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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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Guest smish

Hi everyone


I am getting a wee bit stressed..

We applied in Feb for PMV Subclass 300, Fianve in OZ me in UK, and our wedding is in August in OZ, my CO told me I wont hear from until July after our phone Interview yesterday.. :-(

Has anyone been told the same on phone interview but been granted earlier, I cant plan my wedding properly without knowing what will happen,, horrible :-(


Questions I was asked

Mine and Partner DOB

Where we met and how it progressed

When we decided to get married

How is the planning going for the wedding

Where will I live if my visa is granted

What are our plans for the next three years, big events

Why is this relationship different to others I have had


Hope this helps anyone, I really think the questions change from CO to CO, And I got the impression Phone Interviews are only required a) to fill in discrepencies (I was deported a while ago so had to clear it up) and b) to back up info and ensure you are genuine...


They are good!

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Guest Roary

Thanks for all the replies. Pity about the processing times!


Just wanted to say for all those feeling nervous about case officers, etc. Having done this before with my husband I am amazed at how straightforward it is, really - if you are in a real relationship you will be fine. We applied as de facto spouses and had very, very little official evidence. Nothing financial, no bills, no joint accounts, no lease, NOTHING. And we were absolutely fine. I can't quite believe it now as I look at our pile of documents after 10 years together but they had no problem accepting our relationship was genuine, because it was. And we didn't have an interview, either.

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4 months is considered a record turnaround these days. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme nor reason for the delay. Unfortunately, straightforward cases - such as yours - don't happen any quicker.


Hi Peach,


Do you know if most people are interviewed? From what I can see on recent posts here, it seems to be applicants with slightly different circumstances eg. being deported from Australia previously, is this the case?





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Hi Peach,


Do you know if most people are interviewed? From what I can see on recent posts here, it seems to be applicants with slightly different circumstances eg. being deported from Australia previously, is this the case?







From reading people's experiences on various forums, I'd say that almost no one that applies through London is asked for an interview.

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OH just told me that the money has been taken from his account!! He's in a bit of shock as we weren't expecting it so soon.


Now just waiting for a CO to make contact...


Me too! My docs arrived Oz House on Monday, and payment was processed the same day. Funny how there isn't a 5-6 month wait for that bit!!

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Guest mjandmum

I'm so furious with our migration agent! Here we've been stewing away as to why we havent been assigned a case officer when payment was taken on the 18th March and low and behold when I chase up the agent they say "Oh yeah sorry you were assigned (agents name removed) on the 23rd March" Grrrrr!!!!


Has any one heard of her? Its not initials I recognise from the site. She's requested medicals which are already on their way and some info to prove if we meet the extra requirement for going straight to a permanent visa which the agent has replied and said no we dont without checking with me first! It involves a longer period of living together that I would have argued we would have been (extra 2 months) had I not been waiting for my initial visitor visa to go out to Oz the first time!!!!


Grrr agents are supposed to help not make things more difficult!

Oh and we were quoted the standard 5-6 months that everyone else is despite being a family separated.

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I'm so furious with our migration agent! Here we've been stewing away as to why we havent been assigned a case officer when payment was taken on the 18th March and low and behold when I chase up the agent they say "Oh yeah sorry you were assigned xxxxxx on the 23rd March" Grrrrr!!!!


Has any one heard of her? Its not initials I recognise from the site. She's requested medicals which are already on their way and some info to prove if we meet the extra requirement for going straight to a permanent visa which the agent has replied and said no we dont without checking with me first! It involves a longer period of living together that I would have argued we would have been (extra 2 months) had I not been waiting for my initial visitor visa to go out to Oz the first time!!!!


Grrr agents are supposed to help not make things more difficult!

Oh and we were quoted the standard 5-6 months that everyone else is despite being a family separated.


Sorry but you need a reality check, your personal frustrations and situation won't get you a visa any quicker. Nor will arguing about how long you've lived together, if it is less than three years you don't qualify. Your agent knows this. Fullstop.


That said, you do have a child together this clause would seem to apply:


In most cases, permanent residence cannot be granted less than 2 years from when you

lodge your application. You may, however, be granted a permanent visa without having

to fulfil the usual two-year waiting period if:

• at the time you apply, you have been in a partner relationship with your partner for

3 years or more, or 2 years or more if you and your partner have a dependent child of

your relationship;

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Guest mjandmum
Sorry but you need a reality check, your personal frustrations and situation won't get you a visa any quicker. Nor will arguing about how long you've lived together, if it is less than three years you don't qualify. Your agent knows this. Fullstop.


