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another reason im so despondent with "Great Britain"


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I've had a few nights out in Sydney and must say never saw gangs of drunks singing and swearing loudly, urinating or being sick in the street or any fighting which is all common place in all of the towns and cities in the UK.



Nah thery are too busy shootin up on bondi get real

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Guest fatpom
I've had a few nights out in Sydney and must say never saw gangs of drunks singing and swearing loudly, urinating or being sick in the street or any fighting which is all common place in all of the towns and cities in the UK.


You need to get out more!!! :biglaugh:

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My son witnessed an incident much the same several weeks ago while waiting at a bus stop, infact it was the day of the old firm game before last.. Right outside the police station in maryhill road glasgow.. The police did not even bother to attend even though it took ten minuets for the ambulance to arrive and the young man was unconciouse.. I am like you worried every time my son leaves the house it may be the last time i see him alive.. And he is a good kidd....so i realy know how you feel...dizz..


Vote SNP and everything will be OK

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it is like reading a news paper on here they tell you all the bad things so more people will read. Give the uk a break there are good things to say about the uk the only trouble reporting good things to most is boring.


Dont read it then, if everyone was reporting good things about the uk nobody would be going anywhere:confused:.




In the Eye's of Andrew the UK is crap full stop.


Unfortunatly Kirk some people thrive on doom and gloom. Some even wish it to get worse just so thay can say "told you so" and feel justified leaving the sinking ship.

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Guest Magnetic6

Kelly you don't have to justify your post, you'd received some awful news that being the mother of sons made my blood run cold.

I think people have just got a bit bogged down with a few depressing threads on here, but that doesn't mean you can't share your news however sad it is.

Natalie x

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Guest Magnetic6
It's absolutely justified to make ones husband do all the crappy jobs he never wants to do the day after he comes home stinking drunk. He usually feels so guilty he daren't disagree...that way you get the oven cleaned/gardening done and get to tut and sigh at opportune moments making him feel even more guilty and wretched of course. But when us girls have a hangover it is perfectly acceptable to take to the sofa for the day being fed endless hot/cold drinks/paracetamol and sympathy.:cute:

Haha so i'm not the only one that uses that ploy!!

Works every time.....x

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In the Eye's of Andrew the UK is crap full stop.


Unfortunatly Kirk some people thrive on doom and gloom. Some even wish it to get worse just so thay can say "told you so" and feel justified leaving the sinking ship.

To be honest i was not going to respond to the reply but you have done it for me thankyou.

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Guest Andy
In the Eye's of Andrew the UK is crap full stop.


Unfortunatly Kirk some people thrive on doom and gloom. Some even wish it to get worse just so thay can say "told you so" and feel justified leaving the sinking ship.

If you read through my posts/threads you will see what you have said is the same as what you normally come out with, absolute b*****s. You just take up on the points you want to and forget anything else.

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Guest Andy
it is like reading a news paper on here they tell you all the bad things so more people will read. Give the uk a break there are good things to say about the uk the only trouble reporting good things to most is boring.

Kirk nice one you have found the spellcheck button!

Like I said before you dont have to read it, Kellyjamie was putting her experience on chewing the fat, thats what it is for:wacko:you do not have to read it. But personally I found your comments insensitive to her and her husband.

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Kirk nice one you have found the spellcheck button!

Like I said before you dont have to read it, Kellyjamie was putting her experience on chewing the fat, thats what it is for:wacko:you do not have to read it. But personally I found your comments insensitive to her and her husband.

if trying to put people down is your way of expressing yourself you carry on it does make me laugh that you always want the last say.

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After posting my thread a few weeks ago about the atack on the boy outside the police station another member on pio replyed i was a drama queen, i wonder how that comment would of sounded to the mother of young man who was attacked...

