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Hi All


We've arrived in Brissie (on Hol) minus 2 cases !! Hopefully they'll be on the flight today after a whole crate was left behind in Dubai because they never made the short transfer.:shocked:


Its being raining all night and is forcast all day too !! Quite used to that though. But sunny at the mo.


Ticked the box on the entry card for 'Are you migrating to Oz' (or whatever it said), so officially we can stay, Yaayyyy.:yes:


Off to the Gold Coast on Wed as Chris has an interview, so fingers crossed for him please. Then we may finally know where we're going to !!


Thats all folks, will try and keep in touch and we'll be back in 3 wks:cry:.


Bye Luv Sam xx

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Guest tinbasher

Have a fantastic holiday, hope the job interview goes alright. Enjoy your stay hope that you get your cases back. Perhaps you may not want to go back...


Mrs TinB

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Good Luck Sam Hun, let us all know what it is like, i jet off next tuesday to sydney to hopefully secure or sort a sponsorship, Hope you have a brill holiday & all the best with Chris's interview, we have everything crossed for you chick :cute::yes::wubclub:

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Hi Sam


Thought of you all Sunday...thinking...i bet they are here by now etc.... so nice to know you have landed safely!!..albeit minus 2 bags!!


News from this end:...

Tell Josh Bridgnorth are doing a level 1 at end of Aug and if he does it i shall prob be with him too!!

Streamline gave out forms for gala in ? lincon last night.... want us to go as a 'team' from streamline...contraversial!!.... forms have to be back by 7th july.... meet is on sat 20th oct ... not sure if we going as if we get the visa then validating then...but do you want a form?


Don't forget some forms for me!!!

Tell Chris good luck

Get kieran swimming in local pool and sus out the competition!!

Hi to all and have fun....


Min x:wubclub:

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Hiya Sam


Have a lovely holiday and hope Chris secures that job! Shame your luggage gone missing but I suppose you may have to go and do some shopping :yes:, you know just in case it doesn't arrive LOL Especially seeing as the Gold Coast got some good clothes shopping!


Rained when we were in Brisbane too!!


Have a lovely time


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Guest Scarletfever

HIya Sam...I didnt even know that you were going!!!


Have a fab time over there and don't forget to chase those cases up!! You'll need a bit of extra to bring a pressie back for me!!!:wub:


Good luck to Chris as well...just have a great 3 weeks over there and tell us all about it when you get back.



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Guest kimdownie

Lovely to hear from you Sam,




Take care all and Good luck to Chris for his interview


luv Kim xx

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Guest jonseywife

Hi Sam

Enjoy your hols lovey, and hope the OH does well at the interview..................

Good luck and dont forget to slip, slop, slap or is it slap, slip, slop ???????????????? (just in case anyone was wondering it's the Ozzie sun screen sloggan !!!!!!!!??????? :biglaugh:)

Sally-ann & the gang x

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I hope the bags that have gone missing weren't the ones carrying your underwear!!!(Titter!)


Have a great time, and good luck for EVERYTHING you need luck for!




PS. I believe it's now ' slip, slap, slop, slurp', in an attempt to remind people to drink more. Er, drink more water.

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