That said, you do have a child together this clause would seem to apply:


In most cases, permanent residence cannot be granted less than 2 years from when you

lodge your application. You may, however, be granted a permanent visa without having

to fulfil the usual two-year waiting period if:

• at the time you apply, you have been in a partner relationship with your partner for

3 years or more, or 2 years or more if you and your partner have a dependent child of

your relationship;


Yes this clause does apply to us as we have been together almost 3 years and we do have a child. Therefore we do meet these requirements so I am justified in my anger at the migration agent for failing to notice this (or at least check with us first before replying on our behalf) and for failing to fight our corner when they are being paid to act on our behalf and not immigration's!


I'm sorry but I thought this forum and other's like it were to help people voice their frustrations and share their experiences with others in the same boat. Obviously you feel I should keep my feelings to myself. I do not need a reality check. This IS my reality and I'm very aware of it every day. And, as we all know there is no exact science to this process, then I have every right to pray and wish and hope that my case officer is sympathetic to me and my circumstances just as everyone else hopes their's will be! I owe it to myself and my family to at least try to appeal to their kindness.


Remember Peach you are speaking from the luxury of having had your visa granted already! Can you not be sympathetic to those who are still in limboland and remember how upsetting and frustrating that is? If you can't then perhaps it's kinder not to comment at all on other's situation.

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Actually, I think I'm giving you some good advice. I spent nearly six months hassling my agent and case officer in frustration, because I perceived things were not going the way I wanted them to..


What I know now is that I had no impact on the outcome: The case officer didn't budge an inch. And the agent knew when and when not to chase. I just had a sore head from banging it against the wall. I now wish I had sat back and waited, trying to focus on something else.


I also now believe it doesn't matter a jot who your CO is. Some have better interpersonal skills than others, but at the end of the day they're all just low ranking civil servants following a process and don't deserve to have their names outed on a public forum.


Would definitely chase your agent about being eligible to go straight to a permanent visa...

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Guest mjandmum
Actually, I think I'm giving you some good advice. I spent nearly six months hassling my agent and case officer in frustration, because I perceived things were not going the way I wanted them to..


What I know now is that I had no impact on the outcome: The case officer didn't budge an inch. And the agent knew when and when not to chase. I just had a sore head from banging it against the wall. I now wish I had sat back and waited, trying to focus on something else.


I also now believe it doesn't matter a jot who your CO is. Some have better interpersonal skills than others, but at the end of the day they're all just low ranking civil servants following a process and don't deserve to have their names outed on a public forum.


Would definitely chase your agent about being eligible to go straight to a permanent visa...


I'm not chasing anyone. I simply worried when I hadnt heard anything within the specified time frame (given in an email from immigration) only to find out my agent had heard over 8 days ago and had not notified me when they promised they would. And then also answered incorrectly to a question asked by the case officer when they should have known better.

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I'm not chasing anyone. I simply worried when I hadnt heard anything within the specified time frame (given in an email from immigration) only to find out my agent had heard over 8 days ago and had not notified me when they promised they would. And then also answered incorrectly to a question asked by the case officer when they should have known better.


I would be annoyed at your agent too. They should have let you know the progress of your application and consulted you before responding. I can empathise with you about your family being apart, we have a 7 year old and, for various reasons, have spent most of her life living in separate countries from my husband. We have tried to tie my visa being granted in with the school terms, and it's very difficult to pre empt what they may say about processing times. It's hard not to get stressed and frustrated about these things that hugely impact on our lives, but over which we have no control.

Keep strong and if I were you, I would be on that agent's case!

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Guest mjandmum
I would be annoyed at your agent too. They should have let you know the progress of your application and consulted you before responding. I can empathise with you about your family being apart, we have a 7 year old and, for various reasons, have spent most of her life living in separate countries from my husband. We have tried to tie my visa being granted in with the school terms, and it's very difficult to pre empt what they may say about processing times. It's hard not to get stressed and frustrated about these things that hugely impact on our lives, but over which we have no control.

Keep strong and if I were you, I would be on that agent's case!


Thanks jomac its nice to know someone out there understands my frustrations and good luck to you too, I hope for once the process goes smoothly and allows you to make plans in your life to reunite you all once and for all! Where abouts in Oz are you headed?

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Guest katiebobbles

Hi all,


I am sorry if this has been covered somewhere else but am after some advice. My partner and I are looking to move over to Australia, he has both a UK and OZ passport but i am on a UK passport only. From previous threads we know we will have had to have lived together 1 year to do this which will be in January.


My question comes in that we would want to go travelling for 6-9 months before we land in Oz- leaving in February next year (just after living together for 12 months. Therefore will this cause problems in the application process - as we won’t have a permanent address whilst we are applying. We will obviously submit all the forms before we go.


Any help would be gratefully received.



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Thanks jomac its nice to know someone out there understands my frustrations and good luck to you too, I hope for once the process goes smoothly and allows you to make plans in your life to reunite you all once and for all! Where abouts in Oz are you headed?


