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What to do??????


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As you may know, I am on the 'moving back' side of the fence. As it happens, I was in the process of booking a flight for next week as there is a good job in the UK that I spoke to a recruitment agent in London about.

The other day the phone went for a job interview over here. It was quite out the blue as applied for the position last year! The job would be really good for me, both career wise and money. They have already asked my old boss for a reference, immediately after the interview.

If I get offered this, the decision would drive me insane. It already is. I know my heart is set on going home. This would just delay the inevitable outcome. :arghh:

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Guest guest17301

Then you need to forget the job and go home. Are you undecided? I think you may be to be asking the question at all. Will a good job make Australia a better place for you? A place you can be and enjoy living in long term? If not why bother?

Good luck with your decision and remember..what will be will be...fate always plays a part!:cute:

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Guest Guest31881



I think you have to ask yourself why you want to go back to the UK. Would this job offer change the feelings you have for Australia. If the answer is no then go back to the UK. Australia is not for everyone and you have to do what you feel is the best for you personally. No matter how good the Job offer is, if its not going to improve your life and make you feel good its not worth it.


if you feel this job is going to change your mind and make you want to stay in Australia then take it.


In the end it all boils down to what is going to make you feel better and happier in yourself.

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Then you need to forget the job and go home. Are you undecided? I think you may be to be asking the question at all. Will a good job make Australia a better place for you? A place you can be and enjoy living in long term? If not why bother?

Good luck with your decision and remember..what will be will be...fate always plays a part!:cute:

Undecided indeed. The right job, in the wrong location ( for me anyway! )

I am a strong believer in fate also, as it happens I received the call the very second I was about to type my credit card number in to book the flight. How spooky is that. 1 minute later and.....

Maybe the right job here would settle things down? Who knows.

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Guest guest17301
Undecided indeed. The right job, in the wrong location ( for me anyway! )

I am a strong believer in fate also, as it happens I received the call the very second I was about to type my credit card number in to book the flight. How spooky is that. 1 minute later and.....

Maybe the right job here would settle things down? Who knows.


Very spooky indeed. If it were me I would agonise over it but go with the flow and not get too concerned about the final outcome. Lifes twists and turns are not entirely engineered by us but we can steer the path a little! I hope it works out for you and I'm sure it will! Whats the job anyway?

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You don't seem to be very happy here, it does come across on the forum, maybe it is just not home for you, if you are really churning in your stomach about life here, then maybe you do need to go home, but if you feel that you could try out the job then give it a short term go, you can always say no. Most times life isn't set in concrete even though we might think so.

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You don't seem to be very happy here, it does come across on the forum, maybe it is just not home for you, if you are really churning in your stomach about life here, then maybe you do need to go home, but if you feel that you could try out the job then give it a short term go, you can always say no. Most times life isn't set in concrete even though we might think so.



I have to say I agree with Olly, you do seem quite unhappy in oz. Maybe you should just call it quits and go back the Uk and who knows what would be on offer there.



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Guest Guest37175
As you may know, I am on the 'moving back' side of the fence. As it happens, I was in the process of booking a flight for next week as there is a good job in the UK that I spoke to a recruitment agent in London about.

The other day the phone went for a job interview over here. It was quite out the blue as applied for the position last year! The job would be really good for me, both career wise and money. They have already asked my old boss for a reference, immediately after the interview.

If I get offered this, the decision would drive me insane. It already is. I know my heart is set on going home. This would just delay the inevitable outcome. :arghh:


Go home mate. A job's not your life and there are loads of more important things than work. You may not get exactly what you want workwise back home but you'll get something and your desire to be home comes across in your posts. Better to have the environment you yearn for rather than a good job.


Good luck mate.

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For me and OH having jobs here made a big impact on our settling. We very quickly got into 'real' life rather than holiday mode. Only you can decide what to do but i'm a great believer if everything happening for a reason ... do you believe in fate? Look at what it is about being here that makes you unhappy ...... would a job (or this job in particular) make you happier .... if you take it and postpone returning to the UK have you lost anything or do you feel you need to cut your losses??


