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another reason im so despondent with "Great Britain"


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Evening everyone,


We just heard some very sad news, my husband drives a taxi at the weekends and last nite he was workin. He said this morning when i asked how last nie was that for whatever reason there was an unusual amount of violence, alot of police and people being arrested all over the place. Half an hour ago his boss phoned to ask if he dropped off a certain fare (which he didnt) and explained because the police had been at his door as the passenger had been been dropped off and then they dont know what happened but he was severly beaten up and died in hospital this afternoon, he was only a young lad. This is getting to close to my own front door now and yes im aware it happens all over but with out doubt this loutish anti social violent society is becoming normal in britain, due in part to our population bursting at the seams!! The thought of ever letting my son out on the streets fills me with fear, i just want out of here. this has really upset us and shocked us, as i say its too close this was only a 5 min drive away. my thoughts are with that boys family and i hope they find the evil b"*&ards that are guilty. sometimes the world just doesnt make sense:sad:

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My son witnessed an incident much the same several weeks ago while waiting at a bus stop, infact it was the day of the old firm game before last.. Right outside the police station in maryhill road glasgow.. The police did not even bother to attend even though it took ten minuets for the ambulance to arrive and the young man was unconciouse.. I am like you worried every time my son leaves the house it may be the last time i see him alive.. And he is a good kidd....so i realy know how you feel...dizz..

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Guest MandyJayne

I agree with you Kirk and Co. The UK does have problems but i have been living in Sydney for four months now and i am just as intimidated on a saturday night by all the drunk louts as i was at home. I live near to Kings Cross and have to listen to the shouting and fighting every saturday night until the early hours. We just have an obsession with publishing bad news in England and always putting ourselves down.

England is s great country and for every 1 idiot there i am sure there are 10 good people.

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Yesterday i met up with a group of friends, most of whom i havent seen for over 6 months, some for a couple of years. Being the type of 'slightly aging but not prepared to admit it' types we all met up in a pub.

We had a couple of drinks in the beer garden, ok, it was not so warm but it was mostly sunny, the view was pretty impressive looking out over a river and moorland beyond, the beer was warm but what the hell.

We then moved to amother pub, sat outside again cos a couple of us still smoke (yeah yeah it makes us lower than satan but at least there is still somewhere we are allowed to smoke), there was a playpark out the back of this pub, kids were playing, young families enjoing a bit of sunshine etc.

We then moved to another pub, a bit closer to the town centre, bit louder, bit busier. Lots of people having a drink after work, mostly locals but they didnt seem to mind our group being in there. Had a couple of pints then moved on.

Next place was a lot louder, too may youngsters in there for my liking and the music was a bit loud but the beer was ok.

Stopped off at a cashpoint and drew out more funds.

Went to another pub, seemed like a very local sort of place, landlord was a big jovial guy and full of banter...his barmaids were friendly and easy on the eye too (ok, so i smoke and god forbid i can be accused of being sexist too) so we decided to stay for awhile.

Got parked at the bar, had several rounds, spent a fortune, truly awful pub singer did a few very very bad songs and then proceeded to play stuff that really isnt to my taste but it brought in a whole new crowd. The place got very very busy and i ended up chatting to a couple from Nigeria of all places.

Was quite late when i decided/realised i had had more than enough and made my excuses and wove a very wovey weavey exit, bouncing off several people enroute.

Foolishly believed that what i really really needed was a kentucky of all things and found my way to the back of the queue, after standing there for 5 minutes surrounded by shell suits and bling decided i would rather have a kebab so stumbled into the shop next door. Had a thoroughly confusing chat with a young lass who didnt speak a word of english but managed to make one of the best kebabs i have ever tasted (hey, i had been drinking) and proceeded to cover it in the hottest chili sauce ever.

Finally found a taxi and found a very pleasant polish chap who to my surprise had no idea where i lived until i told him the address. £8 later I now know all about his wife, family, hopes, aspirations and his opinion of roundabouts.


Have i mentioned i live in a town which has the one of the highest concentrations of unemployment and lowest average income per capiata in the UK and is in receipt of huge payouts from the EU because of the lack of jobs/investment and infrastructure?


Anyway, got home, had a fight with the front door key, had a fight with the cat....and woke up to a fight with my darling Wife (please not capital letter).


Bloody good night all in all, and the only trouble i witnessed was this morning when Her Who Must Be Obeyed suggested i spend the day doing all the DIY i have been putting off.

