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Job interview Friday


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fingers and everything else crossed for you, good luck. just remember your interviewers are normal people just like us. On my way to my interview i got a text message from my brother who knew i was nervous, the message read "your interviewer has 3 nipples", (he always has had a strange sense of humour) but it did make me giggle and eased the nerves a bit! :-)

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Guest The Pom Queen

Why do we need to cross our fingers...???? Your going to walk in to this job easily, the interview will be a doddle, come on now, positive, mental attitude, your going to get this job!!!

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OK I know you are all dying to know what happened so hear goes!!!


Interview lasted 15 minutes!! I got asked a bunch of questions what would I do in this scenario blah blah blah, I blagged it mainly and then the interviewer dropped the bombshell. What did I think if the position was part time? I said I wouldnt really be interested in part time as I already know its probably worse pay than I get at HSBC. Have to admit I do get paid a nice salary for mainly doing nothing there!!


Any ho, she couldnt give me the salary details at all!! That put me right off from the start. She said if I was successful I would be given the salary details then!!! Found that bit strange but what the hell.


So as you can see wasnt all that impressed, and I dare say she probably wasnt impressed with me either. Did tend to relax abit in the interview after she said about the part time bit, as thought dont really want that position anyway.


I will let you all know the outcome next week, she said they are making decision today and letters will go out on Monday.:coolxmas:

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Hi there,

sorry to hear it didnt go as well as you'd hoped, but at least now you know where you dont want to work, and there are lots more schools in the area. I cant understand why they are only wanting part time staff, most employers seem to want to full time. Dont be disheartened, onwards and upwards. Why dont you email all the local schools direct and really sell yourself. you will get there in the end, and consider widening your area, are you dead set on Melbourne, or is there somewhere esle in oz you could go to. Look on the positive side, they are still making decisions they could well offer you full time work and then you are home and dry.

good luck and all the best.

where abouts in Essex are you, I'm in not so sunny suffolk as you can see., its good to know there are other fairly local people making the move to the other side of the word,

keep in touch


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OK I know you are all dying to know what happened so hear goes!!!


Interview lasted 15 minutes!! I got asked a bunch of questions what would I do in this scenario blah blah blah, I blagged it mainly and then the interviewer dropped the bombshell. What did I think if the position was part time? I said I wouldnt really be interested in part time as I already know its probably worse pay than I get at HSBC. Have to admit I do get paid a nice salary for mainly doing nothing there!!


Any ho, she couldnt give me the salary details at all!! That put me right off from the start. She said if I was successful I would be given the salary details then!!! Found that bit strange but what the hell.


So as you can see wasnt all that impressed, and I dare say she probably wasnt impressed with me either. Did tend to relax abit in the interview after she said about the part time bit, as thought dont really want that position anyway.


I will let you all know the outcome next week, she said they are making decision today and letters will go out on Monday.:coolxmas:


Sorry to hear it didn't go as well as you hoped...!


As Lynne has said... atleast you know where you don't really want to be working!


Take care,


Dan xx :emoticon-signxmas:

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