If you live in a nice leafy suburb then your life will definetly be less effected by crime than someone who lives in the inner citys.. Especially the less well of parts.. Dizz

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what makes this worse for me is i found out yesterday who the boy is, and i know him. i worked with his mum for 3 years.


this thread was in no way meant to cause any of you to get into a row or fall out with one another, i was posting at the time of what had happened, news i had just been given. The thing is this site is primarily for people moving or moved to oz, (and more recently alot of the peeps who are having to move back) and so obviously alot of us will post bad things that are happening and why we want to leave, otherwise we wouldnt be wanting to leave in the first place. Sometimes this site makes me feel like not posting at all as there is always someone there to put a slant on your reasons for posting or to just argue for the sake of it. if you post about crappy britain, someone will say your only reporting bad stuff doom and gloom. if you post good stuff about oz, apparently your living in dream land and equally if someone tells us bad things about oz from a realistic point of view many peeps dont want to hear that either, so you cant win. Sometimes people are just looking for a bit of support, and i think people forget as your not face to face talking and your just typing your answer it can be quite insensitive.

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Guest bonefish13

Hi everyone.


Whilst I could not agree more with some of the comments made on here I would like to point out one thing. In this country we always seem to have the habit of blaming all and sundry, with one notable exception, ourselves.


The people of this nation have relinquished their responsibility and right of free speech. Far too many of us seem to think that the way the country is at the moment is just an inevitable fact of life. Where we can all shrug our shoulders and say 'Well that's just the way it is, nothing will ever change"


This comment could not be farther from the truth. If enough of us finally stood up and made our point of view heard, very, very forcibly then maybe this country could once again be one where we can all be proud of.


When I say 'forcibly' I mean in no uncertain terms letting those in so called 'power' know just what we think about the state of the country at present.


This could take the form of just writing a letter to our MP, or marching on the gates of Downing Street and letting Mr Brown and his colleagues know what we want to change. If enough of us did this then eventually things would change.


It may take some time, but in the end some form of change would take place. We may not agree with each other on certain points, but is this reason enough to become so apathetic that we no longer even make the effort to try and enforce a degree of change.


I know that in my own way I have tried my dambest to try and bring about change, to date this has yet to come to fruition. But I can assure you that I will continue to do such a thing until my dying day.


If any of you want to join me, then please contact me. I have said in a previous post that I am not a political animal, at all. All I am is a member of this society who has seen this once great country disintegrate into oblivion, and it is my responsibility to try and change what I see as wrong.


All the best



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Guest bonefish13

Hi Kelly.


I have just read through my last post and it may of come across rather offensive to you, if this is the case I apologise.


All I am trying to say is that if enough of us cared then maybe these type of events would get less and less. Its all to easy for many of us to sit back and think that society will never change, WRONG.


I am sick to the back teeth of reading or hearing of another report of death, violence and sadness in this country. The problem is that the type of people who carry out these type of offences are for all intense purposes getting away with it.


I am sick and tired of reading of another family, (wife, husband, children) whose lives have changed radically because the scum of this country seem to think that they can do whatever, whenever and to whomever they wish with little consequence for their actions.


If enough 'good' people stood up and rallied against this then change would come about. The trouble is that the vast majority of 'good' people seem to think that the scum of this country are now running the asylum. Because that is all we ever read and hear.


So it is our responsibility to try and reverse this trend, and let the scum, and government know that we are all at our wits end and we DEMAND a change.


I am not in any way, shape or form advocating violence, far from it. But there has to come a time when the sane amongst stand up and make our feelings clear. I know this would involve a little hard work and maybe sacrifice, but surely it would be worth it in the end.


Kind regards



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Just a quick piont on why i am leaving uk. We have short time on this planet & I would like to see some of it not just in holiday mood. Uk has given me the ability to do this so why would i put it down, it does have its problems but dont we all. uk I salute you & deep down most on here would do the same if there honest.

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what makes this worse for me is i found out yesterday who the boy is, and i know him. i worked with his mum for 3 years.


this thread was in no way meant to cause any of you to get into a row or fall out with one another, i was posting at the time of what had happened, news i had just been given. The thing is this site is primarily for people moving or moved to oz, (and more recently alot of the peeps who are having to move back) and so obviously alot of us will post bad things that are happening and why we want to leave, otherwise we wouldnt be wanting to leave in the first place. Sometimes this site makes me feel like not posting at all as there is always someone there to put a slant on your reasons for posting or to just argue for the sake of it. if you post about crappy britain, someone will say your only reporting bad stuff doom and gloom. if you post good stuff about oz, apparently your living in dream land and equally if someone tells us bad things about oz from a realistic point of view many peeps dont want to hear that either, so you cant win. Sometimes people are just looking for a bit of support, and i think people forget as your not face to face talking and your just typing your answer it can be quite insensitive.


