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NURSES - Moving to Australia

Guest JoanneHattersley

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This is what makes a mockery of the whole thing!! ANMAC assess us as degree equivalent, so we apply for and get (at considerable expense) our PR visas, then AHPRA say they don't recognise ANMAC's assessment, so they send us on a bridging course, accredited by who else?? But ANMAC!!! It's so wrong!

It just doesn't make sense does it? I wonder if ANMAC will now raise their bar to come in line with ahpra? Surely they can't have the 2 boards having different criteria? I also wonder how it will affect the visa? We lodged ours a couple of weeks ago and claimed extra points for a degree, due to my assessment from ANMAC? If ANMAC & the visa authority accept the degree then why not ahpra? I am worried they Will they stop issuing a nursing visa if the nurses then can't work once they come over?!?!?!

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Oh, and you can't do the bridging course until AHPRA assess you, it's them who refer you to go on it! Sorry no avoiding it, if that were the case, I'd have registered for it already!! So frustrating!

Ahpra it is then, they really do have us over a barrell!! More money then with no idea of what the outcome will be!!

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I'm hoping so!! On AHPRAs twitter page it states the NMBA see our diploma as equivalent to an AQF6, and we need AQF7 to register, but that post reg qualifications may be taken into account! I hope so I too have done 4 NMC modules post reg!! Look at Twitter, AHPRA is responding to concerns on there!! Although can't say it helps us too much!!

What modules have you done & how many credits were they? They don't even take into account your experience! Surely they would be interested in the fact that you have safely administered safe nursing care, medication for 15 years & kept up to date in your field so that you are giving best practice! Nursing evolves all the time that what you covered in your course is probably old hat now anyway!!!

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Welcome to the club Nat, we're all in it together! [emoji15] x

Thanks, I was ready to apply but thought I'd wait & see what was happening with other people & let some of the backlog get sorted! Bit worried that it's not looking too good ;(

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What modules have you done & how many credits were they? They don't even take into account your experience! Surely they would be interested in the fact that you have safely administered safe nursing care, medication for 15 years & kept up to date in your field so that you are giving best practice! Nursing evolves all the time that what you covered in your course is probably old hat now anyway!!!


Check your inbox x

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Guest NuriootpaSA

This is a copy of my latest exchange with AHPRA. The 2nd point is quite alarming.




@AHPRA Are you saying we should no longer accept job applications from UK Dip because they won't get registration? - 12 Jun




@lookmine UK DipHE alone is AQF level 6 & may be eligible for referral to bridging. More on bridging programs: bit.ly/UuFnxP (1/2)


NMBA cannot consider experience when assessing equivalence of qualification. (2/2)


I have now asked AHPRA directly:


1. What are the exact hours required for criteria 8?

2. Are you saying that an Australian 2 year Diploma is the equivalent of a UK 3 year Diploma

3. What is included in the Bridging programme that is not in the UK Diploma or Post Grad?

Edited by NuriootpaSA
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Hi, I have been following this thread for sometime-Having obtained my permanent skilled visa over 18 months ago- I too have been playing the waiting game with Aphra ( currently 6 months) we sold our house 9 months ago and at the end of this week I no longer have a job ( expecting a positive outcome I had elected to have a temporary contract so when the news came I would not have to give 3 months notice) - my employers have finally appointed my post to someone else - they too have been expecting me to leave any day soon for the past 3 months. The stress has been unbearable... Tears most days. Now there appears to be no other way of succeeding in registering without a bridging programme ( I have DipHE) - both my husband are in the same position. I am both insulted and astounded- I have 27 years nursing experience as a nurse and as a nurse practitioner for the last 12 years. Today I rang my shipping company and advised them it is unlikely we will be going to Australia. We have put way over £20000 into this dream and I personally feel as if it is time to chuck it in the **** it bucket and get on living our lives. I wish each and every one of you luck and strength to make it through- but for today it's got me beat!

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Lilchaser1 I'm so sorry. Your story is as bad as it gets. That post needs sending to the national papers to shame AHPRA. That is a sad example of how they have screwed decent peoples lives up. My own encounter with AHPRA has consumed my daily life and I haven't gone through half of what you have. I gave my critical care job up for nothing and Iv struggled coming to terms with that. ( I came on my husbands visa) I really hope that you people who have your heart set on Australia and who have potentially given everything up to fulfil that dream, get there in the end and AHPRA see what they are doing to people. It's so unfair.

