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Migrating with less than £10k!!!!

Guest sarahjustwishing

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Guest sarahjustwishing





my husband and I just moved over to OZ and we brought only 3000 pounds with us. We had no house to sell and after we bought our tickets and paid for our stuff to be removed, its all we had left. We rented a house, bought a furnitre package for about $2000 and slowly every week, we buy a bit more. We have 2 kids, and we have found it not be stressful at all. We are happier as a family. Our sponsor gave us a new car and we pay $50 dollars a week on it. It just goes to show, that you dont have to come out with thousands, just an eagerness and you can do it. We are now living in a nice house, and we are totally happy. -END QUOTE


Ive been looking back through old threads and come across this and many more discussing us mad poms going over with a lot less than £10k! My point is this was posted round about May 08, and with the economic climate now, was wondering how people are managing? There is no way we are going with £10k (much less!!) although my hubby has been sponsored and does have a fab wage when we get there, Isnt it all about determination, as the above post shows? I do worry LOADS about money, but its only what i do here most of the time! All comments appreciated.....




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Totally agree Sarah!!

We started out in our marriage with some stuff most of which was second hand or donated by friends and family. We had cheap second hand cars (and I mean Cheap) and a private rented flat.

When I look back then I realise how much happier we were then, we went to work, paid the bills and saved some money. Then we bought a house....why? because everyone else did......and of course we could use the equity as our nest egg! Then we upgraded to a bigger one....with a bigger mortgage and bigger utility bills! Then we had less spending money at the end of each month so it was time to fall back on the credit card.

We are awaiting approval for our 457 visa. We do not plan to return to the UK so we have our house on the market (not that there is a housing market in the UK at the moment)

So far we have reduced our asking price twice by large sums in as many months. Initially we were going to OZ with a few bob. This has been severely erroded to the point we will be in a similar position to lots of other people on this site.

BUT.... go we will. we have done it once and we can do it again. I do not think we can let out dream go simply because of money. And of course like most people we can be creative and frugal if need be because we have been there....with a wealth of experience and knowledge we did not have years ago.

Come on guys....think positive!!


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Guest sarahjustwishing
Totally agree Sarah!!

We started out in our marriage with some stuff most of which was second hand or donated by friends and family. We had cheap second hand cars (and I mean Cheap) and a private rented flat.

When I look back then I realise how much happier we were then, we went to work, paid the bills and saved some money. Then we bought a house....why? because everyone else did......and of course we could use the equity as our nest egg! Then we upgraded to a bigger one....with a bigger mortgage and bigger utility bills! Then we had less spending money at the end of each month so it was time to fall back on the credit card.

We are awaiting approval for our 457 visa. We do not plan to return to the UK so we have our house on the market (not that there is a housing market in the UK at the moment)

So far we have reduced our asking price twice by large sums in as many months. Initially we were going to OZ with a few bob. This has been severely erroded to the point we will be in a similar position to lots of other people on this site.

BUT.... go we will. we have done it once and we can do it again. I do not think we can let out dream go simply because of money. And of course like most people we can be creative and frugal if need be because we have been there....with a wealth of experience and knowledge we did not have years ago.

Come on guys....think positive!!


Hi Ken,


You are SO right! We have been in a very similar situation to you with the house etc.. we rent now, so havent got a few thousand coming from a sale! Im damn sure it will work, im under no illusion its going to be hard- particularly with another baby on the way, but its just made us all the more determined to go for it- how many people do you speak to and they say "oh i wish id done it" i dont want to get to 70 and have any regrets, The worst senario is we come back-we"ll still have each other!



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If I was to go now, after buying my tickets I'd have about £300!!


If my plans work out well and luck is on my side then I should hopefully have in the region of £10k to take with me.


I haven't got a job to walk into out there, so I'll be trawling agencies from the moment I land and will take anything they can give me to help me get on my feet.

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Guest guest17301

Hi Sarah,

As you know we are in a similar position to yourselves..just go for it..easy for me to say but why stress about money when you have none! Just live within your means, as long as you can afford to get there and buy the things you need (maybe second hand) once there, and you have a steady income I don't see a problem. Yeah it would be nice to have thousands to take but hey, you'd only spend it!

Take care Fiona xx

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If I was to go now, after buying my tickets I'd have about £300!!


If my plans work out well and luck is on my side then I should hopefully have in the region of £10k to take with me.


I haven't got a job to walk into out there, so I'll be trawling agencies from the moment I land and will take anything they can give me to help me get on my feet.



I am hoping that this time we will have a little more money, but then, we are older than most of you etc etc etc!


