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Guest James.S

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Guest steve the spark
The point i am trying to make is that i don't trust what is written online from various Australian business's or government websites... i.e. DIAC, - just look at the 'online status enquiry page' and how often that get's updates, the Office of Fair Trading in NSW - they still state that you can do the TAFE course to do the wiring reg's course... that was deleted last December, TAFE etc who still advertise the course online that's now deleted, PEER who don't offer any online information about distance learning, they just say to call for further information..... i can go on..!... the internet here in Oz seems to be quite behind the times from an English perspective and what is written often does not seem to be current.... By calling people or going to see them i normally find i can get the correct up to date information i.e from the horses mouth..!


I was no way implying that people on PIO who are trying to help each other out are in any way wrong or posting information that is not accurate, it's just hard to fid out exactly what to do and what bloody route to take to get things done because half the time you cannot find the info online....


So i have ruffled a few feathers...!






simply put james since dec08 youve been telling people the only option is to go to tafe for 8months and fill in the log book, wev`e come along and posted a far quicker way of getting licenced and youve see your arse

dont deny it after i had posted the peer route to licencing you came staright on and told me i was wrong, couldnt be done, since then youve taken your head out of the sand and admitted that it may be possble even though other posters ahve posted that thye have gone the peer route, but now your going to find look into it and report back us?? get over your self


listen i`m personnaly fed up of friggen au experts who still live in the UK and quite bluntly dont know the first thing about either licencing, tafes or rto`s that is apart from what they have read on a website,

sit on sites like this trying to force feed their opions


i live here i`m a qld licenced spark and i also have a qld electrical contractors licence

on top of that ive helped numerous sparkies get through tra, artc, vetteses and licencing, so in a pissing comp i`m far better qualified having actuly done it


carnt wait to see the ranting reply


regards steve

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Guest steve the spark
steve the spark;


you make me smile :wink: mate with your comments, how is life your way my friend, i suppose this man may have been given crap info at some stage, but as you rightly say its as though there is massive mistrust in his mind. you hit the nail on the head when you said we have been doing this for some time now & collated correct info for people.




its an old adage arthur but as they go its got a lot of relavance


"you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink"


regards steve

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Guest James.S
simply put james since dec08 youve been telling people the only option is to go to tafe for 8months and fill in the log book, wev`e come along and posted a far quicker way of getting licenced and youve see your arse

dont deny it after i had posted the peer route to licencing you came staright on and told me i was wrong, couldnt be done, since then youve taken your head out of the sand and admitted that it may be possble even though other posters ahve posted that thye have gone the peer route, but now your going to find look into it and report back us?? get over your self


listen i`m personnaly fed up of friggen au experts who still live in the UK and quite bluntly dont know the first thing about either licencing, tafes or rto`s that is apart from what they have read on a website,

sit on sites like this trying to force feed their opions


i live here i`m a qld licenced spark and i also have a qld electrical contractors licence

on top of that ive helped numerous sparkies get through tra, artc, vetteses and licencing, so in a pissing comp i`m far better qualified having actuly done it


carnt wait to see the ranting reply


regards steve


I'm not in the UK i'm in NSW....


I think your a bit hot under the collar mate as you obviously feel i'm getting at you... i'm not....


Things may be different for you in QLD but here in NSW most of the information you get is either wrong or out of date, past info i have posted on here regarding gap training is probably by now out of date as most of the goal posts keep moving...


I don't think i'll bother with this fuc*ing thread anymore as it seem's to have been hijacked by a load of know it all ar*e holes... i have only been trying to help but i think people have been reading too much into stuff and taking things personnaly,..


As i have said before i strongly welcome any information from anyone regarding this whole work game..


I don't get what your problem is....





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Guest steve the spark
I'm not in the UK i'm in NSW....


I think your a bit hot under the collar mate as you obviously feel i'm getting at you... i'm not....


Things may be different for you in QLD but here in NSW most of the information you get is either wrong or out of date, past info i have posted on here regarding gap training is probably by now out of date as most of the goal posts keep moving...


I don't think i'll bother with this fuc*ing thread anymore as it seem's to have been hijacked by a load of know it all ar*e holes... i have only been trying to help but i think people have been reading too much into stuff and taking things personnaly,..


As i have said before i strongly welcome any information from anyone regarding this whole work game..


