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Gordon Brown


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Guest shark

just dont think libs ,are going to want spending cuts ,and Cameron is not backing down on cuts this yr

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its going to be lab/libs with out Gordon brown

I hope that's just a supposition and not actually going to happen. Labour lost and stand rejected. Brown and his lot need to go and fast.


I think it should be a Conservative government but if power must be shared I would rather see a Lib Dem or a Monster Raving Loony in cahoots with the Conservatives than any combination involving Labour. I think they've meddled long enough.

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That saying "fiddling while Rome burns" for some reason comes to mind when I think about LibDem priorities at the moment.


What I mean is Nick Clegg is very keen on electoral reform - we all know, he's said it loud enough - but let's just hope he doesn't make this his dealbreaker with the Tories.


If they both genuinely do what they have said "act in the national interest" surely the "national interest" AT THE MOMENT is the deficit and the economy and not electoral reform.


Let's get the UK back on its feet, let the markets settle down and then perhaps come back to electoral reform.

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Thats very true. Electoral reform is important, but I wouldn't say that its a priority given the financial defecit. They're just fiddling about again aren't they. They ALL just need to push up their sleeves and get on with it as soon as its clear who our government will be. Less politics and more actual work, please!

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Guest Andy

My view on Gordon Brown is that he should step down, he and Blair have bought the labour party,and the country to their knees and it is a measure of the bloke that he will not go and will do anything to stay in power regardless of what is best for the country. I have to admit that i cannot stand the bloke and would happily drive the removal lorry and move his stuff for nothing, in actual fact i would pay him!

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Guest Gollywobbler

I watched Brown's speech outside No 10 yesterday. I got the impression that he is highly miffed by the news that the voters have shown that most of us can't stand him. I think he realises that this means that he is now only a caretaker Prime Minister. I got the impression that he is quite grateful for the fact that his Missus will get a reasonable period in which to do the family's packing.


The idea of him kow-towing to Clegg seems impossible to me. Brown is an overgrown schoolboy bully. The country smacked him hard for that on 6th & 7th May 2010, and he was obviously still feeling the pain from the smack that he got. However he will recover from that, whereupon I reckon he would give Clegg such a hard time that Clegg would run away from any deal with Brown.


The Queen has a residual constitutional power that she has never used but her grandfather used it in 1931 apparently. It seems that there was a similar situation back then, with a caretaker PM trying to cling to the reins. Apparently King George V banged the political heads together, pointed out that the country had voted against the one who wanted to stay, and told the lot of them to grow up and move on.


The Queen is known to be a keen student of history - she always has been. The Palace have arranged for an army of senior experts on Constitutional Law to be available to advise her - people who have nothing to do with politics but who will give the Queen proper advice about the Monarch's position and what she can do if she consults them.


And she is a tough old boot when she needs to be. I suspect that she will let them play for a while but that if it doesn't work or they don't play nicely together, she will step in, kick a*se and order the lot of them to behave themselves. She takes her own - and their - duties to the Citizens of the UK far more seriously than any of the elected pollies of the present generation have ever done. I've also heard that the Queen can be very scary and forbidding when she tries, too.


Wedgie Benn got wheeled out of retirement for a chat with Paxo, I noticed. Benn reckons that any alliance would prove to be too feeble and that another General Election will probably be necessary, in spite of the costs. I suspect that he is right.


I noticed that Mandy and Co have shut up about the idea of a "balanced" Parliament, now that the lot of them have found out that it wouldn't be "balanced" in their favour. It would be hung and it would lead to nothing except endless tension and quarrels, methinks. Brown had the guts to admit that Parliament is now a hung parliament and that although he will talk to anyone who cares to talk to him, I suspect that he thinks that his phone is unlikely to ring.....


Mandy is the worst of the lot in my view. He hates Harriet Harperson so I shouldn't think he would support her. He is quite willing to sacrifice his best buddy Brown though - as long as that leaves Mandy at the centre of pulling the strings. I felt that Brown is probably discovering that there is no such thing as a real friend in politics.