Anyway, I just wanted to add that Oz is pretty good for yard sales and I know that you can furnish a house gradually by looking around.


I am looking forward to getting rid of some pretty nasty flat pack furniture we have had for far too many years and starting afresh to some extent. But I have no intention of spending thousands on furnishings if I can help it! Ikea here we come.

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well were going with less , and we are taking some stuff but were heading to perth and were just going to go with the view lifes a bit like a jigsaw puzzle , we have to put it together again at the other end and as long as we can pay rent food, bills , etc and we have health then we can add the missing pieces bit by bit ! were going to be looking at the quokka wich is a paper that sells everything second hand , so its going to be like we were 15 years ago at the start no kitchen for two years!! oh well, im hoping that we will be out more anyway! thewest.com.au is a paper and they do adverts for the quokka as well as its own addition, and garage sales too! where theres a will ....

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Hi Sarah,

As you know we are in a similar position to yourselves..just go for it..easy for me to say but why stress about money when you have none! Just live within your means, as long as you can afford to get there and buy the things you need (maybe second hand) once there, and you have a steady income I don't see a problem. Yeah it would be nice to have thousands to take but hey, you'd only spend it!

Take care Fiona xx

you took the words right out of my mouth. Have a great time

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I came here last year as a single mum with my 2 kids aged 8 and 9. I had a job to come to on a 457 visa. I came here with 10 suitcases of clothes , about $2000 and had to start work 3 days after i got off the plane. Luckily my parents live about 4 hours away so when i got off the plane , we went house hounting the next day, took 1st house I seen in bayside nesr beach , the kids went to my parents for a few weeks while I started work, bought furniture, enrollled at school etc.


I now have a nice rental , all my furniture, a better job , passed my test and got a car albeit an old one but hey it just shows that anyone can do it so dont be nervous or scared, lives too short !!

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We arrived in Sydney with £3500 and have managed quite well. Most of that went on the first months rent and deposit on a Unit though. It can be done...you just cant buy as much stuff as you'd like to when you get somewhere. We currently sit on beanbags ($50 a pop from KMart) and have been lent a fridge and small telly and double bed by people we have met since we got here.


£10k is a hell of a lot of money....wish we'd had that much cos then I wouldn't be bothering to look for casual work until my new job starts and I could just laze about on the beach all day. ;-)

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We will be coming out with less than £10K, although my OH has a job when we get there. His employers will also be buying a car for us on finance and we will be paying them back out of his weekly wage.


Ive basically made a list of what we need to settle comfortably. Ive done an awful lot of research on buying household items etc, ie., furniture, white goods etc so theres no big surprises when we get there. Ikea is a great site - if you have one locally to where you live. You can basically get everything you need (apart from electricals).


Heres my list:

Furnishing / Settiing up Home - $8,000

Rental Deposit / Bond - $1500

Rent for 3 weeks - $,1,100

School fees for consumables / books - $250 (contacted local schools)

School uniforms - $450 (buying their shoes in UK)

Car Rental for 3 weeks - $1800

Food - $600

Petrol - $200

Furnished accommodation for 3 weeks - $800 (already paid half as deposit)

Other expenses (just in case) - $1,000


That amounts to just under $17,000 - £7,000 MAX.


I'll make our house our home as the months go buy. Lifes what you make it, if your willing to make sacrifices, work hard then I cant see the need for taking thousands.



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blimey - im glad ive read this post !

it really hits home the point that money doesnt = happiness....

you are right it does not = happpiness but not having it it does = stress & this = unhappiness. I think I would like to be happy, this is why this site is so good you can give an opinion without been slated for it usualy.LOL

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We will be coming out with less than £10K, although my OH has a job when we get there. His employers will also be buying a car for us on finance and we will be paying them back out of his weekly wage.


Ive basically made a list of what we need to settle comfortably. Ive done an awful lot of research on buying household items etc, ie., furniture, white goods etc so theres no big surprises when we get there. Ikea is a great site - if you have one locally to where you live. You can basically get everything you need (apart from electricals).


Heres my list:

Furnishing / Settiing up Home - $8,000

Rental Deposit / Bond - $1500

Rent for 3 weeks - $,1,100

School fees for consumables / books - $250 (contacted local schools)

School uniforms - $450 (buying their shoes in UK)

Car Rental for 3 weeks - $1800

Food - $600

Petrol - $200

Furnished accommodation for 3 weeks - $800 (already paid half as deposit)

Other expenses (just in case) - $1,000


That amounts to just under $17,000 - £7,000 MAX.