We are heading to the Gold Coast. How about you?

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Guest Roary

Mjandmum It is hard not to get frustrated waiting and I would definitely be cross with the agent. At this stage I reckon you need to chase the agent so you can get the PR subclass sorted out and also write a letter to the CO (or have your agent do it) asking for special circumstances about your family separation. In the same letter I'd ask if there are any other visa options to allow you to visit your partner, they may say yes to a tourist visa even though you have no more extensions. Even if the special circumstances thing is a long shot I'd go for it, but bearing in mind that they may say no. They may say yes though and that would be great!


I feel for you as it is very hard to be separated and very hard to just sit and wait patiently.

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Guest halfad

Hi Katie


As long as you are living together 12 months from the date you submitted the application you will be fine. They do not look at what happens after the application is submitted.

Going traveling is probably the best thing you could do. As you can see, a lot of us get stressed from playing the "waiting game!"

You can specify your preferred method of communication as email which means you'll hear from your CO while you're on the road. They will need a correspondence address however to send back your application.

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Guest katiebobbles
Hi Katie


As long as you are living together 12 months from the date you submitted the application you will be fine. They do not look at what happens after the application is submitted.

Going traveling is probably the best thing you could do. As you can see, a lot of us get stressed from playing the "waiting game!"

You can specify your preferred method of communication as email which means you'll hear from your CO while you're on the road. They will need a correspondence address however to send back your application.

Thanks so much that really helps....


Yeh it seems you all defo go through the mill a few hundred times doing this by the sound of it.


Loads of luck and thanks again :smile:

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OH just told me that the money has been taken from his account!! He's in a bit of shock as we weren't expecting it so soon.


Now just waiting for a CO to make contact...


I got assigned my CO and he wrote to me today asking for more info. Police check - already applied for and waiting and my daughter's aussie passport. OMG, the ball is rolling fast now! Bet it stops for ages tho......

Have you heard anything yet?

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I got assigned my CO and he wrote to me today asking for more info. Police check - already applied for and waiting and my daughter's aussie passport. OMG, the ball is rolling fast now! Bet it stops for ages tho......

Have you heard anything yet?


That's great news! Seems like they haven't asked for much. (You front loaded your meds didn't you?)


We haven't heard anything yet :wacko: Fingers crossed for next week. To be honest, it's been such a big week this week that I don't mind not having a CO yet... along with the visa app, I applied for, and got (in a scarily quick timeframe) a new job (with better pay which will help save the pennies for the move) but it leaves the task of resigning for Monday :eek: I guess I hate disappointing people but the new job is much better and I have to think of what's best for me and my OH - and our impending move down under - but I can't mention the move down under when resigning because me and my OH work for the same company and we don't want them to think he's leaving too :arghh: so, it's been an emotional week!


Have a good weekend :-)

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That's great news! Seems like they haven't asked for much. (You front loaded your meds didn't you?)


We haven't heard anything yet :wacko: Fingers crossed for next week. To be honest, it's been such a big week this week that I don't mind not having a CO yet... along with the visa app, I applied for, and got (in a scarily quick timeframe) a new job (with better pay which will help save the pennies for the move) but it leaves the task of resigning for Monday :eek: I guess I hate disappointing people but the new job is much better and I have to think of what's best for me and my OH - and our impending move down under - but I can't mention the move down under when resigning because me and my OH work for the same company and we don't want them to think he's leaving too :arghh: so, it's been an emotional week!


Have a good weekend :-)


Oh my goodness, what a lot to deal with! Congrats on the new job. Got to be careful of employers hearing about plans for travel etc. I had to pack in my job in Jan so they could find a replacement, but they let me do lots of freelance work which is great.


My case officer is AB and has already responded with my request to travel to Australia in May while my spouse visa is being processed. I think he says we can go!

Yes we front loaded and they have my meds and cleared them.


Have a great weekend and Good luck with Monday! :eek:

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Guest WaitingPatiently

Hey guys,


Just an update. Very excited, we got an email confirming all required info had been recieved and the estimated grant date is "around 14/06/11"!!! That's 5 months to the day I walked into AH and gave them a huge package and paid the fee. Fingers are tightly crossed that we're granted on or around that date, from what I've seen flights to Aus are more expensive in July than June. Good luck and take care all :smile::smile::smile:

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Hi jomac and attypodian - hope you don't mind me intruding on your conversation, but it's exciting to see others are working on the same time scale as myself. Application posted on the 25/3/11 and an email today (1/4/11) from my case officer (WP) asking for some more paperwork and meds.

I was hoping to be able to hand my notice in at the end of May, which meant working until July but by reading the majority of posts it does seem like applications are taking the full 5-6 months. I'll now have to rethink plans for putting house on market.

Be great to keep up to date on how your visa is processing too!

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