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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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Guest rachandjon

Oh God, i just thought, what if he doesn't get it and then it is only 48 hours until I am drowning my sorrows? :cry: I need to get back to work, a week off has given me wwaaayyy too much time to think about it....

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Guest Paul in UK
Oh God, i just thought, what if he doesn't get it and then it is only 48 hours until I am drowning my sorrows? :cry: I need to get back to work, a week off has given me wwaaayyy too much time to think about it....


The hourly check of any incoming emails :). I'm not really a long timer, 8 weeks so far but i just want to plan! We have to move out of our house in August, i just want to book movers and tickets so i can get there and get the kids into schools. My wife and i have basically planned to book it anyway, i still have an existing E-visa and that will allow me to stay for 3 months but hopefull i'll get it before then!

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Oh God, i just thought, what if he doesn't get it and then it is only 48 hours until I am drowning my sorrows? :cry: I need to get back to work, a week off has given me wwaaayyy too much time to think about it....


Have you had any news yet??? Think positive he will get it!!! There is no reason why he won't!! Hope you hear soon.



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The hourly check of any incoming emails :). I'm not really a long timer, 8 weeks so far but i just want to plan! We have to move out of our house in August, i just want to book movers and tickets so i can get there and get the kids into schools. My wife and i have basically planned to book it anyway, i still have an existing E-visa and that will allow me to stay for 3 months but hopefull i'll get it before then!



We are also up to the 8 week waiting mark. I hate waiting and to know that it will be nearer the 16 week mark if not longer before it gets granted. It's a shame that you can't log on to know how far up the queue you are like when you call the gas/electric company and they say " You are now 7th in the queue" Least you might feel like you are making progress instead of the silence.

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Guest rachandjon

No news yet. I have been convincing myself for weeks that we won't hear until tomorrow, but my fear is tomrrow will come and go and still nothing! I will be emailing my CO to remind her that in her last email she said 'it won't be processed until 8 June 2010, the latest'. I can't leave until August either Paul (I am a teacher) but it is doing my head in not knowing!!! I like your idea of them letting you know where you are in the queue Yeahbut - I better be at the blooody top of mine's!!!!!

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Guest FedUp
I today received the call regarding my Visa, Its now been granted to me and I posted my Passport off securely this afternoon, Can't wait to get it back and book my flight. All in all with chasing up and a few delays its only taken 2 months, Not bad atall.

My CO was very nice about pushing it through a bit quicker after I explained all my situation, Just lately it seems everything has started going wrong for me over here, I hope to begin a much happier and fullfilling life in Australia with my soon to be wife Jessica.

Thanks everyone for all your support and guidance and for those of you going through the process all I can advice is that you find something to do to take your mind off the waiting, It nearly drove me out of my mind.


Congrats! 2 months is great. Wishing you good luck with everything down under.

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Guest FedUp
Off track but hope someone can help!


The passport photos that are included in the application do they have to be endorsed?





No, they don't have to be.

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Guest christinenpete
Off track but hope someone can help!


The passport photos that are included in the application do they have to be endorsed?






It says to put the name of whoever it is on the back of them, but that's all.

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Guest christinenpete

Pete's application arrived at Aus house this morning, and we're already getting impatient!!! Doesn't bode well:eek:


Oh well aty least Pete is off having his lovely medical to take his mind off it :shocked:

Hope you guys all hear something soon :smile:

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Pete's application arrived at Aus house this morning, and we're already getting impatient!!! Doesn't bode well:eek:


Oh well aty least Pete is off having his lovely medical to take his mind off it :shocked:

Hope you guys all hear something soon :smile:


Good Luck!


I have everything crossed for you!


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No news yet. I have been convincing myself for weeks that we won't hear until tomorrow, but my fear is tomrrow will come and go and still nothing! I will be emailing my CO to remind her that in her last email she said 'it won't be processed until 8 June 2010, the latest'. I can't leave until August either Paul (I am a teacher) but it is doing my head in not knowing!!! I like your idea of them letting you know where you are in the queue Yeahbut - I better be at the blooody top of mine's!!!!!



I hope you get some good news tomorrow. I work as a Teaching assistant so I have just had the week off as well and I must say even though I am only 8 weeks in I checked my email ALOT more as had more time on my hands and more time to stress!!!! Glad to be back at work lol I am hoping to get ours by the start of the summer hols just so I won't be checking emails every hour and getting more and more impatient. I hate not knowing as well, but I figure if they were going to refuse it they would let you know sooner??? They wouldn't make you wait 16+ weeks to be told 'um well no sorry we don't believe you are a genuine couple blah blah' Fingers crossed for you to hear positive news tomorrow.



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Pete's application arrived at Aus house this morning, and we're already getting impatient!!! Doesn't bode well:eek:


Oh well aty least Pete is off having his lovely medical to take his mind off it :shocked:

Hope you guys all hear something soon :smile:


Hope all went well on the medical? Won't be long now till you hear from your CO. My agent said now you can relax and enjoy the wait :goofy:, enjoy the wait meh it's a slow form of torture is what it is :wink:



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Guest JayCook77
Off track but hope someone can help!


The passport photos that are included in the application do they have to be endorsed?





Not endorsed but each of you has to sign the back of each of your fotos respectively.

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Guest JayCook77

Got a call from my CO this afternoon (Monday) to let me know he has received and stamped my passport and is sending it back tomorrow so I should have it by Wednesday.

Now just got to book the flight.... YIPPEE.......

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Guest Paul in UK
It's been 11 weeks so far, should I send my CO an email? Would really like to know how far off I am!


I know that's it's slightly hypocritical and contentious but i feel sorry for those with equal issues are being 'leap frogged' by those that pick up the phone to make their case seem more important that others when their application is relatively new. That being said when their email states 3-4 months, when you reach 3 months its time to start ringing and emailing!


I will be in a couple of weeks!

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WOO HOO!!!!! Got our visa email through today, exactly 4 months after we submitted it!!!!!


Hey huge congratulaions :biggrin:

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Guest Paul in UK
WOO HOO!!!!! Got our visa email through today, exactly 4 months after we submitted it!!!!!


Congratulations :biglaugh:

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Guest EmilandMarleen
WOO HOO!!!!! Got our visa email through today, exactly 4 months after we submitted it!!!!!

That's great, Congratulations! Good luck with the packing and moving.

We are coming up 4 months next week and we are hoping to hear soon too.

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