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Guest Andy

Good points Gill, lets think about this for a minute, Brown, Mandleson and Harman, could you find 3 more selfish, power hungry, people anywhere in politics? Each on there own are dreadful politicians and awful people but together they are just appalling and the sooner they are out of our lives the better!

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Guest shark
Brown is probably discovering that there is no such thing as a real friend in politics.





or the UK,can we deport him
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Guest shark

i think we should forget all this stuff about hung parliament ,and just hang brown,its the only way to get rid of him.

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Guest Andy

Do you know this whole situation is mad.

Just on the news they are saying that Clegg is currently talking to Cameron with regards to forming a new government. Last night Brown talked to Clegg and said if the talks fail then he is there ready to do a deal. Well what a bloody farce, so the future of the country is based on these 3 clowns deciding wether they can work together, we could have a lab/lib or a lib/con, government. Those two governments would be so far apart with regards to policies its not true. So where does that leave us voters and tax payers, i will tell you where, down the shi**er thats where, they do not care a jot about us but what they can get out of it! I am well angry:mad::arghh:

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Do you know this whole situation is mad.

Just on the news they are saying that Clegg is currently talking to Cameron with regards to forming a new government. Last night Brown talked to Clegg and said if the talks fail then he is there ready to do a deal. Well what a bloody farce, so the future of the country is based on these 3 clowns deciding wether they can work together, we could have a lab/lib or a lid/con, government. Those two governments would be so far apart with regards to policies its not true. So where does that leave us voters and tax payers, i will tell you where, down the shi**et thats where, they do not care a jot about us but what they can get out of it! I am well angry:mad::arghh:


Bloody politicians Andy. They are doing my head in too! :arghh:


As Fleabo rightly pointed out to me yesterday, don't think it could be a Lab/Lib Dem coalition as they still wouldn't have the 326 seats needed to have an overall majority, which is possibly why there's this con/lib dem deal being made.


Whatever way you look at it they are all power hungry. As Gill pointed out, what happened to doing the right thing for the public interest and having a strong decisive government? Grrr.

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Guest shark

roll on next election in 6 months time ,Gregg ,does not no want he bloody wants,he is a joke ,on top off that is party as done sh7t

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I could not stand that man glad he lost. Allways thought cameron would win :yellow_guy_smiling_

Hey Kirk where are you coming from, quote today 8-5-10 "I could not stand that man"


Before 2-5-10 quote "am not jokeing gordon brown has my vote & you should all do the same so come on vote LABOUR."


Then 30-4-10 quote "Brown will win noproblem"


I am sure I could find more quotes from you for a fence sitter, and don't tell me it was a joke! especially your smiley. I am sure you will get on well here in Australia!:biglaugh:

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i think we should forget all this stuff about hung parliament ,and just hang brown,its the only way to get rid of him.


Don't waste the money on the rope, you would need quite a few metres to go around his head:biglaugh:

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My view on Gordon Brown is that he should step down, he and Blair have bought the labour party,and the country to their knees and it is a measure of the bloke that he will not go and will do anything to stay in power regardless of what is best for the country. I have to admit that i cannot stand the bloke and would happily drive the removal lorry and move his stuff for nothing, in actual fact i would pay him!

I agree he was useless.

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Guest Andy
Don't waste the money on the rope, you would need quite a few metres to go around his head:biglaugh:

I have a few metres on the truck kernow, i am more than happy to donate it!:yes:

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Guest Andy
I agree he was useless.

Kirk, i thought you and Gordon were buddies, or were you pulling my plonker?:wink:

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Guest Andy
Sorry but you kept biteing at my post so I could not help it :biglaugh: I did vote Liberal

Kirk, you are a naughty lad, 100 lashes sir:laugh:

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Guest Andy
Are we friends now

:yes:We have had our moments Kirk, but its just a forum, and anyway i may need my teeth done one day:biggrin:

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