What happens in the world around you does not make you a doom and gloomer, please keep posting as it is important that people see and hopefully understand what is going on in other peoples lives. I think the different views from different people is a great thing on PIO. We are all unique individuals and whats good for the goose is not for the gander. However there are a few who (in my opinion ) always seem angry (its different from passionate) when they post. please don't let others opinions change your own or stop you from posting.

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Guest Three Lions
I agree with you Kirk and Co. The UK does have problems but i have been living in Sydney for four months now and i am just as intimidated on a saturday night by all the drunk louts as i was at home. I live near to Kings Cross and have to listen to the shouting and fighting every saturday night until the early hours. We just have an obsession with publishing bad news in England and always putting ourselves down.

England is s great country and for every 1 idiot there i am sure there are 10 good people.



I'm afraid that the reality is that whilst it is very tempting indeed to think that viscious assaults and general loutishness only occurs in the UK, the reality is that it occurs the world over. I am in a supposedly good suburb in Australia ('good' according to house prices/schools around/proximity to things/type of people living here) but STILL, pretty much every Saturday night, there's hoards of yobs wandering the streets near where the railway station is. I've seen arrests, I've seen numerous examples of quite extreme vandalism on public property (bus shelters, post boxes etc) and it wouldn't surprise me if at some future stage someone is attacked or beaten or something, because you can tell from their behaviour that they are all rather volatile and anything could happen under those conditions.


This is not in a suburb that anyone would typically list as an 'area to avoid' or anything like that at all. Far from it, as I have said, it's meant to be a really nice area. But still all that is going on almost weekly.


The media in the UK has the general population convinced that they are living in a terrible country, filled with unusual levels of violence and crime. People in Britain probably want to believe that it is just in the UK, so that they have the possibility of 'escape' to somewhere better. You really do have to go and live somewhere quite rural and remote to get away from this kind of trouble. If you live in or around a city or major town, it doesn't matter whether that's in the UK or Australia, you will get all kinds of things going on and will feel unsafe. I wouldn't want to go wandering around where I live on a Saturday night, and I wouldn't go and confront those responsible when they wake me up at 3am whilst they are trashing a bus shelter (and I mean violently kicking all the glass in until it's totally shattered and 'tagging' what remains of the structure) because I wouldn't like to think what they might try and do.


My bro-in-law has gone to loads of pubs and clubs in and around Melbourne, Frankston and Geelong and he can report loads of violent attacks taking place, many of them apparently totally unprovoked.


The UK public does need to accept the reality that many of the things which take place there and fill-up the pages of the Daily Mail are common problems and events the world over, and if you are desperate to escape them, merely going to Australia won't achieve that. Your best bet, whether you are in Britain or Australia, is to avoid the towns and cities if you want to feel safe on a Saturday night.

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just found out the boy was dragged form his house and beaten to death by 2 men with golf clubs, his mother turned his life support off yesterday afternoon. from what i have heard theres a possibilty its a revenge attack for something? even so you do have to ask what the world has become

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I'm afraid that the reality is that whilst it is very tempting indeed to think that viscious assaults and general loutishness only occurs in the UK, the reality is that it occurs the world over. I am in a supposedly good suburb in Australia ('good' according to house prices/schools around/proximity to things/type of people living here) but STILL, pretty much every Saturday night, there's hoards of yobs wandering the streets near where the railway station is. I've seen arrests, I've seen numerous examples of quite extreme vandalism on public property (bus shelters, post boxes etc) and it wouldn't surprise me if at some future stage someone is attacked or beaten or something, because you can tell from their behaviour that they are all rather volatile and anything could happen under those conditions.


This is not in a suburb that anyone would typically list as an 'area to avoid' or anything like that at all. Far from it, as I have said, it's meant to be a really nice area. But still all that is going on almost weekly.