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Wow some shocking stories on here and I hope for all of you this has all happened for some other better reason, although I am sure that is not easy to see right now. I agree, I think this needs to be taken further. I understand that things change all the time, but for those that gained a positive skills assessment and are now in a receipt of a visa to then be declined puts everything into prospective.

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This is really worrying news! I'm so sorry to hear of your stories that have already got a lot further than me, and sound so distressing!! They really have us over a barrel.

Im only at the beginning of the process, although have been working hard on this dream now for 5+ years. I have happily retrained as a nurse, and gaining suitable post grad experience, have taken 2 ielts courses now and have sent off docs to anmac. Just waiting on that and I'll be ready to apply for the 189 visa.. I haven't registered with ahpra yet, and was hoping some of this would die down before applying.

I initially wanted to try and get a job before leaving the uk but without registration that looks impossible now. As potential employers in oz won't consider you without registration.

Have been looking into these bridging program's, and frustratingly they are mostly in Victoria?!?

but we wanted to move to queensland? So it potentially looks like if i am lucky enough to get through this whole process, I now have to relocate to Victoria for 10 weeks pay an obscene amount of money just to do a bridging course before I can start applying for jobs as a nurse! How on earth I am expected to support my family in that time??


Am fed up of the constant goal posts being moved! Why is this so difficult, they are putting so many families through so much stress..

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I wouldnt be doing any bridging/iron courses, do you not think that topping up to degree would be better and cheaper. Its $10,000 for the iron course which equates to roughly £5500. CPD Modules come in at £500-£700 and your dissertation £1250 ish depending on the university. So if you had a Dip He and had accrued 240 credits you would be looking at 4 modules and a dissertation. That would be a potential cost of £3250 or worst case £4050 and if you already had extra credits the cost would be less. If it were me or rather my good lady who is a Midwife waiting on the glorious organisation that is AHPRA, well i would spend my £££££ in blighty. I wouldnt put anymore hard earned cash in to the Australian coffers. cheers Ned

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Hi, I have been following this thread for sometime-Having obtained my permanent skilled visa over 18 months ago- I too have been playing the waiting game with Aphra ( currently 6 months) we sold our house 9 months ago and at the end of this week I no longer have a job ( expecting a positive outcome I had elected to have a temporary contract so when the news came I would not have to give 3 months notice) - my employers have finally appointed my post to someone else - they too have been expecting me to leave any day soon for the past 3 months. The stress has been unbearable... Tears most days. Now there appears to be no other way of succeeding in registering without a bridging programme ( I have DipHE) - both my husband are in the same position. I am both insulted and astounded- I have 27 years nursing experience as a nurse and as a nurse practitioner for the last 12 years. Today I rang my shipping company and advised them it is unlikely we will be going to Australia. We have put way over £20000 into this dream and I personally feel as if it is time to chuck it in the **** it bucket and get on living our lives. I wish each and every one of you luck and strength to make it through- but for today it's got me beat!


please don't throw it in. We arrived in Perth in April and only just found out that the dip he does not qualify. My wife cried for two days but We won't let them beat us. The local MP is furious and Channel 7 today tonight program may do a story on it. Imagine if the UK had given out PR to foreign nurses then when they all arrived they said they couldn't work and signed on. It would be front page news. My wife has 10 years as a RN but is now working as an NA for an agency for $27 an hour. It's enough to get us by and we also get $880 child benefit a month and $300 rent allowance. So we can just about manage until it's sorted. Get out here work as an N/A and stay positive. If any Nurses are in Perth and are running out of money or need a place to stay message us. We will help you rather than throw in the towel. We need to look out for each other and stick together until AHPRA wake up to what they are doing.

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Hi im just reading everyones comments regarding the diploma nurses being refused. I have also sent my documents for registration and I was not aware of these changes I completed the diploma in children's nursing in 2011 with 360 credits given I have specialised in neonatal intensive care where I have completed the low/high dependency and the intensive care training. Does aphra look at this or do they automatically say no due to the diploma? Or are they looking at everyone on an individual basis?

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Hi im just reading everyones comments regarding the diploma nurses being refused. I have also sent my documents for registration and I was not aware of these changes I completed the diploma in children's nursing in 2011 with 360 credits given I have specialised in neonatal intensive care where I have completed the low/high dependency and the intensive care training. Does aphra look at this or do they automatically say no due to the diploma? Or are they looking at everyone on an individual basis?


