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Is Australia too expensive?


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I was chatting to my mum this morning who has been in Perth for 18 Years and she was talking about how expensive daily living in Australia is getting and how she is concerned that when me and o/h make the move we will strugggle.....so I was wondering do others that have been there for while see a big change in the cost of daily living? And what do those of you that have recently arrived make of the cost of living?





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Guest tashii27

Well when I was in Perth 3 years ago it wasn't too bad. But when I recently did an online shop for my brother back home for groceries i was surprised at how the prices had gone up. Not by a huge amount, but they had by a few dollars. Property seems to have soared as well. But having said that salaries in my field seem to have shot up by 15k from what I used to get so I guess that is to balance out the rising costs of living. Not to mention how rubbish the pound is against the AUD at the moment!

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I was recently there on validation trip. Had I not been prepared for high cost of groceries I probably would have passed out in shock at some of the prices. Absolutely extortionate, I would say that on average, a grocery item or toiletry would typically cost say £3 in the UK was about $10.


I didn't find eating out too bad as I am used to London prices.


Petrol is about the same in $ as it is in £ at the moment, so that is a lot cheaper.

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Guest brooksey

Officialy Australia has the most expensive groceries in the world.

Petrol is cheaper but you have to travel three times as far to get anywhere so that gets negated.

Don't get me started on the price of alcohol.

It's still better living here than England, but money is soon spent.

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Officialy Australia has the most expensive groceries in the world.

Petrol is cheaper but you have to travel three times as far to get anywhere so that gets negated.

Don't get me started on the price of alcohol.

It's still better living here than England, but money is soon spent.

Couldn't have put it better my friend,spot on.
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Guest GillianM

Hi, but her in Scotland, its getting pretty expensive here as well, and with the new goverment i think it will get worse as they need to get money from somewhere so probably everything will increase, groceries and taxes. Ive read its same as UK for food shopping, some things here you pay for that you dont in Oz but basically its swings and roundabouts.



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Hi, but her in Scotland, its getting pretty expensive here as well, and with the new goverment i think it will get worse as they need to get money from somewhere so probably everything will increase, groceries and taxes. Ive read its same as UK for food shopping, some things here you pay for that you dont in Oz but basically its swings and roundabouts.




AFAIK the government in UK doesn't determine the cost of general groceries. :wink:

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I was chatting to my mum this morning who has been in Perth for 18 Years and she was talking about how expensive daily living in Australia is getting and how she is concerned that when me and o/h make the move we will strugggle.....so I was wondering do others that have been there for while see a big change in the cost of daily living? And what do those of you that have recently arrived make of the cost of living?






Yes- we find it very expensive and my hubby earns a very good salary- the lack of competition here shoots things up-things like phone & internet are comparitively expensive. Groceries too. You also pay lots for the schools-uniforms are ridiculous and they charge you for school books pens etc- nothing is provided, they even send you bills fr activities done in schools and photocopying etc and that is a state school.


Car registration is expensive as is dentistry


I find meat about the same price though.


Then agan I'm a whinging pom who doesn't think that the sunshine makes up for what Australia lacks- which for us is so much. Depends what you are leaving in the UK (and I don't just mean family) and what's important to you. If you love everything about Oz then you will be prepared to put up with high costs- if you don't then you wont.:jiggy:

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Guest proud2beaussie

Not in my opinion,when I was last in the UK my girlfriend spent £150.00 for a weeks shopping,in Australia £150 (over $250.00)is what I spend in a fortnight.

And don't get me started on the cost of meat in the UK,£18.00 for a small leg of lamb that only just fed 2 people,here in Australia I can buy the same sized leg for $18.00.!

Australia is expensive for some things but I spend a lot of time in the UK so I can confidently say that this idea that Australia is an endless pit that will suck your money in is a myth.

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Guest proud2beaussie

All I know is that I live very comfortably here in Australia on $70,000 a year,I could not have the same lifestyle in the UK on that amount,I know that for a fact,because I have tried it.to have the same sort of lifestyle in the UK I would need £70,000- $120,000AUD.,my girlfriend and I have had my accountant go through our finances piece by piece and that is what we came up with.