I don't get what your problem is....





james the only reason i post electrical info / stuff is quite simply that i had a mare of a job sorting it myself and if some one had come along and said "hey steve get yourself down to peer and do it all in 3 weeks" i`d have kissed them,

having got a job with and done the permit to train log book, the 3000 wiring course, the electrical practical and theory exams and then having gone on to sit my contractors exam ( this lot took 12 months in total ) i know form personal experiance how diificult it all is, all ive tried to do is give people an alterative route, one thats works and gets them licenced in approx 3 weeks,


what do you get for posting what in my opinion is most helpful information ?

several people most of which still in the uk or are here and unlicenced telling you your talking bollocks or picking minor faults ie do or do you not need your artc at the time of the course, does it matter NO! because in order to get the licence you need an artc wheather you have it up front in the middle or whenever is irrelavant its still needed

to get your piece of plastic saying electrical mechanic, worker or Aclass ( depending on which state your living in )


regards steve arse ole know it all :biglaugh:



for any sparks who are actualy intrested in sorting their way though the mare that is electrical licencing in au i would suggest that you spend a little time searching through this forum Electricians : British Expat Discussion Forum and if your intrested in the peer route look at wendy`s guide ARTC & licencing in Australia : British Expat Discussion Forum for electrical theory and who amongst us hasnt forgot what was learning at tech ?? read my practical exam theory guide practical exam theory : British Expat Discussion Forum

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james the only reason i post electrical info / stuff is quite simply that i had a mare of a job sorting it myself and if some one had come along and said "hey steve get yourself down to peer and do it all in 3 weeks" i`d have kissed them,

having got a job with and done the permit to train log book, the 3000 wiring course, the electrical practical and theory exams and then having gone on to sit my contractors exam ( this lot took 12 months in total ) i know form personal experiance how diificult it all is, all ive tried to do is give people an alterative route, one thats works and gets them licenced in approx 3 weeks,


what do you get for posting what in my opinion is most helpful information ?

several people most of which still in the uk or are here and unlicenced telling you your talking bollocks or picking minor faults ie do or do you not need your artc at the time of the course, does it matter NO! because in order to get the licence you need an artc wheather you have it up front in the middle or whenever is irrelavant its still needed

to get your piece of plastic saying electrical mechanic, worker or Aclass ( depending on which state your living in )


regards steve arse ole know it all :biglaugh:



for any sparks who are actualy intrested in sorting their way though the mare that is electrical licencing in au i would suggest that you spend a little time searching through this forum Electricians : British Expat Discussion Forum and if your intrested in the peer route look at wendy`s guide ARTC & licencing in Australia : British Expat Discussion Forum for electrical theory and who amongst us hasnt forgot what was learning at tech ?? read my practical exam theory guide practical exam theory : British Expat Discussion Forum

Hey you guys lets stick together on this we are supposed to be helping each other i can see james point if you get bad information it can cost you alot of time and money but i can also see steves point he has given some excellent info. I for one have had so much bad information (not from poms in oz) but in general even from the so called emmigration experts in the uk so get it sorted guys cheers spike

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sorry for any confusion, your right you can do the PEER distance course from the UK, what a person was asking earlier was can somebody come to Australia with NO ARTC thats from an earlier post so forgive me if i got mixed up, as i say your right its possible to do the distance course as you say.




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James.S, i think you have upset Steven i mean only when you constantly undermine what people are saying in trying to help you that's all.


i can say now Steve'O is a real decent bloke, this is the 1st time in some 3 years nearly ive seen him upset like this. maybe your style or reply is somewhat direct or ambiguous to other comments or help they provide.


Maybe an appology to him direct may bring him round, as i say a decent bloke who has gone far behond the call of duty in assisting others on here may do the trick



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Guest steve the spark
James.S, i think you have upset Steven i mean only when you constantly undermine what people are saying in trying to help you that's all.


i can say now Steve'O is a real decent bloke, this is the 1st time in some 3 years nearly ive seen him upset like this. maybe your style or reply is somewhat direct or ambiguous to other comments or help they provide.


Maybe an appology to him direct may bring him round, as i say a decent bloke who has gone far behond the call of duty in assisting others on here may do the trick




arthur firstly thanks for the support mate. you are as always a diamond :wink:

but just to correct a one point, me upset :biglaugh: not a chance lad having spent 30 years on site i honestly dont believe that theres anything that can be said to me that would would "get" to me as it were, although i do remember one cheeky bastard calling me a scouser,

now that was ****ing low


why am i having a pop back its simple mate

its in respose to reading information that is at the best poor and misinformed

you try and help all you get is a load of neg heads telling you your wrong


the simplist answer i suppose is to say **** em and let them struggle

but its not in my nature to do that


so best regards arthur i`m off to bed pissed again lol ( its was quiz night in the local pub )


regards steve

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Guest sandy25

Dear dear me! Wots going on here then!:policeman::policeman:

This thread is great, very useful and needed so James don't you dare stop posting! Like you said people are posting different experiences and routes. Also different states seem to have different requirements that seem to change. We're just taking it one step at a time. We have the visa, I was waiting for my hubby to collate all his stuff to apply for the artc, however I've just read that he can apply for peer distance learning course and then the artc. We're going to NSW, when we sell the house. Have I read this right. Please advise?