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Guest fatpom
Yesterday i met up with a group of friends, most of whom i havent seen for over 6 months, some for a couple of years. Being the type of 'slightly aging but not prepared to admit it' types we all met up in a pub.

We had a couple of drinks in the beer garden, ok, it was not so warm but it was mostly sunny, the view was pretty impressive looking out over a river and moorland beyond, the beer was warm but what the hell.

We then moved to amother pub, sat outside again cos a couple of us still smoke (yeah yeah it makes us lower than satan but at least there is still somewhere we are allowed to smoke), there was a playpark out the back of this pub, kids were playing, young families enjoing a bit of sunshine etc.

We then moved to another pub, a bit closer to the town centre, bit louder, bit busier. Lots of people having a drink after work, mostly locals but they didnt seem to mind our group being in there. Had a couple of pints then moved on.

Next place was a lot louder, too may youngsters in there for my liking and the music was a bit loud but the beer was ok.

Stopped off at a cashpoint and drew out more funds.

Went to another pub, seemed like a very local sort of place, landlord was a big jovial guy and full of banter...his barmaids were friendly and easy on the eye too (ok, so i smoke and god forbid i can be accused of being sexist too) so we decided to stay for awhile.

Got parked at the bar, had several rounds, spent a fortune, truly awful pub singer did a few very very bad songs and then proceeded to play stuff that really isnt to my taste but it brought in a whole new crowd. The place got very very busy and i ended up chatting to a couple from Nigeria of all places.

Was quite late when i decided/realised i had had more than enough and made my excuses and wove a very wovey weavey exit, bouncing off several people enroute.

Foolishly believed that what i really really needed was a kentucky of all things and found my way to the back of the queue, after standing there for 5 minutes surrounded by shell suits and bling decided i would rather have a kebab so stumbled into the shop next door. Had a thoroughly confusing chat with a young lass who didnt speak a word of english but managed to make one of the best kebabs i have ever tasted (hey, i had been drinking) and proceeded to cover it in the hottest chili sauce ever.

Finally found a taxi and found a very pleasant polish chap who to my surprise had no idea where i lived until i told him the address. £8 later I now know all about his wife, family, hopes, aspirations and his opinion of roundabouts.


Have i mentioned i live in a town which has the one of the highest concentrations of unemployment and lowest average income per capiata in the UK and is in receipt of huge payouts from the EU because of the lack of jobs/investment and infrastructure?


Anyway, got home, had a fight with the front door key, had a fight with the cat....and woke up to a fight with my darling Wife (please not capital letter).


Bloody good night all in all, and the only trouble i witnessed was this morning when Her Who Must Be Obeyed suggested i spend the day doing all the DIY i have been putting off.


A good old pub crawl.


God I miss those days!!! :twitcy:

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A damn good pub crawl, through some places i havent beem for years and some others i have never been before.

Either way is was a hoofin night out, i don't doubt that somewhere, someone got into a fight, someone somewhere was arrested, and someone somewhere woke up with someone elses wife this morning...much the same as will be happening in Sydney, London, Melbourne, Glasgow, Perth and Cardiff....and Paris, Barcelona, New York, Singapore and Manilla no doubt..........but i didnt see any of that, i had a good night out, had a cracking hangover and was made to suffer in time honoured fashion by fixing dripping taps and squeaky hinges all day.:confused:

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Guest fatpom
A damn good pub crawl, through some places i havent beem for years and some others i have never been before.

Either way is was a hoofin night out, i don't doubt that somewhere, someone got into a fight, someone somewhere was arrested, and someone somewhere woke up with someone elses wife this morning...much the same as will be happening in Sydney, London, Melbourne, Glasgow, Perth and Cardiff....and Paris, Barcelona, New York, Singapore and Manilla no doubt..........but i didnt see any of that, i had a good night out, had a cracking hangover and was made to suffer in time honoured fashion by fixing dripping taps and squeaky hinges all day.:confused:




Trouble always finds those looking for it & yes very occasionlly those who weren't, but moving across to the other side of thne world will never solve that.

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Guest Taff
England is s great country and for every 1 idiot there i am sure there are 10 good people.


Good people don't sell newspapers.

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Guest JoanneHattersley


England is s great country and for every 1 idiot there i am sure there are 10 good people




England always will be a great place. I was brought up there and so were most of my family!


Sure that ratio isnt wrong tho........For every 1 good person there is 10 idiots!!!!:wink:

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Guest proud2beaussie

There are plenty of good British people ,from all walks of life,like this guy.