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Guest famousfive

We have found some groceries to be very expensive and others not so bad,you really do have to shop around.Dentists are crazy prices.We have 3 kids at state primary and not a week goes by without having to pay something.They do a lot of fundraising for the school which involves bringing in donations.We had to pay $35 each this term for gymnastics which was compulsory as part of physical education program!!

It has become very expensive to live here,especially for those with children.We know a lot of families who buy a lot of their clothes etc at Vinnies because their wages just don't stretch.

However,if you are lucky enough to get a job in a well paid profession these things won't effect you much.Those working in service industries seem to struggle the most.

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Guest guest30038

When thinking about "expensive" it doesn't pay to convert to sterling when comparing, which is what most people do. Looking at individual items doesn't help either, it is a more "exacting science" and one should look at all one's expenses for the year.


Booze is definitely more expensive but after visiting the UK 2 yrs ago, and traipsing around in a campervan, I personally am convinced that general day to day living is cheaper here when you factor in transport costs, parking, rates, electricity etc.


I do find though, that these things have shot up alrmingly in the last 3/4 years, especially housing, and bearing in mind the exchange rate, I would ask that anyone coming here seriously weigh up their options.


Groceries.............I only buy "specials" and shop at a grengrocers for veg and fruit which is more than half less than the supermarkets. I currently have in my freezers........3 full legs of lamb @$5 a kilo, 6 x 2.2kilo chickens @ $5 each, 5 kilo of boned out chicken breast and thighs @$4.50 a kilo, 5 kilo of mince @ $5 a kilo, and 2 pork leg joints at $4 a kilo. In the meat fridge I have (all cryvaced with 3 months life), 2 full rumps @$5 a kilo, 2 rib fillet steak joints @£8 a kilo and 2 large 7 kilo hams @ $6 a kilo...............we eat a lot of meat :biglaugh: I dread to think what that lot would cost me in the UK. All those were bought on "special" and I can't remember the last time I bought at normal price.


School..............yes you have to buy books etc, but these are now tax deductible and a new laptop last year and a serious compulsory advanced maths calculator which cost $212 attracted a few bob back.


Clothes..........can't remember the last time I wore shoes, shirt or tie and haven't bought any since I arrived here.........I lie.........bought one set for a (foster) custody hearing when we thought about adoption.........wore 'em once..........picked the shoes up the other day to dust 'em and they fell to bits :biglaugh:


One income family with 2 kids in private school..........would that be the case if I lived in the UK?..............no way!


So there ya go. I find it cheaper 'cause I have the time to hunt down bargains, but it all depends on how you buy and if you've got the freezer/fridge space....we run two of each.


All that said, prices seem to be getting out of control in the supermarkets..........I mean........10 bucks for a kilo of truss tomatoes....give me a break! Housing in particular and utilities, and I think that the days of coming to Oz simply for the big house and pool, are over........you need more reasons than that for taking the gamble, and as can be seen by the number of returnees lately, it's a bigger gamble than it once was.


Hungry Jacks (Burger King) and maccers do a meal for 4 for 19bucks..............how much in the UK?


Would I personally come now under current conditions?.........damn right I would!:yes:



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I noticed how expensive Australia was when I came back in March from a month in UK - I am always in a bit of a dither about prices when I go over because of the change from dollars to pounds and it always seems much cheaper to me when I go. However this time I took very careful note of what I was paying in pounds and then when I got back just even looking at lunches on my first day back I was gobsmacked at how expensive things were here - I know the very generous exchange rate had something to do with that but even on a percentage of wages each week things were quite a bit more than UK. I was also very agreeably surprised by how low my credit card bill was once I got back - I use the credit card for pretty much everything while I am away. I got some amazing deals on motels too where I paid less than I would ever pay here for some very nice accommodation and that did surprise me.


My grocery basket was a darn sight fuller for the same amount and I even enjoy shopping in Waitrose which isnt renowned for its cheapness!

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Guest SunshineSmile
Not in my opinion,when I was last in the UK my girlfriend spent £150.00 for a weeks shopping,in Australia £150 (over $250.00)is what I spend in a fortnight.

And don't get me started on the cost of meat in the UK,£18.00 for a small leg of lamb that only just fed 2 people,here in Australia I can buy the same sized leg for $18.00.!