Please keep it informative guys and not personal.


Steve, I've read all your information on British Expats, (and seen your photos doing your wiring) You've also been extremely helpful. Thankyou.

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Guest leeob77

thats correct, doesnt really matter but i found it easiest to get the artc out the way so i could concentrate on the peer course. i would say try to get the artc done before you leave the uk as you may need some references from over here that will be a bit difficult to come by once in oz.



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Guest neil the spark

Hi Steve


All of this banter seems to have fried this poor little sparkies brain cell, so just wondering if you can clarify for me a couple of things.


1. I am at present going down the vetasses route, when i pass the practical do i need to apply for the ARTC to be able to sit the exam in s/a for the A licence or can i do this with my vetasses paperwork.


2. How do i go about enrolling for the peer long distance learning is there a web site somewhere i have missed.


Thanks for your help



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Guest steve the spark
Hi Steve


All of this banter seems to have fried this poor little sparkies brain cell, so just wondering if you can clarify for me a couple of things.


1. I am at present going down the vetasses route, when i pass the practical do i need to apply for the ARTC to be able to sit the exam in s/a for the A licence or can i do this with my vetasses paperwork.


2. How do i go about enrolling for the peer long distance learning is there a web site somewhere i have missed.


Thanks for your help




Peer Veet > Training > Overseas Enquiry


they changed the rules in jan 09 as of then with a vetts cert you need to complete a on site log book prooving that you have done x No of hrs nad ge it signed by your site supervisor


if you get an artc you can do the three week course or as you suggest do it via distance learning and just go to adelaide for the exam ( usually three days )


i know its another piece of paper and another 300 bucks but its that or up to 8 months at tafe and a log book it really is your decison


regards steve

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Guest neil the spark

Thanks mate seems like a no brainer to me then $300 bucks well spent with a nice trip to s/a thrown in for good measure happy days



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Guest neil the spark

Hi James, sorry to change the conversation but have just got booked in for vetassess practical and booked a flight to Glasgow, can you tell me what tools you took?? As not sure if need hold luggage or not. Thanks mate. Ps thanks for all your help and advice so far, been great!!

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Guest James.S
Hi James, sorry to change the conversation but have just got booked in for vetassess practical and booked a flight to Glasgow, can you tell me what tools you took?? As not sure if need hold luggage or not. Thanks mate. Ps thanks for all your help and advice so far, been great!!


I took all of my hand tools and my Megger, i also took locking off tools, gloves and safety stuff they said was required (although it was never asked for)....


There were some guys who took nothing, they borrowed stuff from the assessors, they scraped though, it just took them a bit longer as they were working with unfamiliar tools..


My tool kit went in the hold when I flew up to Glasgow from London, I guess having a stanley knife, pliers, side cutters and a hammer may have been a security risk..!


All the best & good luck..!



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Guest James.S
arthur firstly thanks for the support mate. you are as always a diamond :wink:

but just to correct a one point, me upset not a chance lad having spent 30 years on site i honestly dont believe that theres anything that can be said to me that would would "get" to me as it were, although i do remember one cheeky bastard calling me a scouser,

now that was ****ing low


why am i having a pop back its simple mate

its in respose to reading information that is at the best poor and misinformed

you try and help all you get is a load of neg heads telling you your wrong


the simplist answer i suppose is to say **** em and let them struggle

but its not in my nature to do that


so best regards arthur i`m off to bed pissed again lol ( its was quiz night in the local pub )


regards steve


I love you really Steve... let's kiss and make up..! After all our intention to help others is the same...





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Guest James.S

Hi… I know that others on here have posted some fantastic information regarding getting licensed, I just wanted to add what I have found out over the last couple of days… it’s all based upon what I need to do to get an A class contractors license to be able to work in NSW..


So I am here on a 175 (or will be as soon as it’s in my passport.!), I have completed the Vetassess in order to apply for the visa, however that is currently as much as it gives me.


To get licensed I have 2 choices..


1: I apply for a restricted license, this will allow me to work for someone but all of my work has to be monitored. To then get a full license, according to the NSW Office of Fair Trading I have to have 12 months on site supervised experience, plus completion of the TAFE 9968 (90988NSW) which will give me a Certificate III (NRT) in electrical wiring.