Major Phil Packer finishes marathon - Times Online

,there are also heaps of fantastic Australians,but Australia,like the UK has plenty of idiots

that ,by their behaviour,give the country a bad name,but I don't judge a nation by the scum floating on the surface of the pond,I judge it by the whole park.

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Guest guest17301
A damn good pub crawl, through some places i havent beem for years and some others i have never been before.

Either way is was a hoofin night out, i don't doubt that somewhere, someone got into a fight, someone somewhere was arrested, and someone somewhere woke up with someone elses wife this morning...much the same as will be happening in Sydney, London, Melbourne, Glasgow, Perth and Cardiff....and Paris, Barcelona, New York, Singapore and Manilla no doubt..........but i didnt see any of that, i had a good night out, had a cracking hangover and was made to suffer in time honoured fashion by fixing dripping taps and squeaky hinges all day.:confused:



It's absolutely justified to make ones husband do all the crappy jobs he never wants to do the day after he comes home stinking drunk. He usually feels so guilty he daren't disagree...that way you get the oven cleaned/gardening done and get to tut and sigh at opportune moments making him feel even more guilty and wretched of course. But when us girls have a hangover it is perfectly acceptable to take to the sofa for the day being fed endless hot/cold drinks/paracetamol and sympathy.:cute:

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It's absolutely justified to make ones husband do all the crappy jobs he never wants to do the day after he comes home stinking drunk. He usually feels so guilty he daren't disagree...that way you get the oven cleaned/gardening done and get to tut and sigh at opportune moments making him feel even more guilty and wretched of course. But when us girls have a hangover it is perfectly acceptable to take to the sofa for the day being fed endless hot/cold drinks/paracetamol and sympathy.:cute:

yes but your a nurse so you deserve it

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Guest Andy
it is like reading a news paper on here they tell you all the bad things so more people will read. Give the uk a break there are good things to say about the uk the only trouble reporting good things to most is boring.

Dont read it then, if everyone was reporting good things about the uk nobody would be going anywhere:confused:.

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It's not the country that we should be despondent with, it's the people who live in it and unfortunately no matter where you go in the world there will also be bad things happening to good people.


It's a sign of the times when a brutal attack happens and nobody saw anything when years ago communities would have pulled together and done something about it.


Again down to the people not the country!



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i put this on here 15min after we were told of this poor boys death, because i felt at the time totally disillusioned with the situation, i still do . This isnt in the papers it was first hand info, and the police have now been to see my husband this morning. People post on here generally at the time of the situation regarding their post so at that point last nite, i was just bemused with the news. We dont yet know the circumstances around the death and why it happened so it would be unfair to say. We live in a small town 20 miles outside the city, its not like we live in a busy city centre there is maybe a handful of pubs within a very confined area, so for this level of violence to begin to creep further and further out the city is worrying. I am concerned with letting my son cross the flippin front door another reason i posted, as its comforting to correspond with other people who feel the same. Also the title of this thread i suspect would somewhat give it away that i was not going to praise BRITAIN. for those that dont notice peoples full info we live near Edinburgh which is in Scotland, which funnily enough is included in Great Britain, not just England. I am fully aware there are wonderful, kind generous people in this country you just have to watch secret millionaire, also alot of those people are members of this site, but there are also total evil ba*%$*ds and last nite i felt like posting about them, im sure theres a post some where that praises the country and peeps who still love Great Britain it was just that last nite i really didnt have the prideful feeling for my great country


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Can I ask those that live in Oz, does Australia have a binge drinking problem like the UK does?


There dosn't seem to be( i could be wrong) as alcohol is generally more expensive and the people that i would usually think would be binging are usually too concerned that they will miss the early morning surf if they drink!! my impression only, also only been here since Jan and live on sunshine coast where i think things are a bit quieter anyway, so what do i know.:dull:

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Guest fatpom
Can I ask those that live in Oz, does Australia have a binge drinking problem like the UK does?


My word it does!!! And I'm not speaking as a wowser, I like a drink or two myself! :smile:

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Guest guest17301
Can I ask those that live in Oz, does Australia have a binge drinking problem like the UK does





LOL...I'm sure Aussies drink as much, probably more than Brits..it's advertised everywhere you go! I definitely drink more here...those damn casks... you just can't see how much you've had!:wacko:


Repeat after me...no wine till 7pm, no wine till 7pm....

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I've had a few nights out in Sydney and must say never saw gangs of drunks singing and swearing loudly, urinating or being sick in the street or any fighting which is all common place in all of the towns and cities in the UK.

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