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NURSES - Moving to Australia

Guest JoanneHattersley

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No Geordiegirl68 no registration through...YET!! AHPRA have said they will proceed to the final stage when they receive the new NMC letter, which was posted on the 2nd May. So should be anytime now I'm guessing/hoping!?

It is ridiculous though, I'm in oz now and if I wasn't travelling I'd have been starting as a HCA simply because AHPRA won't pull their fingers out.


It's so true TWC, I used the online form to begin with, until I was given a direct email and even then I simply just keep emailing to enquire. They are always nice enough to reply relatively quickly. My logic is that I've spent too much money on the whole application to deserve a decent level of service from them ;)


I would have thought the registrations would only be effective from when their active kellyv, we would hope anyway! I wouldn't be best impressed if by December their asking for a renewal fee from me!!

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You would hope so but it doesn't work like the NMC registrations in Aus. All registrations run May to May - which must cause massive problems with workloads! Fingers crossed it works out in your favour. Sounds like you aren't far off getting your registration now.

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I was in exactly the same boat oz2014. My uni provided a statement of NMC standards of education which includes medicines management and standards for registered nurses for criteria 8. They seemed to know all about it, and said that's what they had provided for other recent students and which was accepted! Mine has been sent and has been accepted also so give it a whirl! And just attach the relevant new AHPRA paperwork for them to complete for criteria 2. For criteria 6 they provided a programme specification for when I studied, they weren't totally happy with it, but uni said there's literally nothing else they can provide and AHPRA have since said what I have sent is fine and they will proceed.

Good Luck! If you need any info give us a shout or just bombard the direct contact email that is on your letter, that's what I do, they must be sick of me, but needs must!! ;)



Thank you you for giving me back a little hope(especially as in night duty this weekend lol) will contact ahpra Monday. Nmc have stated they will forward info needed. Criteria 2 is already sorted it's 3 but again Nmc area. I was especially worried about criteria 6 but will take your suggestion again thank you. Also May pm u for more info if get nowhere. Hope u get sorted soon. I head to oz oct so hope it sorted by then!

Thank you so much


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No honestly don't worry, I was the same but if your uni cannot physically provide anything further then they have to make do. I'm pretty sure they're gonna get nurses who qualified years ago and whom it'll be difficult getting hold of even the basic paperwork they're now asking for! Plus we're at the beginning of the transition into the new application process so they could just be using us as guinea pigs to see how certain things go!

Oh of course you can, just give me a pm :)

Hopefully we'll all keep each other posted on here as soon as we hear anything!!

Good luck lovely nurses, we're nearly there!!

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I qualified in 2002 so my Uni didn't have my in depth course details. I asked them to put together some extra supporting info re: medicines management as my course transcript wasn't detailed enough even though I have diploma and Bsc Hons. They have been hugely helpful and done so but I have yet to hear if Ahpra will be satisfied with that. I'm sure we'll get there in the end but I agree I think we are the guinea pigs.

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The office that is taking care of the overseas nurses is in Sydney so wherever you apply it ends there. It is not the same for those nurses already registering so it should not be an issue that its the renewal of registration month. The registration process is so so so so blocked. I am a nurse who applied in September and still waiting. Obviously was asked to meet criteria 2,3 and 8 (they already had criteria 8 in the detailed transcript but they said they must have overlooked it) and they say that now its in progress bla bla bla bla bla bla. When you send them you receive the same answers. The thing is that the Board meets only once a month and thats it. So if you are not lucky that month you will have to be reviewed the next. So taking in consideration that most of us sept, oct, nov did not get the registration yet, one can imagine when they are going to review those who are applying now. I ve been in oz for 2 months now and still waiting for the stupid registration so finally I could apply for jobs. This waiting sucks big time but what can you do!! hope someone get the registration soon and post so other could have an idea of what is happening

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Oh Francene!! What are you doing for a job until then? I've decided to get my 3 months agricultural work out of the way, plus by then I SHOULD have heard the ok from AHPRA! Biggest nightmare trying to find work tho, so I wouldn't recommend it! It seems not many areas in oz have a very good management/structure to help overseas people!...

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Oh Francene!! What are you doing for a job until then? I've decided to get my 3 months agricultural work out of the way, plus by then I SHOULD have heard the ok from AHPRA! Biggest nightmare trying to find work tho, so I wouldn't recommend it! It seems not many areas in oz have a very good management/structure to help overseas people!...


The thing is that as a nurse you are overqualified for normal jobs. There again for a care worker job is not easy due to the fact that the employer takes some government refund when they employ people and if you are over qualified than they dont get a penny. So I am waiting and not working till I get the stupid registration. nothing much to do!!

