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175 Visa Processing Stats

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I keep reading that 175 Visas's are NOT being processed?


I have conflicting info here as follows:-


1. Email from IMMI states "(CSL) - are being processed in date of lodgment order".


2. Looking at the Timeline spreadsheet it shows:-


Oct 2008 applicants - 11 out of 16 on CSL have CO's (3 have Visas)

Sept 2008 applicants - 2 out of 15 on CSL have CO's (1 has Visa)

Aug 2008 applicants - 7 out 17 on CSL have CO's (4 have Visa)

July 2008 applicants - 7 out 10 on CSL have CO's (0 have Visa)

June 2008 applicants - 4 out 7 on CSL have CO's (0 have Visa)


Either we can't trust the above data or they are processing 175 Visas?


What am I to make of all this?


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Guest Andy

Hi Steve, well done for starting this thread and the stats are very interesting. I applied for my 175 visa on 01/01/09 and am now toying with the idea of changing to a 176 so will be keen to see what everyone else has to say.

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Guest TheHollies

CSL applications are being processed, applications not on the CSL list are not being processed at the mo

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Only 175 visas where the skill is on the Critical Skills List (CSL) are being processed at present and they come after the 176 state sponsorship visas processing. 175 visas not on the CSL are not being processed at all at this time. The Fed govt recently took all trades jobs off the CSL.

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Guest valleylass



Re: spreadsheet


It could also be that the timeline spreadsheet has not been updated by some contributors, difficult to tell..



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I am now very worried! I don't know what planet I have been on, but I have missed most of what has been said in March.

Basically am i getting this right - if your occupation isn't on the CSL list and u are applying for a 175, you have no hope, or a bloody long wait!


Please please help!

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I can't quite understand how the processing is working with the CSL either. The guidance says that they have priority AFTER state sponsored appns, so when do they process some of the 175 appns that are on the CSL, is it when they have no other SS appns in their pile? But surely, there is a continuous supply of SS applications?

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Gemstone--yes does seem like you've been on another planet if you missed all that big news in March :-)


Very long wait it would seem for 175s not on CSL. What is your occupation? Have you checked to see if you are on any of the states' lists for sponsorship? And so able to apply for state sponsorhip to get a 176 visa?

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I keep reading that 175 Visas's are NOT being processed?


I have conflicting info here as follows:-


1. Email from IMMI states "(CSL) - are being processed in date of lodgment order".


2. Looking at the Timeline spreadsheet it shows:-


Oct 2008 applicants - 11 out of 16 on CSL have CO's (3 have Visas)

Sept 2008 applicants - 2 out of 15 on CSL have CO's (1 has Visa)

Aug 2008 applicants - 7 out 17 on CSL have CO's (4 have Visa)

July 2008 applicants - 7 out 10 on CSL have CO's (0 have Visa)

June 2008 applicants - 4 out 7 on CSL have CO's (0 have Visa)


Either we can't trust the above data or they are processing 175 Visas?


What am I to make of all this?





Like everyone says there aint no 175 non csl appications being processed!!


The budget is the 12th May, maybe when they anounce next yrs migration intake they might start with 175 modl applications??


Fingers crossed!!


If you aint on CSL then try to get SS an switch to a 17 visa!!


Look at this link,,



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Hello all,

This is why I started this thread. There's too much speculation without enough fact. I'm trying to help clarify part of the situation as I beleive well intentioned information is now somewhat misleading...


My main goal here is to show that 175 visa's where your skill is on the CSL ARE being processed. Not after all the 176 visa's have been issued as you read everywhere. This is bourne out through the Timeline spreadsheet at the head of this forum.


I keep reading that 176 is the only sensible route and I am not convinced this is true if you have skills on CSL. Of course if your skill is not on CSL you need to go the 176 route if your skill is on the relevant state SOL.


Anyone who can help clarify(Without speculation) PLEASE PLEASE post your facts here!!!

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Guest proud2beaussie

This confusion is all borne out of the fact that some people don't make their statements clear enough.