Australia is expensive for some things but I spend a lot of time in the UK so I can confidently say that this idea that Australia is an endless pit that will suck your money in is a myth.


This looks good for us.. i spend 170 euros pr week shopping.. most of it in Aldi and the rest in Tesco and i always shop around for deals.. that is for 3/4 adults and 3 dogs (its a VERY tight budget, only 1 wage coming in!) We have really learned to go back to the "cook from scratch" approach.. no fast convenience foods.. def cheaper and much better for you in the long run I suppose. Time consuming, but appropriate for us cos there is always someone at home to make dinner :wink:

Isnt it all relative tho? I mean if you left me off with a credit card and i shopped without thinking.. as in, just throw stuff in the trolley that i liked the look of.. i could easily drop 500 yoyo no bother!

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Guest guest30038
This looks good for us.. i spend 170 euros pr week shopping.. most of it in Aldi


Good old Aldi..............just bought another two convection ovens.........the table top with the glass bowl type for 39 bucks each for presents.......their prices can be amazing at times.........oh...........and the little electric egg boiler/poacher.........best poached eggs I've had in ages........just right with no watery bits..........with Hp sauce....yummy



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Guest SunshineSmile
When thinking about "expensive" it doesn't pay to convert to sterling when comparing, which is what most people do. Looking at individual items doesn't help either, it is a more "exacting science" and one should look at all one's expenses for the year.


Booze is definitely more expensive but after visiting the UK 2 yrs ago, and traipsing around in a campervan, I personally am convinced that general day to day living is cheaper here when you factor in transport costs, parking, rates, electricity etc.


I do find though, that these things have shot up alrmingly in the last 3/4 years, especially housing, and bearing in mind the exchange rate, I would ask that anyone coming here seriously weigh up their options.


Groceries.............I only buy "specials" and shop at a grengrocers for veg and fruit which is more than half less than the supermarkets. I currently have in my freezers........3 full legs of lamb @$5 a kilo, 6 x 2.2kilo chickens @ $5 each, 5 kilo of boned out chicken breast and thighs @$4.50 a kilo, 5 kilo of mince @ $5 a kilo, and 2 pork leg joints at $4 a kilo. In the meat fridge I have (all cryvaced with 3 months life), 2 full rumps @$5 a kilo, 2 rib fillet steak joints @£8 a kilo and 2 large 7 kilo hams @ $6 a kilo...............we eat a lot of meat :biglaugh: I dread to think what that lot would cost me in the UK. All those were bought on "special" and I can't remember the last time I bought at normal price.


School..............yes you have to buy books etc, but these are now tax deductible and a new laptop last year and a serious compulsory advanced maths calculator which cost $212 attracted a few bob back.


Clothes..........can't remember the last time I wore shoes, shirt or tie and haven't bought any since I arrived here.........I lie.........bought one set for a (foster) custody hearing when we thought about adoption.........wore 'em once..........picked the shoes up the other day to dust 'em and they fell to bits :biglaugh:


One income family with 2 kids in private school..........would that be the case if I lived in the UK?..............no way!


So there ya go. I find it cheaper 'cause I have the time to hunt down bargains, but it all depends on how you buy and if you've got the freezer/fridge space....we run two of each.


All that said, prices seem to be getting out of control in the supermarkets..........I mean........10 bucks for a kilo of truss tomatoes....give me a break! Housing in particular and utilities, and I think that the days of coming to Oz simply for the big house and pool, are over........you need more reasons than that for taking the gamble, and as can be seen by the number of returnees lately, it's a bigger gamble than it once was.


Hungry Jacks (Burger King) and maccers do a meal for 4 for 19bucks..............how much in the UK?


Would I personally come now under current conditions?.........damn right I would!:yes:




Smashing post Kev.. balanced as always ...

My man is a BIG meat lover so good to see you can get the "specials" over there too..

Do you get specials on fish too?

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We have found some groceries to be very expensive and others not so bad,you really do have to shop around.Dentists are crazy prices.We have 3 kids at state primary and not a week goes by without having to pay something.They do a lot of fundraising for the school which involves bringing in donations.We had to pay $35 each this term for gymnastics which was compulsory as part of physical education program!!

