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Anyone leave kids behind?


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Guest siamsusie


Has anyone made the move having left children behind either to emigrate or move back to U.K. how does it feel? and how to cope with missing them?

Rodfan I left a son in London, another in Korea right now, I am in Australia. Birthdays and Christmas's are dreadful coz they are my babies (even though they are adults ). I dont think it ever gets better. I have a wonderful husband who ensures that we have adequate funds for me to go home should the need arise, we skype x 3 times a week, and leave messages. I send cards and letters (more personal than e mails). As soon as I am back at work I'll be able to subsidise their fares over here, they have mortgages etc so its good Mum can help! My dream would be complete if they were with us.....one day:daydreaming: best wishes ss xx
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Yup one of mine went back for a gap year and hasnt come back yet (7.5 years later!) and isnt likely to in the near future.


To be quite honest we arent that enmeshed that we are in contact more than about one sms every 6 weeks. Occasionally he flicks us an email with a link to something he is interested in but otherwise he is having a ball. I get more sms from his girlfriend actually.


When I go to visit he occasionally pops down to my parents' place from wherever he is and we have been known to take a week and do some touring together - he is the best company for being a tourist!


Of course I miss him but we all have our own lives to lead and so we all get on with it.

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I have 3 children in the Uk, they are with there father, I miss them heaps and I dont think that it gets any easier, I have been here 2 years and 3 months now, and it's still as hard as when I first arrived here

That must be sooo hard for you (have sent you a p.m.)


Thanks Quoll you have answered a few of my posts now:wink:


Still considering moving back to U.k. will be leaving a then 21yr old behind, still breaks my heart at the thought!!

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That must be sooo hard for you (have sent you a p.m.)


Thanks Quoll you have answered a few of my posts now:wink:


Still considering moving back to U.k. will be leaving a then 21yr old behind, still breaks my heart at the thought!!




Have p'md you :wink:

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Guest winterkitty

I had to leave my babies behind back in April - aged 3 and 5 now. I had a court contact order to keep in touch via webcam daily, but their father broke it. I have had no contact whatsoever since May and its breaking my heart. I've tried everything but hes made it impossible for me to contact them.

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Guest siamsusie
I had to leave my babies behind back in April - aged 3 and 5 now. I had a court contact order to keep in touch via webcam daily, but their father broke it. I have had no contact whatsoever since May and its breaking my heart. I've tried everything but hes made it impossible for me to contact them.

:hug:how horrible Kitty, I feel extremely sad for you:hug: ss xxx

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I had to leave my babies behind back in April - aged 3 and 5 now. I had a court contact order to keep in touch via webcam daily, but their father broke it. I have had no contact whatsoever since May and its breaking my heart. I've tried everything but hes made it impossible for me to contact them.



I am sorry I read through your other posts!!!

I can't understand that you left your kids with your ex partner

if he was so bad and had different issues????

I am not trying to be rude but I am a bit lost for words to be honest

So you are here with you new husband with his kids and your babies are still

in Ireland!!! I am aware that a court would not let you take them to Australia

well that is what I assume

So how are you finding your life her in Australia without your children??

It must be unbearable for you I know it would be for me.

I am very very sad for you please PM if you have the time

God Bless and keep strong


Cheers Laney xxxxx

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Guest winterkitty

I was not allowed to bring them with me, and my ex pretty much made it impossible to stay there any longer having threatened me and my family. I found out non-molestation orders aren't worth the paper they are written on.


Australia is wonderful and everything I hoped it would be, but its nothing without my kids. I wont give up on them

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Bloody Courts, so sorry, I have no doubt you will ever give on them, good luck with everything I hope they can be here with you sooner than you think, all the best and PM me anytime, were are you from in Ireland?? I am from Ballymun (LOL) Dublin, were are you in Australia??




Cheers Laney xxx

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I had to leave my babies behind back in April - aged 3 and 5 now. I had a court contact order to keep in touch via webcam daily, but their father broke it. I have had no contact whatsoever since May and its breaking my heart. I've tried everything but hes made it impossible for me to contact them.


:notworthy: that must be absolutely heartbreaking for you. It is bad enough when they are grown up and gone but to leave them behind when they are so young must be awful.

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:notworthy: that must be absolutely heartbreaking for you. It is bad enough when they are grown up and gone but to leave them behind when they are so young must be awful.


Well, my sentiment's exactly!! and I am struggling with trying to leave my soon to be 21yr old behind :unsure: Love, is regardless of age I suppose! and though I know he shouldn't need me anymore, feel he still does? Good Luck and all the Best with your dilemma!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Kazza2008

:sad: I am shortly moving over to Brisbane to be with and marry my fiance and will be leaving my 3 'children' here in UK. My 2 eldest are at Uni and seem okish for me to be leaving and my 8 year old son doesn't want to move with me and is happy to be going to live with his dad. Of course I will be in daily contact by phone/skype but I am dreading the thought of leaving him even though he is happy to be left and visit me for the summer and christmas holidays.


Don't think there is any easy solution to this and feel for you all xxxx

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