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I qualified in 01 so my uni didn't have much information available when I approached them about the new criterions. They managed to organise basic course details and a senior lecturer prepared a letter detailing what the course content should have included. I also got NMC to forward all course details they had. Doubt I have enough to cover the dreaded cr 8 ??? oh well!

The last letter stated they applied an extension to my application assessment..... mid June 14. I am guessing they are going to wait until the set date before contacting me with a decision.


application sent Nov 13, CR info request Mar 14... deadline Apr 14....decision deadline Jun 14


I have been living in Melbourne since April while waiting for the decision. I have managed to get casual work as a PCA meantime, this is torture.


I have looked into additional training...immunisations/sexual health etc thinking I could do further education while waiting....I intend to do these courses regardless.....but they won't allow me to enrol until I am registered with AHPRA *sigh*

Edited by tracyscotland
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I think this is appalling! Ahpra really need to get a grip with these decisions. Meanwhile ANMAC are still approving people for skilled migration but that clearly isn't good enough. I think maybe we should write to the embassy as a previous post suggested. It's beyond a joke now!

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I think this is appalling! Ahpra really need to get a grip with these decisions. Meanwhile ANMAC are still approving people for skilled migration but that clearly isn't good enough. I think maybe we should write to the embassy as a previous post suggested. It's beyond a joke now!


I agree Kelly, maybe we need to draw attention about this somewhere, a wait that was listed as 4 to 6 weeks, taking 8 months! And why not, have a scheme for those who have already been scrutinised by ANMAC, to have a modified AHPRA assessment? So frustrating! ?

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If we as a group (I haven't even submitted yet but never mind) all complain then they may realise that they have to do something. Complaining to AHPRA does not seem to be having an effect. I am wondering if there is anyone good at writing a letter that we can all sign and post addressed to the embassy, or the government. Something that in mass may help identify that there is a problem here?

I wouldn't even know where to start with the whole thing, but Id be happy to print off a letter, sign it and post!

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Well guys. I have phoned the NMC and they haven't had any feedback from Ahpra to say anything further has changed apart from what we already know. They think it is just a lengthy process due to the changes and a period of unsettlement following the review of procedures. So none the wiser I'm afraid.

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But you'd think the people at the bottle neck end would start drip feeding through if they were still processing, its obvious (kind of) that they haven't processed any since the changes and it makes you wonder how long they can carry on like this? Its going to take years surely to clear this backlog up. Im not even waiting and it is annoying me, I really think they owe it to people to tell them especially when you are paying for a service.

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Has anyone had any luck speaking to their case officer directly, does AHPRA allow this direct contact? I am thinking of trying to get it off their switch board and confront my caseworker to see if she can give me straight forward answers.

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Has anyone had any luck speaking to their case officer directly, does AHPRA allow this direct contact? I am thinking of trying to get it off their switch board and confront my caseworker to see if she can give me straight forward answers.


I sent my application off in Nov 2013. I moved to NSW in January 14. I flew down to the Ahpra office in Sydney as requested to "present" myself on 13th feb. I asked for an update then, only to be told there where some changes at board level and I would be receiving a letter in the post. I rang my case worker who was as unhelpful as ever, she just advised me to wait for the letter.

I received the letter which was requesting the extra criteria. My Uni have been brilliant and have really helped me, they sent their required bits in March as did the NMC.

I repeatedly asked for updates from AHPRA (by this time I'd been allocated a new officer but he is just as useless) I was desperate to know if they had received all the required info. They failed to tell me the NMC part hadn't arrived and had got lost somewhere. It was sent on 19th March and I got an email from AHPRA saying they were sending my application in with insufficient paperwork!! I therefore had to ask them not to send it in and allow me to re-request the NMC bit.

Another NMC document arrived at AHPRA on 13/05/14.

I did manage to get past the switchboard and speak to my caseworker and I got a few things off my chest!!

I haVe now received another letter telling me they are putting a further extension til August!!

My case worker emailed me thanking me for my patience and my application is undergoing further assessment.

I never in a million years thought this process would take me to the depths of despair. I feel like I'm having to convince them I am a nurse. I qualified in 2011 and have critical care background. I'll be devastated if we don't start hearing good news shortly. I'm working as an assistant in nursing in the local medical centre. :nah:

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I qualified in 01 so my uni didn't have much information available when I approached them about the new criterions. They managed to organise basic course details and a senior lecturer prepared a letter detailing what the course content should have included. I also got NMC to forward all course details they had. Doubt I have enough to cover the dreaded cr 8 ??? oh well!

The last letter stated they applied an extension to my application assessment..... mid June 14. I am guessing they are going to wait until the set date before contacting me with a decision.


application sent Nov 13, CR info request Mar 14... deadline Apr 14....decision deadline Jun 14


I have been living in Melbourne since April while waiting for the decision. I have managed to get casual work as a PCA meantime, this is torture.


