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NURSES - Moving to Australia

Guest JoanneHattersley

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Well I received my notice of requirement today and it looks like I have to send everything again even tho Anmac have sent my file!! So that's another £34 for verifications and the nmc have said there's a massive back log due to ahpra changing the criteria as some registered nurse in oz need there qualification verified again. Another £75 for a transcript! What have people sent for criteria 6?

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I didn't have to pay the nmc again when they resent my verification. They did say there was a massive backlog though! I couldn't send anything for criteria 6 as there wasn't anything available from that long ago!


What can I send tho I don't really understand it? To be fair the nmc haven't asked for another payment yet as my application is in a que. The man I spoke to didn't sound impressed with the current work load situation!

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Can I just ask, for those of you unfortunate enough to be mixed up in all this now... What exactly will a newly qualified nurse be required to send to them? I wanted to get my application in next month (I don't need it for a year but who knows with these guys, especially if I need to pay for it all over again in May) but am baffled now as it seems like they are asking for everything bar my kitchen sink!

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Hi Jac....they will want Uni transcript of your degree (is it degree you're doing? - the diploma has ended now hasn't it?). Keep any course unit outlines that basically state every assignment etc you do. Certificate of graduation, proof of clinical and theoretical hours, medicines management. It will probably all be covered in your portfolio anyway and because its recent you should easily be able to get it. Most of us are years qualified so courses have changed hugely.

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Hi, thanks for getting back to me. I have zero experience. I graduate this November and my partners travel visa attached to his PR visa runs out in december :/so he's heading over then and we are hoping (fingers crossed) that my partner visa will come through in January.


The bridging programs are sooo expensive :/ Is it possible to gain registration with Aphra another way?


also on looking at the Aphra site it states I will need my ilets but someone else mention on here once apon a time that ilets are only needed for Anmac... Any ideas?


Sorry for all the questions, Thanks for your help xx



Hi there


just wondered why are you considering the bridging course if you have a degree?? I think that is just for diploma qualified nurses. You can apply to aphra when you have your nmc pin



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Hi everyone I been keeping a close eye on poi and twitter, it's an absolute desperate situation and as clear as mud! I've no idea which direction to take, ANMAC is currently going through. Ielts completed. I'm a paeds nurse with a dip he with 45 credits at degree. I've looked to topping up my dip he, but takes a long time and costs a lot of money, other option, if I'm offered it is the bridging course but I assume it will be very adult based, costs a lot of money and will I even pass it?! Anyone in a similar situation? Hope you all get a positive outcome

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Hi paednurseclaire, I'm in a similar boat! Paeds nurse dip he, have completed my post grad degree. Anmac due in any day now but don't know which step to take next! I'm thinking I'll apply for ahpra and if I don't get registered then game over, the cost and time it would take to do the bridging course would make the whole move just too difficult! Fingers crossed it doesn't come to that! Working on a plan b just in case!!: (

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Hi bouncy hopefully you should be fine if you topped up to your degree, that must equate to the aqf level 7 at least. We sold our Uk home to fund the PR visa, thought I might fail on the medical, turns out it was registering as a nurse in oz that would've the sticking point! :/ does anyone think they may revert back to accepting dip HE? Are there enough nurses in Oz and that's the root course of the change?

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This is the mad thing I'm trying to point out, AHPRA are assessing our diplomas as AQF6 at best, if you visit the AQF website, and look at the criteria, we are being unfairly compared to a course that takes 18 months! ANMAC assess us using the same framework, they may be independent of AHPRA, but they are using the same tools, so how can the results be so different. If you read the website you will see UK diploma fulfils ALL the AQF7 criteria, and as it's this we are being refused on, we need to know why?

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Paednurseclaire, can't you do the remaining modules to complete your degree? I did mine through work so it was free! Only need 90 credits for bsc degree or 120 with honours! Your already half way! It's the most awful situation to dump on folk with no warning, everyone has invested so much in the process up to now, it's sooooo unfair! Dies anyone know exactly how long the bridging course lasts? I've read varying lengths, some 3 months. I'm just keeping everything crossed this whole thing comes together for everyone!!

