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  1. Not sure about what law was broken, but it is great that this group given pos. Pr assessments before Feb are now recognised as moraly unfair not tobe given registration as caught in the middle of the changes.
  2. My bad, it is new critera of bridging programs, graduates will have at the end graduate certificates and must be provided and about time too, by a high er prrovider of education such as a university!, or supervised by,
  3. Looks like ANMAC are now going to the same page as AHPRA according to website, new standards for assessing IQNM must be AQF 7.
  4. Holey moley, the union cannot get action of the plight of 1000's of Australian nurses that have taken 10 years off for family and now cannot be registered by AHPRA (need to do bridging program)and they cannot get the government to see that the way graduate nurses are being treated is why so many do not go on to have brilliant nursing careers cannot get jobs, massive health budget cutbacks and last year Australian nurses are now denied NMC registration and the government officials spoken to about it said it was the UK's decision and would not touch it and you and your mate can get the Australian PM to look at UK nurses plight in a couple of months!! ANMU need you are you thinking about emigrating.? Good luck everyone hope it does get resolved soon. ex UK early in life, lived in AU ever since.
  5. I doubt very much AHPRAs assessment will change afterall many overseas applicants withdegrees from their countries have been doing the bridging program for years. Australian nurses have to do the bridging courses if they have left to have a family and have not worked for 5 years (which is nothing, and another story.) There is no major nursing shortage and therefore no pressure to import nurses, just some specialties are short of experienced nurses. You guys however are probably making aware to many, a very big loophole and ANMC AHPRA disparagy and most likely ANMAC (btw, no nurse applicant has reported on forums to have ever had negative assessment) will change or Immi will stop giving IO out without nursing registration. Or nothing... I would not hold your breath on changes to AHPRA assessment.. Some of the tweets to AHPRA I would imagine, are not doing your cause any favours.
  6. Yes, yes, all agrees clinical is less but we are discussing what is for an Australian nursing qual not for a UK.nursing qual. We did 40-50 hours theory a week plus the clinical and that was flat oyt full time. Can you be more specific with what components are covered and hours so you can present that to AHPRA? The above is a chart written in the uk with flags on it stating levels of nursing and words saying degree or diploma means nothing, who wrote it up is it UK AQF? Diploma is a degree the degree of diploma, bachelor's is the degree of bachelor, masters is the degree of masters. Good luck in your travels, hope it everthing you want.
  7. But they are not assessing the UK diploma to an EN Diploma which if thry eere would be level 5. Nobody takes any notice when I report this. Australian nursing education 101: Up until around the early 80's nursing educstion took place in hospitals a type of apprentice system for 3 years. These nurses received what was called a hospital certificate, many are still practising today. Over the years some 'upgraded their education to a diploma some up to Bachelor of nursing, when that came in, as it was sprouked that without the academic qualification, no promotions and unable to do post graduate qualifications, this did not happen. In the early 80's nursing went to higher education and only went into hospitals to do clinicals. This qualification was called the Diploma of applied science (Nursing) - this is the degree/diploma that would be near the UK diploma, took 3 years to do and was short of a Bachelor degree by 4 subjects- when I did nursing the Bachelor was coming in so we had an option of doing the extra subjects- there were 4 subjects for the degree. Those days under the new AQF this nursing diploma would be considered an associate degree AQF 6! The diploma you keep comparing yours with is not the same as our old Diploma in Appled science (Nursing) Which was the nursing qualification before the Bachelor degree that is in now. The AQF changed the name of things. Years ago the dilploma for Enrolled nursing would have been probably be called an advanced certificate, so you see your diploma and the 18 month EN diploma are worlds apart, your diploma is like the old RN nursing diploma. Bachelor of nursing for nursing took over mid 80! AS the nursing qualification and at the same time undergraduate nursing became strictly general trained and the 3 year psych nursing diploma finished.
  8. ceridwyn


    Written in error.
  9. ceridwyn


    And us 'old Australian with load of experience nurses that make up 2/3 of the nursing workforce will sit tight and continue to give the best outcome care to the Australian community. Its so unfortunate that with the lack of nursing positions, our new grads are not getting any work so that they can replentesh the (oldies with the loads of experience that make up 2/3 of the Australian nursing population) when we all retire. Give new graduates jobs, none should be without a nursing position.!! Your wife is the best Johndoe, after all the negative comments about Australian nursing education!!
  10. And yet no state in America accept the UK nursing qualification if streamed as good enough for RN status. Australia no longer looks at the UK for anything, they decided nurses need to be generalists. They also decided, after the NMC told Australian nurses that their degree was not good enough that the UK diploma is not good enough for Australia. Look in your own backyard. I did not see anywhere where Australian nurses posted UK diploma was shite and so were their Nurses. Perhaps the Australian degree teaches a bit of critical thinking skills and cultural sensitivity thats missing in the UK diploma.
  11. How rude! Perhaps a few pommy nurses with diplomas with attitudes towards Australian nurses with ttelling them their Bachelor of Nursing was less than the UK Dip HE and they were shite at nursing started this all off in the first place like this. Dam colonists. Makes me ashamed.
  12. Your reasoning is flawed. Countries have always assessed overseas nurses on their own nurses criteria, except Australia, who seemed to take take on any country's nursing education, 'hey what your an RN over there, come over no worries' However, Australian nursibg education went to degree level and became comprehensive, meaning no nursing streams, no mental health undergrad, in the early 90's. Nurses who want to be mental health, paeds, icu, Ed do so after the undergrad degree, get some experience in it then do a post grad degree. Nursing in Australia went this way because of our wide range of nursing environments. You want to work in mental health/paeds in rural/remote areas then you must need to know about general nursing as well being in much smaller populations and remote from everthing. On the othet hand mental gealth is quite prominent in the Australian nursing degree for this very reason. So by taking Uk educated nurses in they are fross cutting how Austealian nurses are educated for Australuan environment and are often city job placed. Thats not where the jobs are for nurses. So on the other hand Australian educated nurses are now not excepted in the UK as we are comprehensive educated and ghsts not what yhe NMC want fot the UK ditto! AND THEY TAKE OUR MONEY PRONTO and take 12-18 months to tell us we are nit wanted. Maybe we should jump up and down and threaten legal action and claim the mother country owes us something and we have rights there to work as seems to be the theme coming across in all these pom in oz nursing forums. Do not worry about the nursing shortage at the mo enough US and Fil nurses to fill the gaps. As for the health agreements between the 2 countries, whats tbst got to do with nursing education? So you guys need to ask the NHS and the NMC just why they do not like Aussie nurses, and put us in the same basket as nurses from every other country in the world for asssessment same as Ahpra has done to UK nurses, seems to be natural justice. Pity have worked with and been thankful for some wonderful nurses from the UK but as you see the nursing education is not the same as seen by the NMC judt over 12 months ago so close the gate and Australia no longer obviously does not feel the need to give Uk nursing applicants a different assessment tothe rest of the world and the UK to the colony ditto. Sorry for the aanguish given to those but times have changed. Now goodbye
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