I have looked into additional training...immunisations/sexual health etc thinking I could do further education while waiting....I intend to do these courses regardless.....but they won't allow me to enrol until I am registered with AHPRA *sigh*


Hi yeah you are pretty in my situation. I applied in september though. I had a problem with criteria 8. they kept asking for it than I told them to check the detailed transcript I sent the first time (which I could not see because it was sent from uni and I did not see it) and there was a whole page describing pharmacology. They overlooked it they said. Anyway I think the timelines are strange.


So where are you living in Melbourne? I am on the west side. If you dont mind me asking how did you find a PCA job? It seems its difficult to find a job when you are qualified as a nurse here and without registration.

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Hi All,

Sorry to jump in with more rants but I am also totally at the point of despair with AHPRA. I applied in September 2013 and booked my flight in February (thinking I was being conservative as SURELY it would be processed by then) week before I left, still no registration to I called them for a progress update and was told that it would be "any day now".

Fast forward 3 months, and I have also been dragged through the hell of having get together extra documents for the new criteria (of which the request was sent to my UK address, despite me telling them I'd arrived in Aus) there were a lot of 2am phonecalls and tears that's for sure.

Any attempt I make to get any clarification from AHPRA or my registration officer is met with apathy and them hiding behind their organisation ("we" cannot provide you with a timeframe, "we" cannot give you any further information) I 'jokingly' (I use the term loosely because it really is beyond a joke now) said to a woman from AHPRA on the phone the other day "it's like the overseas application forms have just been thrown into a hat and it's sheer good luck if yours gets pulled out!" her response "we can't give you any further information at this stage, your registrations officer will be in touch with you in due course".

I think the thing I struggle with the most is the fact that there seems to be ZERO individual accountability, (my registrations officer ignores my emails, doesn't call me back, when she eventually does she just links me to the website, that guess what? I have read A MILLION times) with us coming from a healthcare background... accountability is everything and a part of me thinks "what right do these people have to judge my ability to do my job when they can't even do their own?"

Finding work in Australia is REALLY hard, you are overqualified for hospitality/admin jobs, despite this I even gave out hundreds of "dumbed down" resumes... there is such an over-saturation of backpackers looking for work that to get any of these jobs is pure luck, or knowing someone. Any care assistant jobs are hard to come by because they are unregistered posts that locals can do. Australia is NOT a cheap place to stay with no reliable source of income.

So as I said, I'm at the point of despair. I have managed to secure some WWOOFing work to help pass the time while I'm waiting for AHPRA to get organised (however long that will be). I'm still optimistic that I will get it before a year (Surely!?) But there will eventually come a point where I am going to have to cut my losses and come back to the UK, writing the whole thing off as experience.

My advice to anyone reading this DO NOT MAKE ANY IRREVERSIBLE TRAVEL PLANS TO AUSTRALIA BEFORE YOUR AHPRA REGISTRATION IS GRANTED if you are planning to use that as your soul source of income. They REALLY don't have a timescale, and I'd hate for anyone to be in the same situation as me.

Rant over.:chatterbox:

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How awful for you! The stress this is causing everyone is totally unacceptable. I planned to go out to Aus in Sept/Oct but there is no way I can take that risk until I have registration sorted. Your situation is a nightmare. So sorry to hear whats happening to fellow nurses. :-(

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Hi yeah you are pretty in my situation. I applied in september though. I had a problem with criteria 8. they kept asking for it than I told them to check the detailed transcript I sent the first time (which I could not see because it was sent from uni and I did not see it) and there was a whole page describing pharmacology. They overlooked it they said. Anyway I think the timelines are strange.


So where are you living in Melbourne? I am on the west side. If you dont mind me asking how did you find a PCA job? It seems its difficult to find a job when you are qualified as a nurse here and without registration.



Hi, I always say Melbourne but we are on the peninsular in Frankston. I applied for a couple of pca jobs at local aged care facilities. Had an interview last week and start on Monday. I had to provide my training cert and transcripts I also gave them a copy of ANMAC letter stating my qualification was assessed and equal to Aus qualification. They were happy to take me as a PCA on a casual basis, but so far it looks like 20+ hrs per week. The hope being that I stay on once my Div 1 is through. If it ever actually goes through.

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We surely just be near hearing something soon!!!!

That's why I'm doing my 3 months farm work now to get it out the way and to give myself some time for AHPRA to sort themselves out! If it's not through by the end of that I don't know what I'll do!

I tried my case worker also at the beginning of the week, and received the same generic reply..."unable to give a timeframe" and "we thank you for your patience"...

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