However this course no longer exists. The equivalent is a 4 year apprenticeship course designed for Australian school leavers... it requires full time course studies for 3 years with a 1 year on site add on, gaining you the full qualifications to be able to apply for the A license. They can knock off some modules in respect of experience gained from the UK but it’s a case by case basis so will depend upon the applicant.


2: I apply for a ARTC qualification. It’s similar to the OSTR (Vetassess), it costs $300 + $270 if you require an exam. The paperwork is very similar to that of the Vetassess but you have to have had 7 years of experience that you can prove.


I also apply to PEER VEET in Adelaide SA, this is to gain a qualification proving I have completed the Australian wiring reg’s etc etc.. the way it works is you can apply for the course at any time. You will then be sent everything you need to complete the course including a workbook you will need to fill in. you will have to have a copy of the wiring reg’s too.

The course cost’s $510 + $345 for books (AS/NZ3000:2007 is included with that).


Once you feel you are ready to sit the exam you then travel down there, it is 2 day’s – one for revision, and you find out straight away if you have passed or not.


Once this has been passed you can then go straight to OCBA (SA equivalent to the Office of Fair Trading) and apply for the full A license $156 + $277.


Please Note: You can go to PEER and take the exam etc without an ARTC but you cannot apply for the license.


Then, once back in NSW I apply for a contractors license (used to be called the A license) under the mutual recognition scheme, this costs $243 (1yr) or $480 (3yrs)..


Whatever you do don’t let it expire or you have to go through the whole process again..!


So bottom line of how much it will all cost is:


ARTC - $300 (assuming I don’t have to sit an exam)

PEER - $855 (inc books)

OCBA - $433

NSW/OFT - $480 (3yrs)

Green Card NSW - $60

Insurance - ??


So $2128..


The insurance amount with vary depending upon how I work. If I work as a sole

trader (fee to set up) or as a Proprietary Ltd Co ($400 to register).. Either will require registering a business name $146 this last’s for 3 years and will have to be renewed. You will also need an ABN (Australian business number) you can only get this once you have a TFN (Tax File Number) you can only get this when you have your visa..!


Green card (OH&S) + insurance is required to work on site…



If you are planning to employ subcontractors then you have to have business insurance to cover them, this you can only do with a proprietary ltd company.


So… if you plan on being busy and subbing to someone it will cost another $546 + cost for insurance..


So bottom line, once here and visa granted it will cost in the region of $2700 if you want to run largish jobs (+ insurance + flights to Adelaide)..


The ++ is this all can be done in a matter of weeks from the visa being granted and as soon as the licensed is lodged in NSW I can start working, I don’t have to wait for it to be issued…


I hope that helps anyone in a similar position to me..!


All the best,




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Guest shar07

Hi James thanks for that, is it the same if you are in Perth or are you not sure, I will check it out when we are there for our validation trip if not. Thanks again.

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Guest neil the spark

Hi guys


What is involved in the peer distance learning course and how long does this procedure take





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Guest Daz & Claire

Another thing that TRA asks for is a sworn statement from your accountant about your self employed period.


Will they accept that myself and my wife have allways done the book work because we have honestly.?



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Guest leeob77
Hi guys


What is involved in the peer distance learning course and how long does this procedure take






if you do it by distance learning then complete the workbook at home (a4 folder - about 120 pages - about 4-5 q's per page) probably take a few weeks.

then apply to peer to do the exam in adelaide. i went for 2 days. this gives you time to do some revision before taking the exam.


its all pretty straightforward to be honest.



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Guest leeob77

there is no reason why not. you are just asking another body to assess your skills. vetassess is for getting visa. once you have the visa there is nothing stopping you applying for an artc after all its just a certificate to say you are trained/skilled to the equivalent of an ozzy spark. i would just apply for one. worst case it cost you $300. best case it saves nearly a year of messing about with restricted license.

no brainer i think!




I 've got my visa through the vetassess route can i change direction and go TRA route for an ARTC.?




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Guest James.S
Hi guys


What is involved in the peer distance learning course and how long does this procedure take






Hi, this is the official info from PEER about the licensing proceedure:





From the UK to Australia - What happens when you get here?



When tradespersons immigrate to Australia from the UK there are a number of things which make each individual different and hence the information can be confusing. There are currently 2 main pathways to have your UK trade recognised in Australia. Like most programmes, each has pros and cons and you need to be aware of the difference before you start this process.

