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Hi all - new to PIO, just starting out with DeFacto Visa App..


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Hi all,


Have just joined the site and have spent the past couple of evenings reading some of the threads on here - very helpful stuff indeed and I suspect that this forum will become integral to our campaign!


Myself (from UK) and my boyfriend (Aussie) taking a days hols tomorrow to finally sit down and make a start going though the mountains of info in order to begin to apply for a DeFacto Visa, starting with the obvious DIAC site. I have to say that its extremely daunting process - but there comes a point when you just have to stop thinking about it and start doing it.


Nervous and excited all at the same time - I daren't get too excited yet but I sincerely hope I can call Melbourne home in the next year...


If anyone has any tips for a smoother ride I'd be really grateful for any advice\elephant traps as not able to afford an agent unfortunately.


Thanks all


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Hello KatherineSarah


Welcome to PIO! As someone who has been through this process rather recently and who found PIO and BE enormously helpful in putting together my application, I would be more than happy to help fellow forum members.


If there is anything you should pay extra attention to on the DIAC website, it is the Partner Migration handbook:



It is a great guide for putting together evidence of your "genuine and continuing relationship" and we tailored all our evidence and stat decs according to what they listed in the handbook.


Also, print off the checklist and go through the list methodically for all the mandatory bits and pieces that DIAC requires you to lodge with your application.


I would also get your police clearance certificates (you'd need one from the UK as well as any country you've lived in for 12 months in the last 10 years) and medical checks done in advanced and put them in together with your application. I always believe this speeds the process up a little, as waiting for the CO to request for them might hold your application up. On that note, I'd also fill in Form 80 and throw it in just in case even if it's 'only if requested' - it seems 50/50 as to whether they ask for it so best to front load it anyway to help hurry things a little.


I hope that should help get you started. End of the day, this is one of the most stress-free visas to apply for especially if you have a rather straightforward case, so don't freak out too much! I know right, easier said than done <voice of experience>. If you require any specific info, don't hesitate to ask. There are many people on here who have been through the same thing and someone is sure to come along v quickly with a good answer. All the best!

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Hi Qflyer,


Thanks very much indeed for the info - gives me a very good idea of where to start. Also, congratulations on your recent move - it must feel great!


There are a few other things which I'm a little confused about at this stage which perhaps you or someone else may be able to help with:


My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years, the first year of which was a long distance thing going back and forward whenever possible. He moved to the UK last June, so as it stands, we are a couple of months short of the 12 month living together requirement under the DeFacto Visa category. However, the first evidence of him living at our address isn't until late June.


For various reasons, he needs to go back to Australia - mainly because we are really struggling finacially over here, and he has a house in Oz which he is paying for etc, and his job is very poorly paid here so we are trying to decide realistically when it is "safe" for him to leave - should we wait until at least the end of June where we have the evidence or would it be safe for him to leave at the start of June? I know its only a few weeks but the fact is that I am having to give up my rented house and move back in with my folks for a while - and while we aren't at all happy about him having to leave we have no choice but very worried that this could make the visa app far more complicated.


Thanks again and any further help gratefully received,


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Hi, welcome to the site. Personally, I'd do everything I could to make sure that you had the full twelve months evidence of living together before your partner moves back to Aus. Also, I'd start looking at the evidence you do have and see if there's more you can do to strengthen your case ahead of your application - joint bank account, letters addressed to both of you etc etc (every little helps!).

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Hi Peach,


Thanks - and yes, I thought as much. I guess all we can do now is pray that what evidence we have is enough, but good advice to see if it can be strengthened further.


I am kicking myself that I didn't keep certain things such as old envelopes addressed to us both. Hindsight!

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Could you get a stat dec from someone who can confirm when you started living together? That might help with the extra time evidence. Also, did you partner fly direct from Aus to the UK to start living with you? Can you get an record of his ticket from the airline (as it will also be dated)?

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Me (British) and my now husband (Aussie) applied onshore for an 820 visa and got it in 2 weeks without an agent - you really don't need them unless you have lots of problems.


It's not like they go round speaking to all your friends and relatives - getting photos and emails and other evidence - you still have to do that yourself - plus cos it goes through the agent you get all the info second hand!


It is a lot to get your head round but worth it in the end! Anyone with a bit of intelligence and twice as much determination can apply themselves - just read and read then disregard most of it and you will be fine:biggrin:

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All the advice you've been given so far is great and so I won't duplicate it, but just wanted to say welcome and good luck, and just shout if you have any questions!


Hi Wellieboots,


Thanks for the welcome! Have only been a PIO user for a week and am well and truly hooked! There seem to be lots of helpful friendly people here so very reassuring.


Take care




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Me (British) and my now husband (Aussie) applied onshore for an 820 visa and got it in 2 weeks without an agent - you really don't need them unless you have lots of problems.


It's not like they go round speaking to all your friends and relatives - getting photos and emails and other evidence - you still have to do that yourself - plus cos it goes through the agent you get all the info second hand!


It is a lot to get your head round but worth it in the end! Anyone with a bit of intelligence and twice as much determination can apply themselves - just read and read then disregard most of it and you will be fine:biggrin:



Hi ClaireB73,


Thanks for the reassurances here. I gathered as much but despite being told its one of the easier Visa classes to apply for, its still a little daunting going it alone without an agent so your words of wisdom are great to hear!


Thanks again


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