum, one for Dad and one for the Government!"


I still don't know when the Baby Bonus was introduced but I assume that whoever introduced it was an adherent of the "Populate or Perish" Policy that I understand became prevalent in the aftermath of the second world war. Apparently during WWII there were real fears that the Japanese would go through Papua New Guinea and attack Australia from the North. I've read that whoever was in charge on the Aussie side reckoned that there weren't enough troops in Oz to be able to defend Oz adequately from a determined attack by the Japanese. As far as I can gather, the Populate or Perish idea was to do with building a vast Australian Defence Force. As far as I know, though, the idea of a vast ADF never actually happened.


I could be completely wrong about the above, though - it is just a vague, general impression that I've picked up somewhere.





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Guest mayonayes

Yes you may be right. I recall now when we went on days out anywhere I did comment to my husband why people had so many children and $4000 a child that explains it. I actually remember seeing bigger families with more than 3 kids. It is crazy really we have the skills that they are so apparently desperate for so why make it so hard to gain a visa if the country is so under populated?

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I still don't know when the Baby Bonus was introduced but I assume that whoever introduced it was an adherent of the "Populate or Perish" Policy that I understand became prevalent in the aftermath of the second world war


The original version dates back to 1912 and was only available to mothers of European descent.


The one you are aware of only dates back to 2002. As of July 1 this year it is worth a tad over AUD5,000.

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Hi All



When I heard the announcement this morning about Labor winning power in Australia, I thought that there is light at the end of the tunnel, but with such a narrow margin of winning, I doubt anyone is going to 'rock the boat' until everything is set in stone.



Even if things get sorted by 'Jan – March who knows what excuses this Australian government will come up with next to slow the process down even further. Just imagine it, 'Hi, apologies pommy applicants but your applications no matter where you are in the pipeline, are going to be delayed up to several months. This delay has been put down to the 'ink running out in our printers' or 'sorry but we have ran out of tea bags & fig rolls and we cannot continue with your applications until we receive more to have our Smoko'...I dont mean to upset any Australians (George Lombard etc) with these remarks, its all 'tongue in cheek'.....Perhaps we can try and humour ourselves by voting on the best excuse the Aussie immigration can come up with???:cute:



Back to being serious now, I use to enjoy coming on PIO but it just seems these past few months we have waited only for another obstacle to put in our way. And these politics have just put another spanner in the works.



So I have come to the conclusion that if things don't pick up by the end of November 2010 then I am going to turn my attentions and look into applying for a Visa to Canada..:eek: .I heard someone's Jaw drop then!



I have thought about it long and hard but don't get me wrong, Australia is my number one destination and would love to live & work there and also pass on my skills, but I believe everyone should have a 'Plan B'.



I have lived & worked in Canada before and with a phone call to an agent last week confirms that they are crying out for Joiners/Carpenters all over that country. They don't have an immigration system messing them about or charging the earth just to 'get your foot in the door' .



I hope I don't have to take this route and receive a visa to Oz but I also don't want to be waiting the years away for an Aussie visa that might not come.



So in the meantime I will continue to come on here on a daily basis as per usual and wish/pray that decent news will come our way, for all of us.



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I am starting to feel exactly the same as you now. It seems that since we began the visa process in may 2008 we haven't had a clue what is going to be our future,where we will be. I've had enough of my mother crying down the phone asking how much longer we have to wait! Were still young 32 and 33 and I feel mentally we haven't a lot left in the tank now.


:dull:Hi Jodie, im Nick and a plumber like KevJC, i started the ball rolling a year ago today and all i have to show for it is so far my Vetassess pass and not alot else....


The dream is starting to get very distant....


the worst thing is I sold my house at the weekend and the one we where buying has just fallen through...



I will only give it 5 months untill im going to call it a day unless WA get their SMP out by JAN 11...


Keep smiling Nick.....

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Well I can understand the pessimism however I guess the states will need to bring some more pressure to bear. I cant imagine them being too happy about not having their plans implemented given they had to go to the trouble of developing and researching them in the first place. The other issue for me is that the process had already been agreed and the plans just needed signing off so why would this now need parliament to agree? the greens can only stop/impact on new legislation surely .

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And money missing from your bank!!!


Thanks for that. It's nice to know there are others in the boat! I don't get enjoyment by somebody elses problems but you know what I mean!!!

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