Hard decision .... personally, if i had nothing to lose I'd take the job and see what happens believing I'd be no worse off ... after 6 months if i still felt the same way, i'd call it quits and head back to the UK.

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For me and OH having jobs here made a big impact on our settling. We very quickly got into 'real' life rather than holiday mode. Only you can decide what to do but i'm a great believer if everything happening for a reason ... do you believe in fate? Look at what it is about being here that makes you unhappy ...... would a job (or this job in particular) make you happier .... if you take it and postpone returning to the UK have you lost anything or do you feel you need to cut your losses??


Hard decision .... personally, if i had nothing to lose I'd take the job and see what happens believing I'd be no worse off ... after 6 months if i still felt the same way, i'd call it quits and head back to the UK.



My thoughts exactly...

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Guest Alan Race

Well I can sympathise with your dilemma, I first went out to OZ about 1995 with my family, hated it so much my wife and I returned to the UK in the meantime my daughter remained in OZ and married an Australian. So much pressure was brought to bear on me that I reluctantly agreed to go back out to OZ again about 2003, but just the same hated the place and we returned to the UK again. Now I have retired the family pressure is on again to retire in OZ. So what does one do if you hate the place but the rest of the family thinks differently. Whatever you do it's going to be the wrong thing for someone.

I know this does not help with your particular dilemma but shows you are not alone, there are many people in OZ who would return to the UK tomorrow if circumstances permitted. In your case I would say that if nobody else is involved or if so they don't mind then return to the UK because you will never be happy in OZ whatever job you get, its just a different type of life that's not for everybody.

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Guest Guest37175
Well I can sympathise with your dilemma, I first went out to OZ about 1995 with my family, hated it so much my wife and I returned to the UK in the meantime my daughter remained in OZ and married an Australian. So much pressure was brought to bear on me that I reluctantly agreed to go back out to OZ again about 2003, but just the same hated the place and we returned to the UK again. Now I have retired the family pressure is on again to retire in OZ. So what does one do if you hate the place but the rest of the family thinks differently. Whatever you do it's going to be the wrong thing for someone.

I know this does not help with your particular dilemma but shows you are not alone, there are many people in OZ who would return to the UK tomorrow if circumstances permitted. In your case I would say that if nobody else is involved or if so they don't mind then return to the UK because you will never be happy in OZ whatever job you get, its just a different type of life that's not for everybody.


Thanks Alan for that very honest and very sobering post. I think it shows how complex the issues around moving country are. I've highlighted your comment about how many would go home as there are many on this forum in that position but who are "stuck" (for the want of a better word) here in Oz. That's not a criticism of Australia, as there are plenty of Aussies in the same position, but in reverse (as it were) in the UK.


If only life were simple eh?

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Guest valleylass

Do whatever you feel is right for you; if you don't know what this is yet wait around until you do.


My very best wishes



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As you may know, I am on the 'moving back' side of the fence. As it happens, I was in the process of booking a flight for next week as there is a good job in the UK that I spoke to a recruitment agent in London about.

The other day the phone went for a job interview over here. It was quite out the blue as applied for the position last year! The job would be really good for me, both career wise and money. They have already asked my old boss for a reference, immediately after the interview.

If I get offered this, the decision would drive me insane. It already is. I know my heart is set on going home. This would just delay the inevitable outcome. :arghh:



Take the job. Only you know what you have to lose. Things are not good hear at the moment so give it ago.


If you don't you could have regrets in years to come.


Good luck hope you make the right move.



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Guest Janeloz

I agree with Ali, fate and all that, I think that if you think the job would be good for you, then try it for 6 months and see how you feel then, otherwise you may come back to the UK and forever wondering 'what if' about the job in Oz.

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ME personaly , ive been here a year in a job i hate which i felt leaked into all our other aspects of life here and was turning me into a mess , , ive started a new job last week and im looking through fresh eyes again , for me it was a big thing , i was compareing my job , work mates all the time which was great in the uk , to this place i hated here ! Now im so settled and feel better , works for some not others all the very best !