It has become very expensive to live here,especially for those with children.We know a lot of families who buy a lot of their clothes etc at Vinnies because their wages just don't stretch.

However,if you are lucky enough to get a job in a well paid profession these things won't effect you much.Those working in service industries seem to struggle the most.


My husband earns an executive salary and we cannot believe how much we spend every month- we dont go out to restaurants or eat much takeaway food but we spend all we earn. We have tried and tried to work this out but cannot understand it. When I speak to people about it they say I need to shop around and go to the early markets to get bargains- this is such a shock and to be honest my hubby doesn't work a 15 hour day for us to forrage around. We never had to do that in the UK- we never bought designer and were flash but we ould afford to go to Tesco and eat out regularluy or have Saturday tea from M&S

As I said before if everything else fit in with us here, we would be prepared to adapt but our quality of life has gone down the tubes since we arrived here and no amount of sunshine or blue sky will ever make up for that.

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Guest SunshineSmile
Good old Aldi..............just bought another two convection ovens.........the table top with the glass bowl type for 39 bucks each for presents.......their prices can be amazing at times.........oh...........and the little electric egg boiler/poacher.........best poached eggs I've had in ages........just right with no watery bits..........with Hp sauce....yummy




Aldi cant be beat for me... too many people too snobby to go in there.. I dont get it, its the business.. always loadsa offers/deals..

Proper poached eggs with brown sauce Kev.. bloody luvely :biggrin:

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Guest chris955

There seems to be little doubt life here has become much more expensive in recent times. Both my wife and my brother have been back in the last 18 months and were amazed at how much cheaper things were, especially food. I'm not sure what Nigel bought that added up to 150 quid for one weeks shopping but my wife reckons you could feed all of us for a month for that.

Petrol is cheaper, maybe 50% more here but if I was there I could buy a s/hand Prius for what our little car is worth and pay 15 quid a year road tax instead of $500 registration so one negates the other.

Housing, well not much needs to be said about that I'm sure. It's getting ridiculous. A leg of lamb in Asda is under 5 pounds a kilo so 18 quid would buy you 3 1/2 kg's, plenty for a family let alone just to feed 2.

What is clear is that those who are 'Aussies' and happy and settled seem to see things differently to others, not saying one or other is right or wrong.

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Guest guest30038
Smashing post Kev.. balanced as always ...

My man is a BIG meat lover so good to see you can get the "specials" over there too..

Do you get specials on fish too?


Not since I sold the boat :rolleyes::cry:


Yes, I bought 5 kilo of Basa (Vietnamese catfish) for 20 bucks. There was a time that I wouldn't touch it, but the farming of it is now strictly regulated. Fish is pretty expensive as the best of it is exported. Barramundi, and other fish which have a mythological aura to Aussies, are now, unbeknown to many of those worshippers, in the main, farmed, and taste nothing like the wild-caught stuff.


Seasonal fish such as mullet, I can get for as little as 3bucks a kilo (coles is currently charging $12) and I buy a heap and freeze.


Still catch me own whiting and bream from the beach and river though.



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Guest SunshineSmile
Not since I sold the boat :rolleyes::cry:


Yes, I bought 5 kilo of Basa (Vietnamese catfish) for 20 bucks. There was a time that I wouldn't touch it, but the farming of it is now strictly regulated. Fish is pretty expensive as the best of it is exported. Barramundi, and other fish which have a mythological aura to Aussies, are now, unbeknown to many of those worshippers, in the main, farmed, and taste nothing like the wild-caught stuff.


Seasonal fish such as mullet, I can get for as little as 3bucks a kilo (coles is currently charging $12) and I buy a heap and freeze.


Still catch me own whiting and bream from the beach and river though.




Guess my man might be looking at getting himself a boat then :biggrin: B can leave you go then, in the capable hands of my man... mmmm maybe not, might end up being an excuse to consume tinnies! Put me down for some of your whiting and bream then.. im pretty surprised fish is so expensive there.. some how i thought it would be cheap.

Steph x

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Guest chris955

That one sentence actually sums up what this thread is about I think, people for whatever reason think things are cheap, they did used to be but not anymore and that is the problem.


some how i thought it would be cheap.

Steph x

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