Hi, I am in a similar position to you. Did my child health diploma in 96, completed neonatal course in 2012 & just finished my mentorship course!! Really hoping that post grad courses count. I guess we won't know until more people start either getting or being refused registration! So far there had only been 1 refusal that I'm aware off. Good luck everyone & please let us know how you are all getting on. And thank you to everyone who is campaigning & trying to get it sorted. This whole situation is a nightmare. Keep the faith everyone, Nat xx

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Hi, I am in a similar position to you. Did my child health diploma in 96, completed neonatal course in 2012 & just finished my mentorship course!! Really hoping that post grad courses count. I guess we won't know until more people start either getting or being refused registration! So far there had only been 1 refusal that I'm aware off. Good luck everyone & please let us know how you are all getting on. And thank you to everyone who is campaigning & trying to get it sorted. This whole situation is a nightmare. Keep the faith everyone, Nat xx



Have you applied yet Nat? I have been intouch with nurses in oz and they said one of their clients has had to come home, I don't think they got offered the bridging course. I will let you know if I hear anything but after reading everyones posts I don't think its looking good. Are they looking at post grad courses as well? Im just doing my mentorship now as well so im hoping that it does!!

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Have you applied yet Nat? I have been intouch with nurses in oz and they said one of their clients has had to come home, I don't think they got offered the bridging course. I will let you know if I hear anything but after reading everyones posts I don't think its looking good. Are they looking at post grad courses as well? Im just doing my mentorship now as well so im hoping that it does!!


I was going to apply but thought I'd wait due to the backlog and see what started filtering through. Now I will wait till I get my mentorship cert. aphra have said they will take into account courses so will just have to apply & see what happens. Fortunately my husband has a job as he is transferring as the head office is in adelaide, which is why we are doing this. I keep telling him I will have to be a lady of leisure if I can't get registered! However I love my job & have worked hard to increase my skills & would like to carry on doing it. Just can't believe last year it was fine for diploma nurses & now it's not?!?! Also there isn't much difference between the courses, only a essay or 2 I think! I personally wanted to do a diploma as it was more hospital based!! Unfortunately I did my diploma too long ago now to upgrade to a degree.

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I was going to apply but thought I'd wait due to the backlog and see what started filtering through. Now I will wait till I get my mentorship cert. aphra have said they will take into account courses so will just have to apply & see what happens. Fortunately my husband has a job as he is transferring as the head office is in adelaide, which is why we are doing this. I keep telling him I will have to be a lady of leisure if I can't get registered! However I love my job & have worked hard to increase my skills & would like to carry on doing it. Just can't believe last year it was fine for diploma nurses & now it's not?!?! Also there isn't much difference between the courses, only a essay or 2 I think! I personally wanted to do a diploma as it was more hospital based!! Unfortunately I did my diploma too long ago now to upgrade to a degree.


Its a total nightmare! I hope they do take the post grad into consideration. when I did the diploma the only difference between that and the degree was we had to do a report and the others had to do a dissertation and that was only 3 years ago the hospital placements and other modules are exactly the same!! lucky u being a lady of leisure :smile:. I am planning on applying for the visa in October when I have my 3 years experience but need to know what's happening with the registration first as Im moving on my own and don't have not financial back up.

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It's totally mad, so much experience going to waste! read on another forum, of a nurse who has AHPRA reg, but clearly states he/she has NO experience as a nurse! From the post, it is apparent he/she is not from the UK! Starting to think it's just us UK nurses they're treating this way!

Edited by geordiegirl68
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Hi guys I've just got back from a weeks holiday, so was hoping for some good news from you guys who are wIting for news from ahpra? I've read a few of the updates which doesn't sound too promising! Has there been any news as to wether dip/he nurse are no longer accepted or us it still up in the air? Keeping everything crossed!!!!!

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I think there has been nothing 'official' and it is still early days but we have reports now of a few members being refused, I suppose if replies are now being sent it is currently a waiting game till any of us have any 'official' news or advice from AHPRA, everything else is just speculation. If I was waiting to apply with a Diploma right now, I would be holding off for more news.

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I think there has been nothing 'official' and it is still early days but we have reports now of a few members being refused, I suppose if replies are now being sent it is currently a waiting game till any of us have any 'official' news or advice from AHPRA, everything else is just speculation. If I was waiting to apply with a Diploma right now, I would be holding off for more news.


Have you heard of any total refusals? Or are they with referral to bridging programme? Have accepted that might be the case for me, but outright refusal would be horrendous! House sold, flights booked! This is just awful!

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Thanks for the update jac2011, it's a total mess!! I'm still waiting on anmac so I'm definitely going to sit tight til I go any further!! geordiegirl68 you must be mega frustrated!! That's probably an understatement!!!!

im a dip/he with a top up degree, dies the top up degree make any difference at all?

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