The media in the UK has the general population convinced that they are living in a terrible country, filled with unusual levels of violence and crime. People in Britain probably want to believe that it is just in the UK, so that they have the possibility of 'escape' to somewhere better. You really do have to go and live somewhere quite rural and remote to get away from this kind of trouble. If you live in or around a city or major town, it doesn't matter whether that's in the UK or Australia, you will get all kinds of things going on and will feel unsafe. I wouldn't want to go wandering around where I live on a Saturday night, and I wouldn't go and confront those responsible when they wake me up at 3am whilst they are trashing a bus shelter (and I mean violently kicking all the glass in until it's totally shattered and 'tagging' what remains of the structure) because I wouldn't like to think what they might try and do.


My bro-in-law has gone to loads of pubs and clubs in and around Melbourne, Frankston and Geelong and he can report loads of violent attacks taking place, many of them apparently totally unprovoked.


The UK public does need to accept the reality that many of the things which take place there and fill-up the pages of the Daily Mail are common problems and events the world over, and if you are desperate to escape them, merely going to Australia won't achieve that. Your best bet, whether you are in Britain or Australia, is to avoid the towns and cities if you want to feel safe on a Saturday night.


Not to argue with how you feel where you live in Melbourne....but here in the Brisbane suburbs I don't feel like that at all. Feels very safe and family oriented. In the CBD at 3am in the morning would be different, or in a dodgy suburb, but I have always felt safe wherever I have lived in suburban Brisbane - only the far outer suburbs (18km+) has ever felt unsafe and even a lot of them out that way are still great as well.

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Guest Three Lions
Not to argue with how you feel where you live in Melbourne....but here in the Brisbane suburbs I don't feel like that at all. Feels very safe and family oriented. In the CBD at 3am in the morning would be different, or in a dodgy suburb, but I have always felt safe wherever I have lived in suburban Brisbane - only the far outer suburbs (18km+) has ever felt unsafe and even a lot of them out that way are still great as well.


That's fine. Obviously it goes without saying that there are plenty of places where what I have described wouldn't be occurring. My point is that, likewise, there are lots of places Australia-wide where it DOES happen.


The temptation for many people is to believe the following flawed maxim:


''UK, dangerous; Australia, safe''


This is total nonsense. All our experiences are different of course, but those who come to Australia and find it safer are quite good at convincing everyone that that is because Australia IS, definitively, safer, which it is not.


I have never witnessed the kind of vandalism that I see here, and I've lived in London and various other places in the South East of England.


It's important that people listen to both sides. Not just the side that says it's all nice and fluffy and soft in Australia in their suburb of Adelaide or Perth or wherever.

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Guest Three Lions
Not to argue with how you feel where you live in Melbourne....but here in the Brisbane suburbs I don't feel like that at all.....



I don't wish to pick holes mate but it's not really about how I feel, is it?! Yobs kicking in and tagging bus shelters and leaving the Australia post box laying in the road is not a 'feeling', it's a fact and a reality.

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I don't wish to pick holes mate but it's not really about how I feel, is it?! Yobs kicking in and tagging bus shelters and leaving the Australia post box laying in the road is not a 'feeling', it's a fact and a reality.


I think you may have misinterpreted my post....I had no problem with you trying to provide balance between uk and australia....I was just doing exactly the same thing between melbourne and brisbane....I stuck "Not to argue with how you feel where you live in Melbourne.." on the front to try to make sure you realised I wasn't arguing with your point of view about Melbourne as I have no idea about it.....obviously didn't choose my words very well did I as you still took offense :smile:

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Guest Three Lions
I think you may have misinterpreted my post....I had no problem with you trying to provide balance between uk and australia....I was just doing exactly the same thing between melbourne and brisbane....I stuck "Not to argue with how you feel where you live in Melbourne.." on the front to try to make sure you realised I wasn't arguing with your point of view about Melbourne as I have no idea about it.....obviously didn't choose my words very well did I as you still took offense :smile:

:nah: No, didn't take offense! You did a good job! Sometimes though people on this site (and another similar one) won't accept any validity in any criticism of any part of Australia. So if one says ''I find the shops in Australia poor compared to those in the UK", one might find that they get lots of responses defending poor old Australia and arguing that that can't possibly be the case, perhaps attempting to justify that by nonsensically saying that Next or M&S or WHSmith is rubbish compared to Kmart or Coles (e.g. something obviously incorrect and absurd).


I may have mistaken your post for the above which I can see it totally was not. I'm sorry!!!!

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