1. TRA – You will need to apply to Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) whilst still in the UK as part of your VISA application. NB: this first application to TRA is for immigration purposes only. You will then need to reapply to TRA to have your trade recognised for licensing purposes. This application can also be done whilst still in the UK. You will be issued a letter from TRA indicating the outcome. Your official Australian Recognition of Trade Certificate (ARTC) will be issued once you arrive in Australia. Please recheck the criteria with the TRA for licensing purposes not only immigration as just because you are approved for a VISA due to your electrical skills, this does not automatically mean you will also be approved for licensing.

You will also need to do a course to familiarise yourself with the current Australian Electrical Wiring Rules. Each state has its own requirements for licensing however in SA these 2 documents (your local certificate from TRA & Wiring rules course certificate) are all you need. Licensing will then issue you with an Electrical license which can be transferred to other states if you wish. To our knowledge this is currently the easiest method and as the majority of the process is done whilst you are still at home it avoids expensive delays upon arrival in Australia.

2. VETAssess - You are assessed whist still in the UK for your trades recognition. This is currently the method encouraged by most immigration agencies. When you arrive the licensing body will issue you an ‘in training’ license valid for 12 months. You will then need to be accredited for a number of subjects (including a course in the Australian Wiring Rules as mentioned earlier) equivalent to the full Certificate III Electrotechnology by a training organisation (approximately 170 hours of training which can be completed during the 12 months). You also must find employment under your ‘in training’ license as you also need to carry a log book for your on job tasks for the next 12 months. Only then can you apply for an unrestricted electrical license. This option will also be more expensive.

Please note: Once you start with 1 method you cannot switch over. eg You cannot start with VETAssess then switch to TRA when you get here. Please review your personal situation and choose carefully.

At this time electrical licensing in Australia is state based not national. This means it is best for each student to contact the licensing board in the state in which you are intending to live. On the positive side however, once you have a license in one state reciprocal agreements between states mean you can simply transfer your license to another state by paying the appropriate state fee.

How can PEER VEET help?

Like most training organisations PEER is a state based training organisation (conducting Nationally accredited training), currently located in South Australia. If a student has been assessed by the TRA indicating that his trade background is sufficient to be accepted for an ARTC, then we can assist with the training in Wiring Rules. This course is available by correspondence and can be started whilst you are still in the UK if you prefer. Once the fee is paid ($510.00 course fee + $345 books = $855.00 + $100 postage and handling if still in the UK) the references with trainer contact details is posted to you. When you are comfortable with the material you need to attend the PEER site in Adelaide for a 2 day, revision and assessment. This can be coordinated with your arrival in Australia if you wish.

The benefit of this system is the speed in gaining your full electrical license. If you are planning to live in South Australia the course can be completed entirely in a classroom over a 5 day period (spread out over 3 weeks), or study via correspondence from wherever you live whilst your TRA application is being processed. When you receive indication that your application has been approved and you are comfortable with the material, make your appointment for assessment and make your arrangements to come to Australia. When you arrive you can sit the test (2 days) and assuming all goes well you can collect your certificate on the second day with enough time to take the 15 minute trip to the city to apply for your license. You can then take this to any state in Australia and they will transfer it for you. NB: Completing the Wiring Rules course will have no effect upon the TRA application.

PEER VEET can also help if you decide to go down the VETAssess path, however if you do choose this method, you are best advised to find a training organisation in the state in which you will be living. The state based licensing and training laws, mean that to use PEER you would have to be skipping from one state to another on numerous occasions over the 12 month period.

There is a lot of information out there about this process and a lot can be misleading and confusing. It is therefore the recommendation of PEER that each student contact the licensing board in the state in which you will be living. They will be able to tell you what you need to provide to them for them to issue the license you need.

This process does not have to be hard. You just need to make sure you are well informed. There are a number of British Ex-pat websites that have forums where various issues are discussed. These may also be helpful for you.

If you would like to discuss this in more detail or for clarification on any of these issues please contact either Peter Jolley or Kate Boneham on (08) 8348 1200.


However, what they mean by 'Once you start with 1 method you cannot switch over. eg You cannot start with VETAssess then switch to TRA when you get here' is that the two are not interchangeable, but you are able to have both.. ie; have Vetassess for gaining the visa and ARTC for dealing with licensing...


Hope that helps...





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Guest steve the spark
I love you really Steve... let's kiss and make up..! After all our intention to help others is the same...






:Randy-git:lets not get to comfortable people will start talking :biglaugh:


as for "making up" no need mate, whats said is said and as far as i`m concerned in the past and old news, i wont be dwelling on it or digging it up again


regards steve

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