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Guest chris955

Judging by previous posts from you I would say get on that plane, I doubt a job here will change all your feelings. I could be wrong though. :biggrin:

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Guest SophieKin
As you may know, I am on the 'moving back' side of the fence. As it happens, I was in the process of booking a flight for next week as there is a good job in the UK that I spoke to a recruitment agent in London about.

The other day the phone went for a job interview over here. It was quite out the blue as applied for the position last year! The job would be really good for me, both career wise and money. They have already asked my old boss for a reference, immediately after the interview.

If I get offered this, the decision would drive me insane. It already is. I know my heart is set on going home. This would just delay the inevitable outcome. :arghh:


What an awkward decision to make. I have read a few of your posts and your heart does seem to be in the UK, however this could make you regret your move back to the UK if you don't find an equally good job there. Personally, I would give it a go for a few months and see if I still felt the same about returning home. At least then you would know you tried it. I spent my first 6 months here struggling to find work and have recently found the ideal job but I am still desperate to go home. At least I now know I am 100% about going home and it is not because I couldn't find work here.


I wish you the best of luck, whatever you decide will be the right decision for you.


Good Luck!!

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Thanks all for your comments. Job has been offered it to me.... and I couldn't crack a smile. Maybe that sums it all up who knows.

I will contact this recruitment agent in London to find out about the status of that job and take things from there. I have a seat held on a flight leaving next Monday.

I was all set for leaving and then this spanner in the works, quite out the blue! These things really are sent to try us! I am sure this is fate really playing with me, but all the my issues with this place boils down to so much more then a job. It means nothing if I come home after work every day and log on to this forum.

I have real friends back in London, eagerly awaiting my return.

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Undecided indeed. The right job, in the wrong location ( for me anyway! )

I am a strong believer in fate also, as it happens I received the call the very second I was about to type my credit card number in to book the flight. How spooky is that. 1 minute later and.....

Maybe the right job here would settle things down? Who knows.



Im also a great believer in fate , oooo thats sooo weird go with your gut mate...

what about trying the job for a few months and then take it from there.. at least that way if you still decide to go home you can be sure the good job didnt make any difference to why you want to go home youl be more sure you did the right thing...

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Im also a great believer in fate , oooo thats sooo weird go with your gut mate...

what about trying the job for a few months and then take it from there.. at least that way if you still decide to go home you can be sure the good job didnt make any difference to why you want to go home youl be more sure you did the right thing...

Well, have taken alot of advice on board, not only from here, but all those around me and in the UK. I am taking the job! $60k including super is the most I've ever earnt in my life and even for experience, has to be done for at least the 6 months probation period. I can still clear off with only a weeks notice within this time, these new skills defo transferable to the UK if or when that time comes, which can only be a good thing.

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Well, have taken alot of advice on board, not only from here, but all those around me and in the UK. I am taking the job! $60k including super is the most I've ever earnt in my life and even for experience, has to be done for at least the 6 months probation period. I can still clear off with only a weeks notice within this time, these new skills defo transferable to the UK if or when that time comes, which can only be a good thing.



Im so glad you have managed to resolve your dilema about the job.. this for sure will help you work through your doubts about life here and will give you a better perspective on what its like living in Oz under better circumstances , you will also have less to regret if you do eventually decide you still want to return to the UK , and as you say your new skills being transferable will make it all worth while..


well we will probibly see less of you on PIO but keep us posted on the job and if its making you feel any different about staying... so good luck..

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Im so glad you have managed to resolve your dilema about the job.. this for sure will help you work through your doubts about life here and will give you a better perspective on what its like living in Oz under better circumstances , you will also have less to regret if you do eventually decide you still want to return to the UK , and as you say your new skills being transferable will make it all worth while..


well we will probibly see less of you on PIO but keep us posted on the job and if its making you feel any different about staying... so good luck..

.... Oh, you will see me again on this forum !!!

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