It is a fact that applications for 175 PR visas where the applicants occupation is NOT on the Critical Skills List are NOT currently being processed,and nobody,short of the Minister for Immigration or his department head can say when they will begin being processed again.

It is equally a fact that applications for 175 visas where the applicant's occupation is still on the Critical Skills List ARE being processed,however there does not seem to be a consistent approach being adopted by DIAC as to how these applications are processed-but it's true they are being processed and the only references on PIO that I have seen stating that they are not have been in relation to non CSL applications.

I have yet to see anyone on PIO state that CSL 175's are not being processed-if they have done they are clearly mistaken and the posts should be edited.

Perhaps it's also wise to add that it would certainly seem silly to apply for a 176 visa if the applicant's occupation is still on the Critical Skills List-there may not be a clear timeline on processing priority at the moment on 175 CSL applications but it has the advantage of offering permanent residency immediately.

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Guest proud2beaussie

Of course it would help enormously if DIAC in their ASPC processing update email would include an indication of where they are up to with CSL 175 applications !

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the only references on PIO that I have seen stating that they are not have been in relation to non CSL applications.

I have yet to see anyone on PIO state that CSL 175's are not being processed


A very helpful migration agent posted this on another POI thread today. He's trying to help and clearly announces that his statement may be false so should not be criticised but his statement claims there is no 175 processing... :-

"I was told this evening by another RMA that only Employer and State Govt sponsored 176s are being processed at the moment. Not even CSLs. How true that is, I don't know. I have fired off an email to the MIA asking that they seek clarification."


Well done that man for chasing the issue up but the statement above is not in line with my findings. These are the sorts of issue that need clarifying and the point of this thread is to help do just that.

Thanks to NIGELINOZ for his contributions.

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Can I just quickly add that NIGELINOZ is the only person to agree with me that 175 visa is still the best route if skills are on CSL. I've been seeking such confirmation ALL DAY but keep being told 176 is the best route... another reason for starting a thread looking for fact based answers!

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Hi hope this helps with the 175 visa confusion i called DIAC today and this is how they are processing the general skilled migration visa 175. They have told me that it will be in order of priority as below



From 1 January 2009, the new Ministerial Direction (S499) gives

priority processing to applications strictly in the following



1. employer sponsorship; then

2. State or Territory Sponsorship; then

3. an occupation on the Critical Skill List (CSL); then

4. Business Skills; then

5. an occupation on the Migration Occupations in Demand List

(MODL); and then

6. All other applications


DIAC have said they wont give times on processing at the moment

cheers spike

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This confusion is all borne out of the fact that some people don't make their statements clear enough.

It is a fact that applications for 175 PR visas where the applicants occupation is NOT on the Critical Skills List are NOT currently being processed,and nobody,short of the Minister for Immigration or his department head can say when they will begin being processed again.

It is equally a fact that applications for 175 visas where the applicant's occupation is still on the Critical Skills List ARE being processed,however there does not seem to be a consistent approach being adopted by DIAC as to how these applications are processed-but it's true they are being processed and the only references on PIO that I have seen stating that they are not have been in relation to non CSL applications.

I have yet to see anyone on PIO state that CSL 175's are not being processed-if they have done they are clearly mistaken and the posts should be edited.

Perhaps it's also wise to add that it would certainly seem silly to apply for a 176 visa if the applicant's occupation is still on the Critical Skills List-there may not be a clear timeline on processing priority at the moment on 175 CSL applications but it has the advantage of offering permanent residency immediately.


Hi - thanks for this useful post. However your last line suggests (and I apologise if it is just the way I have read it) that the ss 176 does not offer permanent residency immediately, whereas it does - the only difference between the 175 and the 176 ss is you must live and work in the state that sponsors you for the first two years.


Denise x

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I have also now been on the phone to the DIAC and they said the same as Julie and Spike, but they also said that applications are taking approximately 12-15 months. I asked if there was any point in even trying to apply for a 175 visa with an occupation not on the CSL or MODL and she said that although we dont have the priority at the moment they are still being processed. I am now waiting for a second opinion from my migration agent. I have been dreaming of this since i was there for a year in 2004, and will NOT give up! :)

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