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I have been on there website and looked at this I've looked at the difference between the AQF 6 and 7 and the word that keeps cropping us is coherent?! I've been nursing for nearly 10yrs and would class myself as pretty coherent! It's barmy that two organisations can assess the same qualification against the same criteria and cannot agree!

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The course last 12 weeks, but some with diploma are not even being offered this, and being refused outright! That's the most worrying thing! But it is an insult to say our 3 year university course compares to the 18 month Australian equivalent! I am living with a constant feeling of sickness, house sold, PR visas in hand, flights booked, and the very real possibility I won't be able to work a nurse, which is the very reason they gave me a visa!

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Paednurseclaire, can't you do the remaining modules to complete your degree? I did mine through work so it was free! Only need 90 credits for bsc degree or 120 with honours! Your already half way! It's the most awful situation to dump on folk with no warning, everyone has invested so much in the process up to now, it's sooooo unfair! Dies anyone know exactly how long the bridging course lasts? I've read varying lengths, some 3 months. I'm just keeping everything crossed this whole thing comes together for everyone!!


Hi bouncy I'm looking into this but would still take a long time and my work will not fund it :/ waiting to hear back from a few universities. Just fearful that in the meantime ahpra could move the goal posts again

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Ahpra don't seem to know their a@#e from their elbow!! It's absurd! They surely can't do this! geordiegirl68 can't even imagine how you must be feeling! Paednurseclaire, yes it's a worry they'll change to something else ridiculous or immigration will stop nurses visas once the ahpra mess is sorted out!! Keep thinking where there's a will there's a way and all that! They've just made it all so much more difficult/impossible!!

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The course last 12 weeks, but some with diploma are not even being offered this, and being refused outright! That's the most worrying thing! But it is an insult to say our 3 year university course compares to the 18 month Australian equivalent! I am living with a constant feeling of sickness, house sold, PR visas in hand, flights booked, and the very real possibility I won't be able to work a nurse, which is the very reason they gave me a visa!


This is outrageous and I'm very grateful not to be that far along in the process! Really feel for you and your family:// Just in limbo at the moment stalking twitter and forums and ahpra website for any news.

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HI Everyone staying up late tonight to phone Ahpra to find out what stage my application is at! I know this call will be a complete waste of time but I am at the end of my tether, being in limbo land is awful!!! I know I havent been waiting as long as some of you on here, but I have sold my house (moved back in with my parents)paid for my visa and need to know whether I need to apply to uni for September intake to top up to degree. My poor husband has gone to sea (merchant navy) hoping this is his last trip and was looking forward to handing in his notice and being in Oz for xmas, if I dont register with Ahpra he will spend another xmas away from our kids. Like many on here we have been planning this for over 5 years saving & then Ahpra change their criteria, Im so sorry just need to rant now & let of some steam sooooo frustrated but know deep down I will be back at uni in september. I just wished Ahpra had given us some kind of warning last year!!!!

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Another point (while I'm on my soap box) the new model is apparently consistent with requirements of national law. When you click on this link it brings up all the health practitioner regulation national law for each state - all of which are dated 2009 - 2010. So if the national law has not changed where exactly have they founded these changes?!

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HI Everyone staying up late tonight to phone Ahpra to find out what stage my application is at! I know this call will be a complete waste of time but I am at the end of my tether, being in limbo land is awful!!! I know I havent been waiting as long as some of you on here, but I have sold my house (moved back in with my parents)paid for my visa and need to know whether I need to apply to uni for September intake to top up to degree. My poor husband has gone to sea (merchant navy) hoping this is his last trip and was looking forward to handing in his notice and being in Oz for xmas, if I dont register with Ahpra he will spend another xmas away from our kids. Like many on here we have been planning this for over 5 years saving & then Ahpra change their criteria, Im so sorry just need to rant now & let of some steam sooooo frustrated but know deep down I will be back at uni in september. I just wished Ahpra had given us some kind of warning last year!!!!


Good luck, hope you get some positive news. Keep us posted

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If anyone is entitled to have a rant it's everyone on this thread! I've become obsessed too with checking for updates! One day I'll hit thec refresh button to someone with the diploma saying they got their registration through! If only!!

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