I'll make our house our home as the months go buy. Lifes what you make it, if your willing to make sacrifices, work hard then I cant see the need for taking thousands.




Does yuor oh use the car for work, if he does try and get the car in your name and your payments and the company reimburse you as ypu can claim it on tax at the end of the financial year as well as all the flights and relocation costs



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Guest dan&nikki

but i know plenty of people who have money and this also = unhappiness & stress & marriage problems....

so to conclude - money = stress which = unhappiness,

NO money = stress which = unhappiness!!

so we're all doomed!! hahahaha

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but i know plenty of people who have money and this also = unhappiness & stress & marriage problems....

so to conclude - money = stress which = unhappiness,

NO money = stress which = unhappiness!!

so we're all doomed!! hahahaha



Get your point but it does help we came with £15000 but some baggage in Uk , got pr today, so thinkin Northern Rock take it out of my back tax Mr Darling



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Does yuor oh use the car for work, if he does try and get the car in your name and your payments and the company reimburse you as ypu can claim it on tax at the end of the financial year as well as all the flights and relocation costs




Thanks yorkshire pom for your suggestion. As the employers will be living locally they have said that they can pick OH up for work leaving me with the car for the kids/shopping etc., obviously he will use it when im not, which will probably be never. lol OH thinks this is OK in the short term but he said he will probably get a relatively cheap runaround car for work. We'll see how it pans out.

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Thanks yorkshire pom for your suggestion. As the employers will be living locally they have said that they can pick OH up for work leaving me with the car for the kids/shopping etc., obviously he will use it when im not, which will probably be never. lol OH thinks this is OK in the short term but he said he will probably get a relatively cheap runaround car for work. We'll see how it pans out.


2nd hand cars are not so cheap but on the tax siide save all your flight tickets, shipping costs , I reckon you coul wangle the motor , work clothes , sunscreen owt even costs if you went on arekky. Kepp all your receipts and next July bung it in to atax agent



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Hi, Great post! We were selling our house but it's fallen through on two occasions now. We almost gave up on our dream but have decided to rent the house in the new year. We would have gone with the equity from the sale etc, and obviously renting means now we will have much less money in our back pocket, but we just think it's not all about the money and house, it's the lifestyle we want to go for. We have decided that we are still going for it and not giving up on our dream. Why sit the recession out here when we can rent in Aus and sit it out in the sun!! :emoticon-signxmas:

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bernie, you totally read my mind there i think setting yourself a money limit is reasonable but sometimes you have to just go with what you can and make the move.

not saying if you had £10k to get rid of i would say no LOL...

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi guys only just seen this thread and its a cracker,

with the house market being as it is we thought it would be ages before we could put

things into action but with reading this thread we now have hope.

sell the house go with what we've got which won't be much and let's see

what australia throws at us no matter what it is at least it won,t be a bloody snowball lol


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Guest littlesarah

Hello All


Only just saw this thread, & I think it typifies this site & its users - people determined to have a shot at achieving their dream.


When I get worried about how we'll manage if we don't sell our house (which is likely, at the moment), I just think about how the £10 poms must've felt when they arrived! My in-laws did it that way, & had no idea that they'd live in 'hostels' (Nissen huts, rather communal)! But, my dad-in-law went & got a job the day after they arrived, & by sheer hard work & determination they ended up in Manly!


If anyone's really worried about work - I've been offered a couple of jobs by applying online. It may depend on your line of work (I'm a podiatrist, & they're crying out for us), but it's worth registering with an agency even. Then if you need it, you can have work lined up for as soon as you need it after you arrive.


Good luck to all.


Sarah x

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Guest guest17301

Well looking at our budget so close to us leaving..it's likely we will have around £3k to take with us! Out of that we will have to find deposit and rent in advance for long term let, some furniture, 2nd hand car etc. On the plus side we have the rental plus bills covered for the first 6 weeks and I will get my first paycheque around 5 weeks in.

Lots of attending garage sales and looking in the classifieds for us I think!

Good luck to all the other paupers going over soon..we can do it!

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Well looking at our budget so close to us leaving..it's likely we will have around £3k to take with us! Out of that we will have to find deposit and rent in advance for long term let, some furniture, 2nd hand car etc. On the plus side we have the rental plus bills covered for the first 6 weeks and I will get my first paycheque around 5 weeks in.

Lots of attending garage sales and looking in the classifieds for us I think!

Good luck to all the other paupers going over soon..we can do it!


hiya fi, so is there no nurses accomodation over there like here? we allways used to go to partys in the nurses flats in walton hospital,GREAT:wink:

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