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Wisdom tooth


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Guest Noodle

Gargle with salt 3 or 4 times a day (helps it heel better but tastes like s---!), put a good film on and try and sleep as much as you can. Thinking of you x

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Guest toria

I just got mine out also! I have waited nearly a year to have it out because i was so scared, 3 times in the chair and i couldn't do it. Eventually i got sedated and it was the best thing ever i don't remember anything and no pain afterwards.

As last poster said rinse out regular with warm salt water, and i hope you feel better soon.



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Had 2 out a few years back

My dentist said they should do it as he THINKS that the wisdom tooth is hiding decay on the tooth beside it and he cant get to it, also said if im having the bottom one out i gotta have the top out too.

he sent me to hospital to have it done,Was not plesant, felt more like they had the pliyers on my jaw bone rather than the tooth. come out in the end but wanted to punch the guy.


Went back to my dentist to sort the tooth he could not see out and he said,,,oh, that tooth is fine,,,

So there was no need to have the wisdom teeth out anyway.


Gotta love ya dentist


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Nasty, nasty little (actually big) Sods!

I had 3 out in dentist chair and looked like I'd done 20 rounds with Mike Tyson in the ring!! Horrific experience - had 3 kids and no pain relief BUT teeth - knock me out any day:swoon:

Take care - hope you are on the mend soon!

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I have just woken up and I feel like the elephant man. My misses said my face was swollen and I didn't realise how bad is was until I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I feel like the elephant man. Normally I ride my bike into work, however I don't think my helmet will fit just yet, so my misses is going to have to give me a lift in and see if I can grab a car from work. What a pain in the arse this is!!!

Oh and the dentist wanted to take the top one out as well as it might get infection in there, I told him I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Plus it cost me just shy of $500 including the X-Ray, consultation and finally taking the bloody thing out. I'm sure if had taken the top one out as well that would have been another $315 as well

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I'm sure if had taken the top one out as well that would have been another $315 as well


Well.... no actually, unless that was unerupted as well.


In 30 odd years I've only ever had two wisdom teeth that have given problems by themselves. Usually if there is no tooth on the opposing jaw they will eventually overerupt, but then they are easypeasy to remove.


If your face is swollen today when it was not yesterday then there could well be an infection present. I would suggest you contact your dentist in the morning and get a prescription for antibiotics unless you've already seen him/her of your GP today.


Forgot to add that I qualified as a dentist before I did a law degree.

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Hi Les,


The dentist perscribed me Amoxycillin and told me to take panodol for the pain. I think these are the antibiotics but I'm not sure. Did the whole gargle with salt water think as well, nice.


On a postive side it's feeling better and I was able to have a slice of toast tonight instead of just soup or sucking 2 min noodles to death.

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Had all mine out in one go as they were apparently impacting on the rest and it was a nightmare. However, I was told that things would be so much worse if I hadn't had it done. Don't forget, it'll all be a distant memory before too long, so chin up (if you can manage it!) and keep taking the antibiotics. Good luck

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Well.... no actually, unless that was unerupted as well.


In 30 odd years I've only ever had two wisdom teeth that have given problems by themselves. Usually if there is no tooth on the opposing jaw they will eventually overerupt, but then they are easypeasy to remove.


If your face is swollen today when it was not yesterday then there could well be an infection present. I would suggest you contact your dentist in the morning and get a prescription for antibiotics unless you've already seen him/her of your GP today.


Forgot to add that I qualified as a dentist before I did a law degree.


Good advice to follow - OH is a dentist

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Had 2 out a few years back

My dentist said they should do it as he THINKS that the wisdom tooth is hiding decay on the tooth beside it and he cant get to it, also said if im having the bottom one out i gotta have the top out too.

he sent me to hospital to have it done,Was not plesant, felt more like they had the pliyers on my jaw bone rather than the tooth. come out in the end but wanted to punch the guy.


Went back to my dentist to sort the tooth he could not see out and he said,,,oh, that tooth is fine,,,

So there was no need to have the wisdom teeth out anyway.


Gotta love ya dentist



:wink:Prevention better than cure....

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